Sunday, September 20, 2020

Come Together They Said

      I'm writing this now, because I once again got screwed over. I was told that the person that occasionally comes and takes my mom for a short while would be here today ( no time was given, and never is ), but they have failed to show up or even let me know they are not coming. I actually made plans based on that, and told friends I would meet up with them for a little much needed social time. Looks like that won't happen. This is my life now, and once again I am reaffirmed in my knowledge that those that say they will help, truly don't mean it. This goes back all the way to the beginning of this. I was told to ask for help and that they would. I was even told that we should all come together for my mom. Turns out, what that meant was that I should give up everything and listen to how I should do it all a different way. I was invited to a friends on the 4th for dinner and to watch the season finale of The Walking Dead. I was going to ask the person that was coming today if they would just come over and sit so I could do this. I was already doubting that they would say yes, now I absolutely sure that they won't. When this is all over, they will get nothing from me. I will be done with all of them. I have asked for very little, and not even the minimum of my requests can be answered. When family fails you, you truly have nothing left.

     With that out of the way, lets get to something more pressing. I'm going to get a political for a second, so if you don't want to read that, skip to the next paragraph. This is for the third part voters. I get it, I understand that you want immediate change. I do as well, but this election is far to important to enact your privilege to vote for a third party candidate. That happened the last presidential election and look what we have now, two stolen supreme court seats. Put your privilege aside for a moment and do what is right for the country. I beg of you, but as you saw above, my pleas are rarely answered, so I fully expect this election to be another crap shoot.

     As you know, I'm a little monster, as in I'm a Lady Gaga fan. She released a short film for her latest song 911, and it's weird, but by the time it ends, it comes together and slaps you in the face with sense. It is an amazing video and it is the one I"m going to share with you today. So, here is Lady Gaga with her new short film "911".

      I'm just going to go and make an early dinner and call it a day. Peace in and goodnight

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