Thursday, June 4, 2020

Do Better

     I have a feeling that I'm in for another sleepless night. Do you have any idea what it's like to be sitting in the same room with a persons that continually talks nonsensically nonstop? It's maddening. I really do feel like I'm losing a part of myself each and every day. There is no reason for when it starts or when it is absent. There is no correlation to actions or anything she eats, it just randomly starts up, and when it does, it doesn't stop. Today it was first thing in the morning, which usually means she will stay up talking and arguing with herself throughout the night and into tomorrow. The bright side of this, is that in a day or so, she will be so tired that she will actually sleep through the night, but in the meantime, I get no sleep. Even on those days that she sleeps through the night, I have become so anxious, that she will be up at any given time, that I still don't sleep well. I'm gettin by though, and that's all I can do.

     On a positive note, although I haven't weighed in this week, but I can tell by the mirror that I may have turned around that week or so of stress eating. I have done this by having set meals. In the morning I have my breakfast salad, and a protein shake. In the midday, I have cottage cheese (this week I've had some pork rinds with it), and then at dinner I have whatever I make. All being keto of course. By structuring my day like this, I have kept myself from stress eating. Set meals means no room for stress eating. As I said, it appears that it is working out really well. I will take my weight and measurements tomorrow and fill you in on Sunday.

     You may or may not know that this month is Pride month. This is the time of year that they usually have the Pride marches, parades and what not. Even though I have always felt like an ally, and with coming out as Pan last year, I never truly felt a part of the LGBTQIAP+ community (yeah I went with the full alphabet there). This is mostly by my own doing. I've never been a joiner, and have always felt better alone, but I felt this year it was time for me to do something different, so I'm going for joining the community as best I can. You don't have to worry, I'm not going to be outspoken, because that's not really who I am. As you have seen I rarely bring it up, and I'm only doing it now because it is Pride month. I will update you from time to time how things are going in that area. Oh, I will tell you that Queer Eye's newest season starts tomorrow, so I will be watching that, and I do suggest that you give it a try. You can learn a lot about cooking, decor and fashion. They also take the time to help each person break through their personal hangups. Even though this has little bearing on Pride, the new and final season of 13 Reasons Why comes out as well. Once again, if you have not watched that show, I suggest that you do, and you don't watch it alone.

     Now for those of you asking how you might help out the black community with all that's going on. I can't give you all the answers, but I can give you some ideas. First thing is, to start listening to what they have to say. It has been too long of us saying we are listening, but it's only with one ear. Stop doing that, and listen to every word and understand. If you don't understand ask questions, they will gladly be answered. Do your best to support black owned business in your community. If you don't know who they are, find out. The internet is an amazing tool. If you want to try a great online company for some really cool masks and clothing, I suggest DIOP. here is the link WEARDIOP Check them out, they have really cool stuff, that changes seasonally. Use your social media to boost those that need their voices heard. Share videos, images and stories that amplify the cause. It is time that we lift their voices up and tone ours down. We have said enough, it's time for them to talk. I will do all I can to lift up voices that truly need to be heard, and I hope you do the same. Peace in and goodnight.

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