Sunday, November 22, 2020

Will It Ever Change

      I didn't write last week, cause there really wasn't anything to write about. The days seem to blend into one another lately. I wake up, I deal with my mom who no longer has any idea who I am or where she is, then I go to sleep. Yes, I knew that was the choice I was making when I decided to take care of her full-time. What I didn't expect was to be so isolated due to a pandemic. I knew people would disappear, that's what has happened throughout my entire life. 

     Earlier this week, or last week, however you want to look at it, I saw an Instastory from someone I follow. I've met them once when I did a photoshoot with them. You might remember this shot, which I loved and had been wanting to get for some time.

     Anyway, she was posting a rant about her life and where she was right now, and I related to it, so I reached out to her as a friend to let her know that if she ever just wanted to talk to hit me up. The really good part is that we are planning a photoshoot again. One of her issues was people always wanting something from her. If it's a photographer they want money, or other things. I just want to do something creative again, so we are going to collaborate on this shoot, and possibly many more to come. We are planning the shoot for two weeks from now. That way I can let the person that sometimes picks up my mom some time to make arrangements so that they can be here for the time I need for the shoot. We are working on location and time now, but we have to figure it all out before next week, so I can give that person a weeks notice. I don't want them being caught off guard like I always am. Don't worry, I'm not turning this into a rant on how nobody gives me advanced notice of anything. Just pointing out facts of my life.

      Over the next few days I'll be working out with the camera to get in photo shape. By working out, I mean going around and taking pictures to get used to manually capturing photos again. You may remember that I like to be in total control of what I capture in the lens from the stand point of shutter speed, aperture, focal length. Yes, that makes thing much harder, but that also means that the images I capture are exactly what I want.

     I'm also expecting a lot of input from her as well. I want this shoot to be as much hers as mine, since the majority of picture will be hers for her portfolio. I'll be sharing my favorites here of course, but  her favorites will be for her own site and viewers.

     Latest update on my face. Yeah, that's a weird way to put it. My eyes began swelling up again last night, but I caught it early and minimized it. My skin is insanely dry to the point that my whole face is scaly and peeling. It has a constant burning feeling to it and it hurts. Today I'm pushing through the pain and forgoing moisturizer, just to see if my skin will work harder to heal itself. I've tried everything else, so why not give my own natural healing powers a chance to do their thing. I'm still not completely sure why it's still doing this, but I am narrowing down the possibilities, and I'm still convinced that it all stems from that beard dye that I used. I think that it weakened my skin to the point where anything will agitate it, hence the reason why I'm giving my own body a chance to do it's thing. 

      I've been looking into new organic and safe dyes, and found one that is a plant based henna dye. I'm not going to try them until all the color is out of my beard. That way if something happens I know it's the new dye, and not questioning whether it's the old stuff still doing it's thing. I got two colors. I went with a natural black, since I was surprised at how much I liked having a black beard. I also went with indigo, which based on what they say on their site, I should end up with a bluish colored beard. It's not the purple I want, but It will be fun to have an odd colored beard. From what they say, the lighter you start out, the more blue it will look. Since I'll be going from grey, it should be a nice shade of blue. The more I use it, the darker to black it will get, so I'll have to spread out how often I color it, if it all works out. The natural black, should turn it to a deep brown color and only get darker as I use it. Although the idea for the pictures I wanted to get need the black beard, I think I'm going to go with the indigo first, so I can enjoy a little color in my life. Maybe I'll come up with some other makeup for a character that should have a blue beard. Regardless of that, it's going to be maybe a month before I can do it. I still have quite a bit of brown left from that crappy dye.

     Time for Favorite Song of the Week. This week I came across The Crow on TV, and did what I naturally do. I watched it. I love that movie and that soundtrack. One of the best songs on it is from one of my favorite all time bands, so I wanted to share my joy with you of watching that movie and reliving all those feelings of the 90's. Here is Nine Inch Nails with "Dead Souls".

     Have a great week, Oh and don't forget to read The Patchwork Knight on Medium. It is up on the site for free, and I really want people to read it. Peace in and goodnight.

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