Saturday, April 2, 2022

This To Shall Pass

      Thought I would write tonight because I have absolutely nothing to do other than watch TV or play games. Writing just seemed more productive. Yes, I could work on the painting, but I'm still in that standstill of trying to get ideas to win out. I did work on the new frame. I have all the pieces cut out and the routing done to round the inner edge. I also sanded the bulk of it today. I still have a little more sanding to do before I decided to assemble, and then I'll start the staining. I haven't decided if I'm going to light it or not. I do have some normal white light LEDs that I could use, but I don't think I want to go that route with this one. I'll figure it all out.

     This week has been just short of a disaster. Once again all my plans for making money crumbled, and the bank which said that I only needed to produce the death certificate would free up the funds so that I could distribute them as my mom wished, told me I needed a tax ID. I went through the online process and some how really screwed it up. Contacted the IRS to figure out how to fix it and they said a hand written letter with the changes that needed to be made would have to do and that would take approximately 30-40 days. The money in that account was my last hope of having something to tide me over until I could find employment. I can tell you that my family came through when it truly mattered the most and propped me up, so I'm covered financially for the time being. If I budget properly I should be able to make it a month and a half before I absolutely need money again, and by that time some of the finances and policies my mom left behind should start coming in. Also I'm hoping to have a job by then as well. I did apply for a security position and went through a rather unique video interview. They apparently liked what they saw in my answers and have scheduled a phone interview. Now, this was also a disaster because I originally scheduled the phone interview for yesterday, which as Friday, but it was cancelled almost immediately. I', sure it was just a double booking and I was the overbook. They gave me options for another interview, but they were all for Monday, and Monday I begin that course to get my license for security work. Ok, I'm going to tell you the title of the license, but mind the gutter. It's called a "D" License, and allows you to do security work. They did allow me to schedule my appointment for another day and since Friday is my first free day, that's when I booked it. I'm hoping that with my previous interview and with the fact that I should be licensed by the time of the phone interview, that I get the job, but only time will tell with that.

    Oh yeah, I did forget to talk about Pokemon last week, and since I can't really remember what I was going to talk about, and I really have nothing new to report this week, you are off the hook again.

     I nearly buried the lead on this whole thing, but I did get to pick up my Mom's remains this week, hence having the death certificates. She is back home and waiting to be scattered. I did have 3 small portions separated out, so that I can send her ashes to various locations across the country that I feel she would approve of being scattered as well. The bulk of the ashes will be scattered in the garden in the backyard, but I'm going to wait until my Sister can be here. The plan is that we will go together to pick out some plants to put in this years garden, plant them and then spread her ashes. She love sitting and starring at that garden, up until she no longer had the desire to go outside. It was too much of an ordeal for her in the last few months, but that is where she wanted to be laid to rest. It is actually in the trust agreement that she be scattered in the backyard. The other parts weren't mentioned, but I felt she would approve of the locations I picked for her.. I may try to save a small portion and make a trip to Colorado. She always wanted to go, but never got the chance, so I would love to give her one last trip so that she can be a part of the Rockies. 

     It has been a stormy day today, and Morty took it like a champ. He was clingy, but he never got overly hyper like he tends to do when there are big thunderstorms. Although we got a lot of rain, the thunder was somewhat mild, so that helped out a lot. I can't tell you how much these dogs have helped me out these last few weeks. Although I don't get much sleep because now both of them have to be in the bed with me each night. I should tell you about Wednesday night. Oh boy was that horrible. That morning I wanted to get rid of the cold brew that I made, because I had new coffee beans that I wanted to try out. I got them at a place near by called Bold Cup Coffee. Anyway, I had the entire container which is half a quart and I drank it all in a couple of hours. Now, I pretty much have 1 maybe 2 cups of coffee in some form a day, if I have it so 5 large glasses of cold brew was a lot, and I was wired, but I thought that I had it early enough that it wouldn't bother me. I was wrong. I tried to go to bed at my normal time and just laid there for hours. I finally got up just before 3 and went out for my drive with the dogs, and it was as if I got a full 8 hours of sleep. I was wide awake. When I got back I attempted to lay down and fall a sleep, but sleep didn't come until 6:30 in the morning and then my fur alarm went of at 8 because Ri Ri felt that I didn't need anymore sleep. Even with only an hour and a half of sleep I felt fine, but wasn't 100%. I was a little more scatter brained than usual and struggled through the day, but just not doing anything. Well, that's not entirely true, because I was making phone calls trying to track down life insurance policies and brokerage accounts. I did keep my focus for those, but when I got in touch with the lawyer that oversaw my Mom's trust agreement, I veered off course a bit and forgot to ask a few questions. It wasn't real important, because I will more than likely see her in two weeks. As I said I'm busy next week. I did finally get to sleep Thursday night at around 10 and then woke up around 2:30. That was plenty of sleep for me. I did go back in and lay down after the drive and got a couple more hours in. By the way, that lawyer is fantastic and is doing me a solid by cutting her costs and doing things for a very low rate. It's mostly because she really liked my Mom as a client, so kudos to the Mommo for being awesome.

     If this week goes as plan, I will complete that course and get my license, then on Friday I will be busy with a few different things. I want to film the final review of this season, which by the way our latest video is up on our YouTube page at The Pepperoni Report, please go check it out. I also am planning on getting my second booster shot. The CDC just approved a second booster for people 50 and over, sadly I fall in that category. If you are eligible you should wait until 4 months after your first booster. I got mine in early November, so I'm at the 5 month mark now, so I'm going for the super powers with this one. It might finally happen. I think I deserve it after the last few years. I should also mention that this pandemic is not over and another wave should be here soon, hence why I'm getting boosted. You can do what you want, but remember don't just do it for you, do it for everyone around you. Those are my 50 cents. Yeah inflation turned those 2 cents into 50 now.

     With that, it's time for Favorite Song of the Week. Miley Cyrus, yes I'm a Smiley, dropped a live album this week, and the thought occurred to me that she has a very wide catalog. I mean you go back to the Hannah Montana days, and then you go to her pop/country days, soon after then her pop/club days, then the hippy days, to the current rock goddess that she is now. So I'm of course choosing a song from this album and why not choose the one she did that was written by her Godmother. By the way, her Godmother is Dolly Freaking Parton. So here is Miley Cyrus with her cover of her Godmother, Dolly Parton's song "Jolene".

     I've listened to the whole album and it's really good. She covers the hits and throws in a few covers that she pulls off rather well. I think she chose well with her set list. I think these were all recorded during her tour of South America, which is a pretty fast turn around, since she just finished that tour, and caught Covid along the way, which is once again why I'm getting boosted and continue to wear a mask everywhere I go.

     Stay safe out there people and do me a favor, do your best to make one person surprised happy this week. That would be the best way to honor my Mom and my family for helping me out especially this week, so be your kindest. Peace in and goodnight.

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