Sunday, April 11, 2021

Seen With New Eyes

      For some reason, which I do not quite understand myself, I decided this past week was a great time to reread The Perks of Being a Wallflower. I had a great deal of trepidation in this, because of how I connected to the book and how it made me feel the first time I read it. The movie always hit me differently than the book and that's why I could always watch it, but I had worries about reading it for a second time. On a side note, I have never read a book through twice, so this was my first time doing that as well. Maybe it was because of everything I've been through recently or maybe it's just time, but I was able to read the book with new eyes, and get a different perspective on it. I still had memories reignited from it, but since they were brought to life the first time, I've been able to live with them and accept what happened, so maybe that's the real reason it didn't bother me so much this time. It was just as enjoyable and maybe even more so this time around. I was able to see more of the gallows humor in it that I didn't' see the first time. I think I'm going to make a yearly thing out of this and every year at this time, reread the book and then watch the movie, which I did last night. I've always said that the movie and the book very much go together, but I did notice some things that are out of sync this time having read the book on Thursday and then watching the movie on Saturday. Those small things didn't ruin anything for me, they just gave me a greater appreciation of the book, which I think is pure brilliance. As always, I highly recommend reading The Perks of Being a Wallflower.

     Onto other matters now. I received a surprise call from one of my absolute dearest friends, and it meant the world to me. We don't speak much anymore because of distance and lives, and the simple fact that we are very much alike in not wanting to bother the other person. Speaking for myself, but I believe I can speak for her as well, deep down we know that we won't be imposing, but it's built into our psyche, so we simply keep our distance and only reach out when we deem it truly important. As per usual, we spoke as if we simply talked the day before. There is never any lost time between us when we speak or are around each other. It's such a pleasure to have her as a person in my life, so if you are reading this right now, thank you once again for such an enjoyable surprise.

     I went a little darker on the blue, and I'm loving it just as much as that aquamarine. I think I'm really getting a handle on this whole dying of hair thing. Well, as long as it's one color, but I still plan on experimenting with different colors and maybe creating a new look or some kind of patterns in the old beard. Anyway, here is the new darker blue.

     Oh, I nearly forgot, I did take some accountability photos, and I weighed in on the same day I took them. These are from Thursday of last week and the weigh in was at 162 lbs. The weight is still coming off, and I'm feeling great about it. I still look pretty miserable to me, but I'm getting there.

     Yes, I do have more of a tan, but there is more real definition there as well. It's only a pound and a half difference, so it's not that great, but there is a difference. I also wore shorts so you can see just how skinny my legs have gotten. Since I lost the weight my thighs went from 24 inches down to 21 inches, which is quite a lot. I do think some of it is muscle, but not from keto, that is from simply not being able to get in a gym and do heavy squats like I once did. I'm working on a weigh to put some size back on them again, but for now it just has to look like I skipped leg day.

      I have a photo for you from the other morning on the trail. I did have to adjust it so that it looked more like what I actually saw, so there is some manipulation of exposure and contrast as well as other things, but it came out nearly like what I saw with the naked eye. This was with my phone so the quality is what it is. If I had my camera with me, I'm sure I would have caught what I actually saw. I know how to set the camera for that, but here is the crescent moon over the trees on the other side of the lake. I only wish I could have gotten the water in the picture, but I had to crop it so that the moon was crisp enough to see.

     Almost spectacular. If I could have captured what my eye saw, it truly would be. 

     There were some strange things on the trail this week. I haven't spoken about this at all yet, but there is this one particular spot on the trail at a corner near the woods, where whenever I pass before the sunrise I hear a woman's voice. Since I'm always hearing headphones, I can never make out what she says, but it always happens when I'm out there before the crack of dawn. The morning of the moon photo was one such morning. If there is the slightest sliver of sunlight I don't hear it. I also get chills at that same spot but they are never present when I make my second lap, which is after the sunrise. Now, that section of the trail is about 300 yards away from a pretty famous restaurant called Ashley's. It's well known in the paranormal community for it's haunting. A woman was killed there and remains on the site haunting the building. I'm wondering if the woman I hear is actually her. I tried using my phone at that spot this morning to capture an EVP (electronic voice phenomenon) but I was a little late in getting out there, so there was some light in the sky. I did get the chills, but there was no voice. There was also a train that had just passed by so I think that could have thrown things off as well. I will keep trying on days after I've exceeded my goal, which I met on Saturday. Yep, I hit my 50 km mark on Saturday so Sunday was just icing on the cake, so I could take some time and stop at that spot and give it a try.

     Yesterday which would have been Saturday, I was walking towards the trail from where I park my car, as I was about 50 yards away from the gate to enter the trail, I heard something over my headphones. I hadn't been playing any music or a book yet, so I stopped walking and pulled my one of the ears out. I could hear this very strange screaming coming from the woods near where I parked my car. It sounded like something was being murdered. To me it was primate in nature. I've heard rabbits, and cranes scream, and this wasn't it. A friend said that it could have been a raccoon, which I've heard as well, and actually that is the closest, but it still sounded different to me. I'm hoping I can post this video I shot so you can hear it and maybe you can take a guess.

      Right now as I'm typing this, it says that the video is processing, so either you will see it just above this, or you won't. If you can see the video and you have heard such a sound, please let me know what it is. I'm really wanting to go with the ever elusive cryptid known as the Skunk Ape, which is a cousin to Big Foot, but deep down I know that's not what it is. I've always heard there is a strong stench of sulfur when one is near, and I didn't smell anything like that when I walked passed that are literally a minute before.

     It's time for Favorite Song of the Week. Although my favorite thing was that call from my friend, I'm giving you a tune to dance to. Twenty One Pilots dropped a new track and a pre order for a new album this past week. I had a feeling something was coming because Tyler Joseph posted a cryptic video a couple weeks ago. I hoped it meant an album was coming, and my hopes have come true. Once again they changed up their sound just enough for you to love what you are hearing but swear that if you didn't know it was them, you wouldn't have guessed them. Not me mind you, but everyone else. I jest. Anyway, here is Twenty One Pilots with their brand new song "Shy Away".

     If you enjoyed the song, which come on you really should have, you can pre order the new album and get that song right now. If you want wait and get it all at once, the album drops on May 21st and they are doing a live stream concert that night. You can buy tickets on their website for that as well.

     I have to say, it was a pretty good week. I wish they could all be like this, but if I only get this one, I'll take it. Peace in and goodnight.

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