Sunday, December 13, 2020

I'm Kind Of Happy And It's Weird

      I'm happy to announce that my face is almost back to normal, although I'm sure there are some people that would argue that it's never been normal. It still has a grainy texture to it, but it's more like 2000 grit sand paper at this point. Needless to say, I'm pretty happy about this. I have some ideas for pictures and the sooner my face gets better and my skin heals, the sooner I can put those ideas in motion. 

     I found another new show that is really good. It's called Alice in Borderland. It's a Netflix original from Japan. If you don't like subtitles you can always turn the dub on. I personally hate dubbed movies, so I'm happy to read it. Anyway, it starts out as 3 misfit guys get into some trouble and avoid the police by hiding in a bathroom stall, but then the power goes out and when they exit the stall everyone has disappeared. They find themselves completely alone or so they think they are. A prompt comes up on a giant screen directing them to go to the game arena to play a game. Turns out it's a deadly game but if you survive you get a visa for 3 days. You have to play another game by the end of those 3 days or you are killed. It's really fantastic and you should give it a try. I'm not finished with it yet. I just turned episode 7 on right now.

     I promised that I would have those temple pictures for you this week, but I failed to get around to them, so I'm going to share with you my favorite photo of the shoot. Before I do though, I have posted a few pictures to the CSP Instagram, so if you want to see those, please go check them out and give them a like. Here is my favorite picture of the shoot. I haven't posted this one yet, but it will be going up tomorrow around noon.

     Let me know what you think about it. One of my nieces has been kind enough to send me some keto products so that I can test them out and let her know about them. She send me a large bag of almond flour, which I will eventually make my keto cookies with, but I wanted to try something new last night, so I made a dredge and did breaded pork chops. I used one cup of the flour with salt, black pepper, turmeric, onion and garlic powder and paprika. Don't ask me how much of those other spices I used, cause I have no idea. I mostly cook by feel, so it's usually what I feel is right. They ended up coming out great.

     Yeah, the one in the middle is a little darker, but it wasn't burnt, that was just the color of the ghee after the first two were cooked. Had those with a big pile of sauerkraut. It was fantastic. This morning I tried out some keto pancakes. I found a mix at Target and decided to try something different for breakfast. I don't have a keto friendly syrup so I just drizzled organic peanut butter on them. They were dry, but good. I had strawberries on the side, next time I'll slice the strawberries up and put them in between to give me some of that natural sweetness and moisture to them.

     I'm not going to say much about this, but I've found someone that can sit with my mom from time to time. That means a little time to myself. It will probably only be 1 or 2 times a month, but just a few hours a month will be way better than what I have now. This gives me that free time to clear my head, and I might be able to fit some photoshoots in. It felt so good to be behind the camera again. It made me happy and isn't that all that really matters some time?

     Ok, Favorite Song of the Week time. Taylor Swift did it again. On Thursday she announced the surprise release of a new album. Turns out, after she finished the last album Folklore, that team continued writing songs, enough for a whole other album. Let me tell you, these aren't throw away songs either, they are really good, and the first single has a fantastic video as well. I'm truly falling in love with Miss Swift, not in a sexual way, but in a, I really want to be her friend way. Anyway here is the first single of the brand new album Evermore, "Willow"

     I hope you have a wonderful week and keep your eyes peeled for a special message from The Pepperoni Report. Peace in and goodnight.

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