Saturday, June 11, 2022

What's In The Box

      Here I am writing on a Saturday again. I could wait until tomorrow, because I don't need to leave for work until 7 in the morning, but this makes one less thing I have to do in the morning. Well. I did work on Tuesday and Wednesday, which is good, but I think I'm going to have a couple of issues with my paycheck next week. The first being that the schedule isn't showing that I worked on Tuesday, Also on Wednesday I was listed as the site supervisor, which according to everything I've been told, when a different job has a different pay scale, you get that pay for that day. Well, we have this app called Daily Pay where if we choose, at a cost, we could deposit money from our paycheck daily. On that it shows how much was submitted for my daily pay, and on Wednesday, it has me at my normal pay rate. I don't think I'll argue that, but I will argue the missing day. Here is the proof of the site supervisor shift.

     I of course blacked out some sensitive things, but you can see it there, Site Supervisor at Boeing KSC. 

     I am also very confused by my schedule right now as it stands. I went in on Thursday and met my new supervisor on that site, which is why I was listed as site supervisor on Wednesday. Transition period between my old supervisor and my new supervisor. When he left I told him I would see him the next day only to find out later that day that I was scrubbed from the schedule. Getting pulled from a shift the day before your shift I find to be a little unprofessional, but it is what it is. Here is where it gets a little more confusing. I was originally scheduled to work this Saturday and Sunday at that original training site, but they are having a job fair today, so I was switched with my supervisor there to take his Monday shift. So right now I'm Sunday and Monday there, then it's supposed to go back to what my original schedule was supposed to be. KSC Thursday & Friday, then Titusville on Saturday & Sunday, but that isn't what my schedule is showing at all. Right now it has me KSC Wednesday & Thursday then Titusville Sunday & Monday. That is on the schedule for the next 3 weeks. This, if it stays, will really mess with my plans of picking up other shifts elsewhere. Since I have no idea if that is a set schedule I can't accept other shifts for fear that I will simply be switched on a day and then have to tell the site I claimed that I can't make it. This is really confusing right now, but I'm just going to have to figure it out and start making some demands to get things fixed or I'm going to need to start applying with other companies. I can't live on 24-32 hours a week. That just won't cut it.

     On to some neat stuff. While I was out at KSC on Wednesday, the Starliner space capsule returned home from White Sands, New Mexico. Have you ever wanted to know what it looks like when I space capsule is transported across country? I can answer your query. It looks just like this.

     That's the capsule box still on the back of the flatbed trailer. It is climate controlled and full of tons of sensors that monitor what happens with it while it journeys home. I had to stand watch at the gate while the unloaded it and took it back to the high bay, which is where it will be fully processed and reassembled for it's next flight which is the crew test later this year. It was really neat watching them all go through the process of lifting and moving it to it's return home. It took about an hour from when the truck arrived to when it left. They have to put these big wheels underneath before they can lift it off, then it takes 2 forklifts to raise it as the truck pulls the trailer away and they can drop it to the ground. Then they hook it to one of those little haulers that you've probably seen at airports that help maneuver planes around the tarmac. I was speaking with the media person while we were all out there, and they mention that even if they took the top off it outside, nothing was proprietary. It was only when they opened the hatch that anything would be considered off limits as far as pictures went, so I was ok'd to share that picture above with you. They didn't take the lid off outside, so I missed my chance to see exactly what it looked like with the reentry scorch marks on it, but I'll live. Technically I could go back and take a look at it, but where it is housed is a place that I was told I can enter but only when it is absolutely necessary, and it really hasn't been necessary for me to go back there. I take my job very seriously and the protection of the clients assets is important even from me.

    Not much else happened this week. My life is now work, dogs, and TV. Lately I have been thinking of adding a new dog to the family, but it's only in the thinking stage. The idea of taking both Morty and Ri Ri to a meet and greet for a new dog is rather daunting to me. Ri Ri is so much better around people now, but I really have no idea how she will truly act when there are a bunch of people and then a new pup friend involved, so the alone has kept me from even beginning the process by doing a person to animal meet and greet to see if the pup would even want to be part my pack. For now, it's just the Wines trio. We are a pretty good pack, so I'm not upset about that.

      Time for Favorite Song of the Week. The D is back. Tenacious D just released a medley of Who songs from Tommy and it is just as epic as you would think it is. Jack Black and Kevin Gas really hit a stride with this one and just simply nail it. I hope you enjoy Tenacious D with "The Who Medley"

     Ok, I'll update you on what happens with the schedule next week, until then, do something good for someone and yourself. Peace in and goodnight.

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