Sunday, September 4, 2016

Really? You Want to Race Me in Your Family Sedan?

     It's been a long weekend, and I still have one day left of it. Holiday weekends tend to be miserable for me. Simply because I have an inability to reach out to people to do something. In my head, I believe they have much better things to do, than to hangout with me. I also believe that I will be imposing the entire time I'm there. Keeping that in mind, my weekend has been very solitary, and will continue on that path until I head back to work on Tuesday. I'm looking forward to that.

     As the title would imply, someone decided that they needed to race me on my bike, while they were in a family sedan. Yesterday, I was in the mood for a beer, because I hadn't had one in several weeks, maybe even a month. I grabbed my backpack and a growler, and hopped on Saki. I know what you are thinking. You don't drink when you are on the bike. Why are you riding to get a beer? First off, don't be so condescending with your tone. Second. I was heading to my favorite brewery to get a growler filled with said beer, and then heading home. The brewery is about a half hour from my house, so I was just cruising down the road. I was going about 10 over the speed limit, but traffic was real light and easy going. All of a sudden, I saw a car coming up from behind me. He swerved over into the passing lane, and blew past me. He then cut in front of me, and tapped his brakes. If you have ever raced anyone, that is a sign to let the person behind you, that you just blew their doors off. I found this funny and unnecessary, because I was just riding down the road, and wasn't trying to race anyone. About a half mile down the road, he was stopped at a red light. I saw an open lane, so I moved over to it, and as I was rolling up to the light, it changed green. I just kept rolling and accelerated normally. I of course went past him as he was still sitting at the light. I guess that didn't sit well with him. He came flying up the road and passed me, but this time as he did, he swerved over into my lane a bit. Now I know he is insane, so I stayed back.

     We came up to another light, and this one was much longer, so I ended up in the lane next to him. I could hear him revving his motor, so I watched the light, and waited. The best safety feature a vehicle can have sometimes, is the ability to go faster than the crazy people around you. This was going to be one of those cases. The light turned green, and I took off. When I was about 5 yards in front of him, I heard his tires chirp at the line. When I looked back again, he was about a hundred yards behind me. I stayed in from of him until I had to turn off. I got a glimpse of him as he passed, and saw that he was an older man, probably in his 60's. He was completely dejected by what had just happened to him. I later looked up what he was driving and found out why he looked so. I knew it was a Chevy, and that it was a four door sedan, what I didn't know, is that it was the Chevy SS Sedan, which boasts a 400+ hp motor. He really must have thought that he had a street monster at his beck and call.

     Here is the thing. Most cars on the road, aren't going to be able to win a race with a sport bike, so if you are out there, please stop trying. You put yourself, the rider of the bike, and all those on the road around you at risk. I had to stay on it, because I was worried that this guy was going to try and hit me the next time he went by me. I think the only reason he didn't try to hit me when I was waiting to turn, si because there was another car behind me waiting to turn as well. The entire time, I was looking in my mirrors to make sure that he stayed behind me, and once I had stopped, that he wasn't going to try to turn into me. My protective gear is only going to do so much in a crash, and maybe even nothing in a situation like that. If he would have hit me from behind, I doubt my helmet would do any thing other than hold my head on my shoulders.

     I forgot to mention Thursday night, that Grace Vanderwaal had made it to the finals of AGT. I was pretty sure that she was going to make it though. One of my other picks however, was on the bubble. Every week, they have three acts that are on the edge of elimination. They take those acts, and you can vote that night to save one of them, and then the other two are up in front of the judges to see who the final act to go through is. Tape Face is one of my favorites. He is just so funny, and his act is really nothing, but that is why it is so great. It's just ridiculous humor, and it's just fun. It's not mean spirited in anyway. If you haven't seen him before, he is a strange guy who wears a piece of tape over his mouth so that he can't talk, which is all part of his schtick. People ask him questions and he tries his best to answer through pantomime, and some times he just runs away. Here is his performance from Tuesday night, and see for yourself, that it is just odd and ridiculous fun.

     I can't help but smile and laugh during every one of his performances. They are just fantastic, and I wouldn't mind if he won the whole thing. I don't think he will, but I do think that he will be pretty high in the voting. I'm leaning towards one of the singers taking it all. I think it will be either Grace, or Brian Justin Crum. They have both been very good, and it will probably come down to who everyone likes best. I don't think that the winner will come down to, who does the better performance. Shows like this, have a tendency to sway towards the popular vote and that doesn't always line up with the absolute best performer. That doesn't mean that I think the winner is a bad act, just that maybe they won't be the best that night. We will see, I think there is one more semi-final round, or maybe two, I'm not really sure, so the finals will be in a couple of weeks or so. I'll keep you up to date.

     I want to go riding tomorrow, but it looks like the weather will not be cooperating. There are pretty god chances of a storm tomorrow morning, into the afternoon. I hope not. The weather reports have been pretty wrong lately. For instance, yesterday was supposed to have storms most of the day, but it was sunny all day, up until the evening.

     I have a bit of a headache for some reason right now, so I'm going to call it a night, and try to sleep it off. Peace in and goodnight.

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