Saturday, June 4, 2022

Ups And Downs And Rounds And Rounds

     I guess it's time to get to the stuff I wanted to talk about last week. Oh, I should mention that I'm writing this on Sunday night, because I'll be at work tomorrow at 6 in the morning. I could wait until after work to write it, but I have a few other things I'm hoping to get done tomorrow. That is all contingent on this tropical system getting out of here. Outside stuff must be done. I'll get to that. 

     I posted this picture late last week when I was working at that building that housed mission control for the Starliner launch. I added a caption stating how lucky and privileged I was to get to work next to that building every day. I may have spoken too soon. It seems that despite my supervisor telling me that I was full time at the space center site. The supervisors above him have decided that they hired me as part time, and despite my performance and all that great feedback that I've gotten from my supervisor and actual Boeing employees, they are knocking me back down to part time, and putting me on my original schedule. This is with them also hiring back people that left the company to move onto "greener pastures", and then coming back and getting their choice of job sites. My supervisor is getting moved to a new site, and they are bringing in an old supervisor from this site, as well as an old overnight officer to full time. Yeah, I feel a little burnt by all of this, my now and soon to be former supervisor has my back and wants to take me with him as he moves up the ladder, but that will take some time. For now, I'm going to tow the company line and do as I'm asked, but this means I'm going to have to hustle even harder than I have been to make up the difference. Something else happened that I'm not allowed to talk about but it does feel like me getting bumped down coinciding with this incident, seems like a little bit of punishment for doing the right thing. To put in a way that may be more understandable, it's someone in power trying to make sure I know my place. Sometimes the right thing can put you in a bad situation. 

      As of now, my schedule has me of Monday-Wednesday, and I head back to the current site for Thursday, then my next scheduled day is Saturday and Sunday at that original site I trained at. The problem I have with that, is that isn't the schedule I was originally promised. Originally it was Thursday and Friday at the current site, and Saturday and Sunday at the training site. If they cut my hours down that much I'm going to have to search out another security company to work for. I've been told that the VAB is run by a different company and that there are openings there. I'll look into it if needed. Like I said. I'm going to tow the company line for right now and see how things play out.

     Lately, I've been having a bit of a rough time adjusting to things. Ok, maybe it's more of a mental state adjustment. The thing that gives me time to fill any open days on the job is also the thing that is causing me this weird mental state. I have no life outside of work. I wake up, feed the dogs, go to work, come home, watch a little TV, then go to sleep and start all over again. When my mom was around I at least had someone to talk to. She may not have understood everything, but I could speak to someone about accomplishments and goals and get some sort of response. I love my dogs, but they can't give me a response to those types of things, so a very unorthodox loneliness has set in that I've never really experienced before. There's also the fact that I have freedom for the first time in a few years or so, and I could actually date, but I have no idea where or how to meet anyone for that. I've been doing the dating apps, but that is truly abysmal, I'm terrible at it and I really don't trust anyone on there to begin with, so it's just a time waster at this point. I really just want to go on a date. I think it would be truly wonderful to sit down with someone new and talk and get to know them, I just don't know how to do that right now. Maybe this will pass too.

     Ok, let's talk a little TV. Trust me, this I know. I've been getting in a few shows lately, Stranger Things of course, which I really shouldn't have to tell you to go watch it at this point, you should have already done that. I did watch a 6 part series on HULU, called Pistols, which is about the rise and fall of the Sex Pistols, and it is simply fantastic. The guy that plays Johnny Lydon, AKA Johnny Rotten, is out of this world good. There are so many people that were involved with the Sex Pistols that I didn't know about, it's wild. Give it a try. I also started watching a new Star Trek on Paramount + It's called Star Trek; Strange New Worlds, and basically tells the story of the Enterprise during the time that Captain Pike had the helm. Spock, Uhura, and Nurse Chapel are part of this crew, so there are some names you know. There is also a Kirk, but if I'm right about this, it's actually the Captain Kirk that you know's father. That hasn't fully played out yet, and he has only made an appearance on 1 episode so far. I think they are 4 or 5 in at this point. They are releasing them weekly, like they have done with all the other Star Trek series on there. I should haven't to mention Picard and Discovery, these are also shows you should have already watched.

     Ok, one more show that I've picked up, also on Paramount + is a new weekly one called Joe Pickett. It tells the story of a Game Warden that is in a new rural area and is now involved in solving the murder of a poacher that ended up on his woodpile. That is a way over simplification of things, but it's really good. Oh yeah, last but not least, The Boys is back with a new season and it is clearly trying to out do itself so far. I watched the first 2 episodes last night. That is on Amazon Prime and I think they dropped the whole season, but I'm not sure because last time they did it 2 episodes at a time, but last night episode 3 was ready to play when I had to cut it off to go to bed. Give these shows a chance, they are really good.

    Ok, time for Favorite Song of the Week. This is actually a few weeks old, but other things got int he way of me posting this one, so now we are here and I'm ready to finally post it. This comes from a band you probably haven't heard of, but they are musicians on a whole other level. When You see the video you will understand why. I'm just going to get right to it and then tell you a little bit about why this is even more difficult than it looks. I present to you Polyphia with their new song, "Playing God".

     If you watched the video you can see the high level of skill and talent that all of these guys have, but here is why it is even more difficult than what you can see. For the most part Polyphia plays all electric instruments, other than the drums of course, but with doing this song acoustic, it steps it up a whole other level. Electric guitars in and of themselves are easy to play. I don't mean that in that anyone can do it, just that they way they are set up makes them much easier to play than an acoustic guitar. The action is usually lower and much more accessible where as on acoustic it is higher and much more difficult to play a note. You have to push down with your finger harder, is a very easy way of saying it, so doing what they are doing on acoustic guitars makes this so much more difficult than it appears. For example, if you go on youtube and type in Polyphia Playing God covers, everyone that is doing it, is playing it on electric guitar. Why? Cause it is much easier to do. There are probably very few people who can actually cover that song accurately on an acoustic guitar. By they way, I've watched a few of the covers and they are well done, but there is always something that they miss. Check out Polyphia's other songs, G.O.A.T. is one of their best known songs and great place to start your journey if you want to really check them out.

     That's all I have for this week. I know this one seems a little bit of a downer, but I'm not as bad as you may think I am. Despite the dogs not being able to give me that human response, they are they absolute best and I truly have no idea what I would do with out them. Peace in and goodnight.

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