Sunday, December 27, 2020

I'm So Over It All

      I'm going to be shutting down early today. By that I mean I'm cutting off all contact to everyone and everything once this is posted. I'm exhausted and tired of everything. Right now I'm not in the best state of mind to talk to anyone. I currently am trying my best to avoid my mom because I can't take her incessant talking to herself. I will go make her lunch as soon as I'm done, but I will leave the room and drown her voice out with music as I'm doing right now.

     My face is inflamed and slightly swollen once again, but this time I think I found the culprit for sure. I have to moisturizers that I use. The one I switched to when all this started happening, and the old one. I'm getting low on the new one so I decided last night to use the old one and sure enough my eyes began stinging and getting puffy last night. I woke up to my whole face stinging, red, and hot to the touch. I immediately threw out the old stuff. That is the only thing I did differently last week from any day in the last two weeks. Two weeks where things have been improving greatly. Until this morning, the dryness was going away, and so was the flaky scaly skin. I'm hoping that since I caught it and made changes this morning I can avoid going to far backwards. Only time will tell.

     I just saw a tweet from one of my Senators that is absolutely hypocritical and disgusting. He was blasting so called elites for telling people to wear masks and to get the vaccine, meanwhile he was first in line to get the vaccine a week ago. I must remind you that I have no hope of seeing that vaccine until probably April at the earliest. The governor of my state declared an executive order that people 75 and older move to the head of the line, but there is no available information I can find on how to get my mom who is well over 75 the vaccine. The say you can have it then make it incredibly hard to get. I'm sick of it all.

     I don't have a favorite anything of the week this week, because all is dark to me right now, so I suggest you do your best to find something for yourself that makes you happy, for today, that will be wallowing in my own misery. Time to call it a day and turn everything off. Peace in and whatever.

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