Sunday, December 20, 2020

Incoming Rant And A Little More

      I want to start out with a rant first, then we will get to the fun stuff. I am both sickened and angered by seeing Senators and Congresspeople that have downplayed this virus, calling it a hoax and having maskless events being the first ones in line to receive a vaccine. As you may know, I have been locked down in my house taking care of my dementia ridden mother following all protocol even before it was protocol since mid February, and I have no hope of even sniffing a vaccination shot unit probably April. I'm not saying I should get it right away, I'm all for front line workers, elderly and the most vulnerable to get the vaccine long before I do, but I'm infuriated by seeing these so called leaders that have done everything in their power to kill their constituents getting a life saving vaccine before even those most essential of workers. Don't even get me started on the peanut throwing of a stimulus they have planned to satisfy the cake eaters. I'm not in need, but others are and desperately so. They need far more than $600 dollars 10 months into a pandemic to help save them from complete financial ruin. It is a compete Maria Antoinette moment of "let the eat cake", while they get their vaccine and make millions from PPP loans. Ok, rant over with one punctuation, and yeah some colorful language is coming up. Fuck them all.

     I found two companies that make hair dye that is safe for beards. The first one that returned my messages is the one I went with. I ordered three different colors to try out, and I of course went with my favorite color first. I did do the allergy test, but a friend told me I should have waited 7 days instead of the recommended 2 days, so now I'm worried that I'm doomed again. That being said, I feel fine right now and it's day 3 after dying my beard, but I also felt fine at this point with that garbage that I used before. The difference this time is, that this is a semi permanent dye and uses all natural vegan and cruelty free ingredients, so I'm hoping that my worry of not waiting for 7 days is for nothing. Ok, here is the picture of the new beard the day that I dyed it. It's faded a good bit already, so it's not going to look any better than the day of.

     That weird reddish color at the bottom is still from that old dye not fading completely out yet. So I got purple obviously. I also got pink and aquamarine. After this purple fades out, I'm going to try using all of them for some fun pattern or something. I have ideas, but nothing is solid yet. I have plenty of time. Even though there is quite a bit of fade already, it should truly take about a month to get it all out. I have to admit that I like it much more than I thought I would. I knew it would be fun, and I do need to entertain myself for reasons stated above in the rant, but I really think it looks good on me. If I don't have any adverse reaction, I think this will be an all the time thing from now on. I don't know.

     I forgot to share a picture with you last week. While I was editing photos, this was my view.


     The key is to not focus on the laptop, but the sides of the photo. Yep, I had an audience watching my every move. I think they thought I had food or something, that is the normal faces I get when I'm cooking. They were sadly wrong about that but I still got a laugh out of them staring at me watching me work on photos. I love those Pitty pups of mine.

     Time for Favorite Song of the Week. I was going to go with a christmas song this week, but something changed my mind last night. I got a recommendation on YouTube and decided to give it a try, and now I can't stop listening to this band. The first song I heard I noticed something different about the singers voice. They also had an old eastern block sound to them. Yes, Russian metal was a thing with imperial sounding marches in their metal influences. Turns out this is a Swedish metal band. I opened up video after video and was just transfixed by their sound that was new, yet very old and familiar to me. Brought me back to my metal days, which believe it or not, brought me comfort. Hard to believe that the heart pounding rhythms of metal music can bring comfort, but it's possible. Anyway out of all the songs, one really stood out to me and that's the one I'm going to share with you. Here is Swedish metal band Avatar with their song "Silence in the Age of Apes"

     I understand that that isn't going go be for everyone, but it's a wonderful thing to hear something that takes you out of your comfort zone, so just sit back and enjoy. 

      I wanted to remind you to go check out the story I wrote. I really just want people to read it at this point. I took the paywall off of it, so it is free for everyone to read. Please enjoy it and let me know what you think.The Patchwork Knight That link will take you to chapter one. When you get to the bottom of each chapter there is a link to the next chapter, just click on it and it will take you there. I really do think this is my finest writing and I hope you enjoy it. Peace in and goodnight.

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