Sunday, April 25, 2021

Easy To Not Notice

      You ever notice that some one can look directly at you for years, and never really see you? That happened this week and although I'm not shocked that I'm not terribly memorable, but it was still a weird experience. I can't even say this is the first time something like this has happened. Before I get into what happened, I guess this begs the question of which is preferable, to go unnoticed or to be noticed?

     Seeing how I'm asking the question leads me to believe that it seems being noticed is preferable, but I can't say that I truly cared. Is that a weird response? Anyway, I had to pick up contact lenses this week and the woman that works there is someone I grew up with, so she has known me practically my whole life ( not many people I can say that about ). Granted we only see each other when I need contacts or I have an eye appointment, but still, we end up spending a good deal of time with each other when I do see her. This time however she asked if my gauges were always there. She decided that they were bigger now and that's what was different. I haven't changed the size of them in over 3 years, more like 4. Then she asked about my tattoos, particularly my arm. She wondered how long I've had the full arm sleeve done. I'm pretty sure that I finished up the sleeve over 6 years ago, maybe more. I'm not sure if I just notice more than most people so I see changes almost immediately in people, or others simply don't notice me at all. Once again, I know this sounds like I care, but truly I don't, it just struck me as odd and was something to write about.

     I'm getting my second dose of the vaccine this Thursday, so I'm pretty excited about that. I've heard the second shot is the one that really packs a punch, and a friend of mine just got hers last week and ended up with a fever for a few hours and a prolonged headache. I'll of course let you know how I handle any side affects next week.

     I managed to hit my goal distance this week (50Km) despite missing a couple of days due to rain. I am going to have to figure out the rain thing, cause rainy season is upon me. I think I'm going to look into a decent running rain jacket. I don't think I need a full suit, I can deal with wet legs, but the torso is where the cold will seep in, and I don't really want that. So, if you have any suggestions for a decent but cheap rain jacket, let me know. Anyway, I finished up the week with 55Km, which surprised me. I pushed myself quite a bit this week to get it done, which just shows me that there is no excuse for not hitting goal now. 

     I do have a picture from the trail this morning. Which reminds me, I didn't get accountability photos this week. I'm not sure it would matter, I don't think my body has changed much since the last ones, so I may just wait a couple more weeks, but anyway, here is a nice sunrise shot over the lake trail.

     I really enjoy those morning walks, not just for sights like this, but the solitude. Usually I'm the only one on the trail, and even if there are people on it when I'm there, they are usually a mile or so behind me. Since it's a big circle around the lake (more like a weird jagged square), I can see everyone on the trail and where they are for the most part. I do have headphones in and am listening to either music or a book, but it still gives me a lot of peaceful time with my own thoughts. Usually, the wouldn't be a good thing, but out there, it's different. Maybe it's just the atmosphere, but it's always positive when I'm on the trail. 

     I also spend that time catching pokemon too. That's my way of multitasking, which brings me to why I even bring that up. If you don't play the game, the object is to, with your finger, throw a ball to catch a pokemon character. There are several ways you can do this. You can throw the ball straight at it. Oh, I should tell you about the circle first. There is a circle target on each pokemon, and inside that circle is a colored circle in varying shades from green to orange to red. Green means an easy catch, Red means a hard catch. There are ways to change the color of the circle but that's not important for this. Anyway, the inner circle shrinks in size, which, if you can hit in the center of it, determines what type of catch you have. It goes from NICE, to GREAT, to EXCELLENT. EXCELLENT is of course the most difficult to get and when the circle is the smallest. As a reward for each type of catch you get an increasing amount of experience points, for EXCELLENT catches you get 1000xp. I only bring this up because this week I started doing something a little different and taking my time to try and get those EXCELLENT catches. It has paid off. On most days I'm getting around 30 EXCELLENT catches, that equals out to 30,000xp. That helps level up faster. I really needed something to write about ok. Today is a slow day. As of writing this I'm sitting on 10 EXCELLENT catches. Seems like a small amount, but from experience, most people generally only get a few EXCELLENT catches a day, if that. Ok let's put a lesson in here to make this all worth while. What this shows is, if you put your mind to it, you can achieve things others refuse to do. Yeah, that will work.

     Before I get to Favorite Song of the Week, I have to ask for your help. Remember that friend I told you about that I spoke to recently? Well, I got some bad news this week. She has been diagnosed with her second go round of cancer. She fought long and hard the first time and had it go into remission, but it's back, and it's not a friendly quick fix. Going through treatment increases odds of things going wrong, including gettin a new form of cancer form the chemo. I'm probably over simplifying things, but that's the gist of the whole thing. What I'm asking is that you just send some positive vibes her way, in which ever way that is best for you. She needs all the energy she can get right now. Truthfully, I don't want to live in a world that she isn't a part of, so my ask is very much a selfish one. I want her around much longer than I am. The world deserves people like her.

     Now that the depressing stuff is done, lets get to Favorite Song of the Week. Earlier this week the Foo Fighters announced a documentary that was directed by Dave Grohl is being released on April 30th. It's a documentary about music, but mostly bands and music that influenced Dave himself. As part of that, he released a new song which is a cover of an old X song with his daughter. She has a great voice, and it seems she was made for this pretty eclectic sound. It's very much a mix of genres with a 60's vibe rock, crunchy grunge guitars, tribal drum beats, and a dose of good ol' rock n roll. She brings an 80's punk vibe to top it all off. Just as a side note, Violet also sang back up on the latest Foo Fighters Album Medicine at Midnight. I give you Violet and Dave Grohl with their Cover of X's song "Nausea"

      It's always fun to see someone with talent so young. Double that with the fact that her dad is a legend of rock, and has said that he wants to be in her band.

     That's it for me this week. See you next week with that Moderna update. Peace in and goodnight.

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