Sunday, March 7, 2021

The Pain Is Bad, But The Resting Is Unbearable

      My ankle is killing me, but I do think it's getting better. I've been resting it since Wednesday, which may be even more painful than the actual pain. Sitting around with weight off my ankle for as much as possible is a complete drain on my psyche.  I'm not 100% sure what is wrong, but I've narrowed it down to 3 things, none of which are real good. Best case scenario is a form of bursitis. If that's the case I might be back to hitting the exercise trail in a couple of weeks. More on the exercise trail in a bit. Not a great scenario, is an inflamed tendon/ligament/cartilage. This scenario is resting my ankle for about 8 weeks. This means it will heal, but it may take a real toll on my mental state. Worst case scenario, torn ligament or broken bone. Both of these would require surgery, which isn't a possibility for me, which means in order for it to heal to a point that it no longer constantly hurts, could be months, and it would never fully be the same or pain free again. I'm doing my best to keep that last one out of my mind. I do think this is a compression injury which would be the bursitis (best case) or inflammation (not great). The fact that the rest has shown me some improvement is leaning me more towards bursitis, which would mean a couple of weeks, but I do have a tendency for quick healing, so there is the potential I could be back on the trail by the end of the week. Here is the so far. The swelling that was localized to just below my ankle joint is gone. The pain is still sharp at times, but is getting less prevalent and more focused. Where I went wrong, besides not resting it, was putting heat to it. I've switched to icing my ankle which has made a discernible difference. I did have a couple of days where I thought the rest was backsliding it and making it worse, but that ended yesterday when I began seeing noticeable improvement including the absence of swelling. I do feel that it is more stiff now, but that could just be it repairing itself, and the flexibility will return once I'm back on it pain free again. I'll let you know.

     Now for the exercise trail. As you know I've been hitting a calisthenics trail, but I found another trail nearby in the same recreational area. This new trail is twice as long, with out the exercise stops, but it is a wider walking/biking trail that goes around a large lake. Since it's wider it is also more flat with no tree roots sticking up. Those alone were causing me a lot of pain when I would hit them in stride. Once I get back to full strength I'll be hitting that trail from no on. I'll still hit the other one, but that one will be for my calisthenics days. I'll hit the long trail at first light and then go over to the exercise trail and walk it while hitting the stops. Regardless of how healthy my ankle ends up feeling, I'm planning on wrapping it for support for the first month or so after it heals. I just want to give it more time to get as strong as possible.

     I think I might be making this one short this week, so that brings me to Favorite Thing of the Week. I found this picture with a caption on Twitter calling it an optical illusion and I fell for it completely. The thing is, this isn't some designed optical illusion, it just happens to be a photograph that came out that way. When you look at this photo, the first thing you will see is a man running into a snowy forest.

     If you look a little closer, you will see what it actually is. A large black dog running towards the cameraperson from the snowy forest. This is one of those pictures I really wish I took. I am also positive that this was a mere accident. Happy accidents as Bob Ross would put them always end up being some of the best things, which is way this is my Favorite Thing of the Week.

     Before I go I do have to mention one last thing. I said last week that I was taking this week off of healthy proper eating and just enjoy myself. Well that last til Wednesday as well. I did get to try some things that are new that I wanted to try, like the Lady Gaga Oreos, but it all came down to my body not liking taking that big of a break and I was back to healthy proper eating after that day. I'm still planning on the 28 day cycle, but it isn't starting until tomorrow morning. Even though I didn't have lose eating the whole week, I'm chalking it up to a relaxed eating week and I'll get serious tomorrow, even though the last 4 days have been just as strict as I was eating previously. I will also say that I felt better immediately upon going back to the strict eating. 

     That's all I got for this week. Still letting the new story simmer, but it will be coming. Peace in and goodnight.

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