Sunday, March 27, 2022

One On Top Of the Other

      Right now I'm trying to make the best out of a pretty crappy week. Warning, this one may have some adult language sprinkled in for pizzazz. I allowed myself to actually sleep in today, since I had no commitments for today, and I can go spin Pokestops later to get gifts for friend, more on this gifts later. Yeah we are having a pokemon discussion later. This is my party I can do what I want to and as I said, make the best of a crappy week. I also have a coffee next to me which is Bulletproof brand and it's quite good. I found the pods on my last, which could actually be my last visit to the grocery store in the foreseeable future, more on that later as well. Ok, so that's what I'm doing today, so what is the reason/s for all of this?

     I started the week out with the plan of using that app I told you about to pick up shift work to make some money while I'm both figuring out all the stuff with my mom, and also figuring out what I'm going to do in the long term. See, short term plans. Well, those plans were dashed to hell when I went in the app to search and all the shift work had shifted to the other side of the state, which I just can't do. That's a minimum 2 1/2 drive there, do a shift and then that same drive back. It also looks like most of the shifts available are actually 3 hours away which just adds sprinkles to that crap sandwich (see I can still keep it clean despite the warning, but words are coming). I did get several notifications of some work closer by, but they only give me a 1-2 hour window to book the job then get ready for it, and even in the app they say you need to book with a 24 hour notice, so what's the deal with that. The app seems like a bust at this point, but I haven't given up completely on it yet.

     A neighbor told me about doing security work which he does, I would just have to get a specific license to do it. I registered for the class, which is set for next week, since I need this week open to deal with lawyers and taking care of my mothers financial stuff once I get the death certificates (more on this as well). One problem, when they sent my confirmation for the class, they just sent basic details which don't disclose the actual location of the class site, or the exact time it will be. I have time on this one, so that's not so bad, but it is still sort of a pile on of crappy things. He also told me to apply to the company he is with and they would handle the cost of the training. I went to the site, clicked on apply to job, and tried to upload my updated resume, and was told that the file was too large, which is impossible since it is only 37kb and the file upload allows for 5mb. I tried several times in alternate files before I finally got frustrated and just gave up. I will give it another shot again, but I just couldn't do it this week.

     Dealing with all this frustration and having Morty and Ri Ri being sick on alternate days. They got over it, but I had a few messes to clean up, and then to find that Taylor Hawkins died on Friday. If you don't know Taylor, you don't know the Foo Fighters. Taylor was the drummer, but he was much more than that. He also played guitar from time to time on stage as well as the occasional taking over on lead vocals when they would do certain cover songs. Queen covers stand out in this, since he was such a big Freddie Mercury fan. No, he didn't sound like Freddie, but he did a great job on the covers, which I approve of. If you ever saw him in interviews you could see what a likable and vivacious guy he was. That is probably some of what made Dave Grohl so fond of him. That and of course the creative aspect. Taylor joined the band on the third album and never looked back. He cowrote songs, and I'm pretty sure he was a driving force behind them doing the Dee Gees cover album. I also can't help but think about how this is going to effect Dave. They were like brothers, you rarely saw one without the other, and this was very similar to the relationship that Dave had with Kurt Cobain. As you may know Dave was devastated by that loss, and even swore to never play music again. If you read his Storyteller book he goes into how he over came that and formed the Foo Fighters, but even in that telling he limits what he says about Kurt and that time, because it still hurts so much to talk about. I can see this effecting Dave in the same way. The band has already released a statement saying that the music will go on, but I do believe that this may be the end of the Foo Fighters. I do think Dave is at a point in his life where he will continue music because he knows how it saved his life before, but going on with the Foo might be too difficult. People will say, but Dave, Taylor was in a band with you, but I absolutely know that Dave would say, "No, I was in a band with Taylor Fuckin' Hawkins". That is just the type of guy Dave is. I've seen in several interviews about how he was happy when Taylor joined the band, because they finally had a real drummer. He constantly talks about how he is a mediocre drummer at best with no technical skills. He just hits the skins and calls it a day, but he is far better than that, and that is his humble nature showing.

     I spent all of yesterday listening to the Foo, and of course I'm making a choice from them for Favorite Song of the Week. That will be coming up at the end.

     The week wasn't all doom and gloom. There are some highlights and now more than ever I have to cling to those when I can. I worked more on the painting and have decided to give you one more preview picture of it during the progress. I would say that I'm about 2/3rds finished at this point and am at a bit of a decision stand still. right now for one section I just have the fine tuning to do, but for the biggest portion I have a creative dilemma, which is having to many ideas for the same space, so I've taken a break until one of them becomes more clear. Once that happens I should be able to breeze through it. It's just a matter of time. Ok, here is the next picture in the progression of the painting. It won't be revealing very much at all, since it even covers up all the tape work I did on it. 

     Told you, it really doesn't give you any idea of direction. As you can see I did go with a spray paint again to help cover up that larger area, and yes it is the glitter paint I used on the last frame. Oh, I also went out and got wood for the new frame, and although I have ideas for it, none are set in stone right now other than the fact that I'm going to stain it rather than paint it. This one has to have a bit of class, which is why the other ideas for it aren't set in stone yet. I can't just do a flat square frame. I should say that these creative standstills aren't stress adding on, these are the fun things. Also having creative ideas in abundance is a renewed experience, I already have and idea for my next painting and I sketched the idea in a very rude way so that no one other than myself can decipher it. Basically I was very sloppy in an attempt to get the idea down before it left my head. I came up with the idea at the gym, which by the way is another good thing.

     Let's just get into the gym thing now since that came up. I have been hitting the gym again. It started because a friend wanted an accountabilibuddy, and I went for it. Today is my off day hence the no commitment day. I've been going on the regular and the time on the treadmill is that time where I'm getting a lot of these ideas. With music or a book in my ears, it gives my mind a chance to just churn and that is always when I got my best ideas. I know that doesn't sound like the way a mind should work, but that is always how my mind has worked. I've always needed music when I'm reading. For some reason that has always helped me focus on just the book, and creating the scene in my head. This is no different in that the music or in this case a book helps my mind be free to go into unchartered worlds of creativity. I wish I could explain it better. I even had someone tell me that there is a term for that, but I don't remember what it was, I just know that it works for me, and I had forgotten all about it until I got back in the gym. Yes, I will have some accountability photos coming up so that you can see my progress. I can say that my weight has been stable at 165ish. I've also been for the most part OMAD, although not always the healthiest of meals.

     Before I go off on a tangent into health and what not, we still have a few more good things from this week and the final bad thing, as well as FSOTW. Ok on to the last of the good things. They of course include the pups. They bring me so much joy, joy which I probably don't deserve. Anyway, just yesterday I had gotten home from the gym, it opens at 7 on Saturday and Sunday, and let the dogs out. Both of them have been feeling good over the last couple of days, so Ri Ri got the zoomies. If you don't know what the zoomies are, then you clearly haven't had a dog. What happens is they get this tremendous boost of energy and simply run around at top speed. Morty did not have the zoomies and was struggling to keep up. Now this isn't a tell on Morty's age, when he gets the zoomies, Ri Ri can't keep up with him. Well. The zoomies of Ri Ri were finally subsiding and she took a brief sit on the ground. Morty sauntered up to her, stood right next to her, and out of nowhere, he simply sprung straight up in the air and landed on top of her. Now, this wasn't a striding jump like you would normally see, it was an actual surprise leap, from all fours in coordination straight up into the air. I could not stop laughing. It was as if Morty was simply stating, enough of this fucking running around shit. Well, Ri Ri growled at him and he barked at her, and they were off for one final sprint across the yard. I guess Morty's persuasion worked, because they wanted to go inside and lay down right after that. I'm still laughing at it right now picturing it in my head. Oh yeah, a couple of puppy pics for you. 

     This is Morty fully engrossed in his Pupster ice cream cup. I think that one was bacon and cheese flavored. It cracks me up how he puts that puppy paw death grip on it so that it doesn't slide away. Ri Ri picks hers up and takes it into anther room. There have been dust ups over those puppy ice cream cups.

     This is Ri Ri hiding in the fence jungle. I got the picture just a little late and she was coming out, but she was deep in there just sitting and waiting. What for? I have no idea, but it made me laugh. They are good at that. They have also been sleeping with me each night, which is both enjoyable and annoying. I love having them with me, but I am not comfortable at all. I do have to say one last Ri Ri thing. When my mom died, we had to get rid of the hospital bed. They came the next day to pick it up, when I took the bed clothes off the bed I threw my mom's big furry blanket on the floor just to get it out of the way. Well, I haven't been able to move it, because Ri Ri made it one of her many beds. I've just left it there for her. She really loved my mom and was very protective of her, so if that blanket gives her comfort, who am I to take that away from her.

     Ok, time for Favorite Song of the Week before I get into that final bad thing. As I stated this is going to be a Foo Fighters song, and even though they did release a new album (it's a death metal album by the way) I'm not choosing a song from that. I am in fact going to choose a song where Taylor is singing so you can see that side of his talent. This comes from that Dee Gees album I spoke about that I think Taylor was a driving force behind. This was the one song on the album that really wasn't the Bee Gees, but their little brother Andy, which meant that they had to have a different singer and that singer was none other than Taylor Fuckin' Hawkins. It is with great pleasure that I give you the Dee Gees with "Shadow Dancing".


     Do I really have to go into how great a job they did with this cover album and how great Taylor's voice is on this. Let's not even gloss over the Phil Collins double duty he is pulling by singing while drumming. I can remember seeing a live version of this from their tour over the summer and seeing Taylor's son at the base of his drum kit filming the crowd and stage on his phone. The loss for his sone hurts me the most. The stuff he is going to miss out on now is just heartbreaking.

    Ok, time to wrap this up with that final hit in the gut to me this week. Since I have been out of work for the past 3 years, I have been relying on my mother's finances for support, paying bills, buying grocery's and all that good stuff. I was at Target yesterday picking up a few things that I needed and when I tried to use her debit card, it was denied. I thought it must have been a card reader error, since I have kept a very close eye on things and made sure that funds were always available, so I tried it again, and same response. I had to use my already bursting at the seams credit card to cover the cost. Oh the debt free life isn't for me. I'm almost sure that when the funeral home contacted social security, that SS sent out an alert to her banking and shut down the account. This was my short short term plan to take care of things until I could get the death certificates and extricate all funds and get things going in the next direction. I'm going to have to go to the bank tomorrow and see what I can do otherwise I am down to only about $400 dollars in my account, and they way things are going, that is going to have to last me a month until I can get work with that security license. Oddly enough as stressful as this should be, I am not stress at all. I have this weird feeling that things are some how going to work out the right way eventually. I just hav no idea when eventually is. I know that there will be some money coming to me, just how much I have no real idea. I a minimum which isn't a whole lot, and there has been talk about a life insurance policy which I have found nothing on, so I'm just not even considering that and only sticking with the small amount that I know of. The good news I guess, is that small amount would be enough to cover bills for maybe 2 months which would give me time to start earning as a security guard, but I do believe there is going to be an in between before those fund will get to me. That in between is the big question mark. I'll figure it out, that's what I've been doing for the last 3 years. I had no clue on how to care for my mom, but I figured it out, and I'll figure this out as well. Peace in and goodnight.

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