Sunday, April 10, 2022

A Chance To Succeed

     This has been an exceptional week, but before I get into that I need to tell you about what I received in the mail on Monday, which is still part of this past week, but is also a piece of my history.

     That is my Grandmother's paddle. The special thing about it is that it has all the names of my relatives on it for each time they were paddled. That Suzy is my cousin who subbed in her dogs name, which cracks me up beyond anything you could imagine. My Grandmother would tell me each time I was visiting that this would be the time that I sign my name to the paddle, but it never happened. See I was a really good kid, and I also saw it as a challenge to not get my name on it, so I was always on my best behavior, whic is more than likely what my Grandmother truly had in mind. She was a sneaky old broad, and I use that in the most affectionate of ways. She was a pro at reverse psychology. On one of my last visits up there before she died, she told me that if I could keep my name off the paddle, that it would be mine when she passed on. When she passed it wasn't even on my mind, because when I went there for her funeral, I was so broken and devastated that I didn't even think about the paddle, but when time came to think about it we always got some strange replies, so I had fully believed that my cousin had thrown it in the trash burning barrel, because she hated it. I had totally given up hope that it still existed and didn't even mention it to my cousin when we reconnected. Well, my sister who doesn't believe in giving up got word to my cousin and she reached out to me with an exchange deal. The paddle for a picture. I will be shipping the picture out this week to fulfill my part of this exchange, but I finally have my paddle. 

     I can't even explain to you the thrill and excitement that I felt when I saw that package and carefully cut it open. my cousin did an exception job of taping it up so that no air what so ever could get in or out. Right now I have it hanging on the wall next to me, but I have an idea for a hanging box with clear windows on either side so that I can maybe hang it in the middle of the room and you can see both sides of the paddle when it is on full display. For me, this is a center piece item and I will put it there eventually. My Grandmother was an amazing women and I am so proud to have just a tiny piece of who she was, and if you knew her, you would understand why this is a piece of her. She was a piece of work to say the least, but she is the largest influence in my life.

     Now for the rest of the week. On Monday I also began my security training. This is the type of thing in the past I would feel tremendous amounts of anxiety over. Going to a new place, to do a new thing, far from my home with unplanned traffic patterns that could make me late, with new people that I do not know. These were all things that in the past would cripple me. The drive would be full of questions and doubting with each slow down making things worse, and as I got closer would make my stomach turn more and more until I would have to throw up. None of that happened this time. Yes all of the above was true and the traffic was even more unpredictable than I even predicted. I left an hour and 30 minutes before class was supposed to begin and arrived with only 15 minutes to spare, which is late for me. I made an adjustment the second day, and then again on the third and finally hit my half hour early mark. The last day I just went crazy and left a full 2 hours early because I needed to get gas. Anyway back to the class. From the start I met some really great people. From what our instructor told us, our class was small, but that probably made it better, there was this sense of family with everyone. Everyone wanted everyone to succeed, and you could tell that our instructor wanted that as well. He truly cared about the students and the industry he is a part of. The classes were long and it took me a couple of days to settle into how I prepared for it, eating what to drink and what not were all questions I didn't really plan for, but figured it all out.

      I already had a phone interview planned with a company for Friday, so I knew I had a potential employer on the line, but on the final day of class our instructor had a specific name for it. He called it "Professional Thursday", he called it that for a reason. We were to dress business ready and as if we were going to go on an interview. Even with the knowledge that I had  that interview, I still dressed the part, slacks, dress shirt, and tie. I know it's a little conceded, but I looked good. On that last day we watched our first video of the day and about an hour or so before our lunch break a visitor came in. Our instructor had this planned, his goal as he said was to have us leave with jobs. Not the ability to safely get one, but actual jobs. There were two gentlemen in there to help us out with this. One was from a security agency in D.C.. He was there for more advice and a different perspective in teaching than our instructor, and although it was that different perspective, you could easily see that they were cut from the same cloth. The other happened to be the Assistant Director form the largest security firm in the world, which just so happens to be the firm that I applied to and had the phone interview for. He gave us a lot of great advice and insight into not only the business but his company. He truly seemed like the type of guy that made things happen. After his talk with us, it was interview time. I had already told him I had an interview and asked his advice so there was no real need for me to interview with him. Oh, I should point out that when my instructor was asking what you would look for in an interviewee, he had me stand up and the AD without hesitation said, "yes" to me as a potential employee, not just and interviewee. Back to the interview. About half the class lined up for the interview and when the last one went in, my instructor came up to me and said you should go in there despite your interview, he might be able to help you out with it. I of course said why not, it couldn't hurt anything at all, so when the final person came out I got up and walked into the room. I told him how much of a pleasure it was to meet him and how I enjoyed what he had to say, then I gave my pitch for why I was there as if I was interview with him. He asked where I wanted to be located and I told him but that it was a choice of chance and that I would truly be willing to go anywhere in my area, because I wanted to learn and see every part of what the job had for me to see. He then looked me directly in the eye and told me that he was going to recommend me for a supervisor position within the company. I was blown away, because I have no problem starting at the bottom and working my way up, which I will do, but to have that kind of backing for a job is an incredible stroke of luck and I'm not going to turn it down.

     This goes back to my instructor and what he said about setting us up for success and that there was no reason why we shouldn't leave his class without a job or at least an offer of one. Of the people that spoke with the AD, two have confirmed jobs, one is going directly into a supervisor role, and 1 for sure is being looked after and the AD is in a search for something in his area to put them into, and I have the recommendation for a supervisor position.

     Now comes the bit of bad news. My phone interview never happened on Friday. I reached out to the interviewer, because the email confirmation I got had their email to contact them if any changes occurred, and they told me that they had been in meetings all day and forgot. Then they asked if they could contact me on the weekend or Monday, which I of course said yes to, but got no reply of exactly when they would call. Since yesterday passed with no call I'm going to assume that they have chosen Monday. Here is the reason I'm not really all that worried. The AD gave me his card and said that if I have any problem what so ever, to reach out to him. Also my instructor told us to always come to him and he would help us out any way he could. He is also hiring for his security firm, but he and the AD are in the Orlando area and right now that isn't really practical for me, but I would take it if it came down to it and make it work. I have options, and they are all good ones.

     I have my certificate, but not the license. I still need to apply for it at the Dept. of Agriculture. Which is basically a background and fingerprinting process with a fee in order to get the actually license, but they will issue a temporary license while you wait for the actual one. Once you get the temporary you can go immediately to work. My appointment for that is at 8 am in Orlando on Wednesday. Then I go back to my instructor on Saturday for my baton/handcuff/pepper spray certification. That is a 4 hour class in which I get pepper sprayed, this should be real fun. This certification gives my employer the possibility of using me in different situations and keeps them covered from liability. It also gives me a hands on experience with these tools of the trade. Like I said to the AD, I want to learn, and this certification is the next step for me. Right now, I'm considering my "G" license which would allow me to be armed security. The class is a little intimidating for a few reasons. The first of which is I haven't fired a weapon in decades. Am I confident I could hit a target? Yes, but I doubt I would bullseye that sucker. One of the other big reasons is that you have to display your ability to shoot from your weak side, which is something I have never done at all, and that is a bit terrifying. The last reason is that I don't own a firearm, so my plan is to get one and begin training, not only for the standard disciplines but also that weak side, which is where I think I will put a big part of my focus and drive into. The "G" license will allow me even more possibilities within the industry and allow me to work on a federal level. My instructor also mentioned that after 2 years in the industry that you could possible move over into law enforcement, the time in security actually counts as on the job training for law enforcement. I'm sure there is more to it than just that, but the potential is there. Would I want to go into law enforcement? Right now, no, but who knows how my mind might see things in the future. I won't close the door on that possibility, because of the potential to learn more and more.

      Whatever I do from here on out, the one thing I do know, is that I'm set up for a rather lucrative career, which is something my life has always lacked. I've always had jobs and those were great, but there was always something missing, but I think I finally found what that was.

      One last photo before I get to Favorite Song of the Week. This is of the outbloom of my desert rose. It has gone crazy with blooms this week what with spring being sprung. It's foliage is thin compared to what it was last fall, but I can see new growth that will bring all that back.

     I can't believe how many flowers are on that plant. I'm so impressed with it each and every day that I look at it.

     Ok, today's Favorite Song of the Week is connected to this weeks Friday Night Vinyl. I've been patiently waiting for the right time to share this album with everyone, because of how gorgeous the vinyl is. No I don't have a picture of it for you here so you'll just have to go to the Instagram for the impressive black and white splatter on clear vinyl. I mean come on, just the description sounds amazing. Anyway this weeks song comes from Harry Styles, and I know I'm going to get some grief for this, but I strongly feel that there is David Bowie vibe from this young man. I just get the sense that they approach music in a similar fashion and you can't avoid the fashionable comparison between the two as well. This may be the biggest song off the album and I believe it was the first single from it. I'm choosing this one because of just how fun and catchy it is. Here is Harry Styles with his single "Watermelon Sugar".      

      I highly recommend this album "Fineline" as well as his first one. They are great albums that will more than likely surprise you. Don't get caught up in the whole former boyband member thing and just enjoy the music. It's really good stuff, and I can see this kid becoming an icon at some point. He's not there yet, but he is well on his way. If you get the chance look up his cover of Peter Gabriel's Sledgehammer. It will blow your mind.

    Ok, that's all I got for this week and it feels like a lot. I'll update you next week on the job and how the new certificate training went with being pepper sprayed and all. Peace in and goodnight.

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