Sunday, May 2, 2021

Two Weeks Away.


     Ok, let's get into it. That picture was from Thursday when I got my second vaccination shot. I can't tell you how good it felt to get a needle jabbed into my arm. Now for the aftermath. As was told, the second shot packs a bit of a punch, and it lived up to the hype. Thursday night by the time I went to bed around 9 or 10 I started feeling the pain in my arm. This time the pain was much different. Where the last one was really focused on the smallest area around the injection site, this spread over the entire head of my medial deltoid, or the very side of the shoulder. It wasn't as painful either, it was more of a normal bruise feeling, even like a hard workout feeling. About noon on Friday I began experiencing some very minor flu like symptoms. I got freezing cold, which really wasn't such a bad thing, because it has been in the 90s here in Florida, so freezing cold was just fine with me. Later on in the evening I began feeling some minor body aches in the upper shoulder area and lower back (very much like flu aches), a very strange headache began around that time as well. The headache wasn't your normal sinus headache, the only way I can explain it is, that it felt like a pillow stuffed behind my forehead. That headache persisted until noon on Saturday. It lessened as the day went on and just drifted away. After that I've felt completely normal. I've heard of much worse cases, and I've also heard of people that had no side effects what so ever. I've also heard that how you react to the vaccine is proportionally how you would act if you caught the full virus. If you get hit hard with the vaccine, it's likely that you would have died with the virus. A case like I had would have probably got me that two week flu version of it. That's just a belief though and I would much rather take my chance with the vaccine than the virus, so go out and get vaccinated if you haven't yet. Most areas have opened up to all ages and no appointment necessary. I know that is the case here, because people that are willing to get the vaccine is down to a very low number. In two weeks, I will be fully vaccinated and I can go about life like I did 2 years ago, to an extent. Oh, I'm still going to wear a mask when I go out, because I can still contract the virus, which means I could pass it on to someone else without even knowing, because chances are very high now that I would be asymptomatic. The CDC has said that once my two weeks are up, I can hang with other people that are fully vaccinated and no masks are needed. I can travel now (if I could travel). The world will be open to me once again, and it can be for you as well, you just need to little shots.

     I got this recently in an effort to drink more water. This made me very aware that I don't need to drink more water, I just need to want to drink more water. Proof, that picture was taken at 7 in the morning. I've been finishing either half of that by 9 am at the latest and then putting it back in the fridge to finish it up are 5 pm, or like today, I finish it all by 9 am. I'm going to keep going with this, because even after going through that 100 days of just water or tea, I fell back into a habit of drinking diet sodas all day. It was never as much as before, but I would have 2 maybe 3 a day, and then barely anything else. I guess that begs the question of, does water really quench your thirst? Alone, I don't think it does, but when you add lemon or salt to put some electrolytes in there, you get more of that thirst quenching experience. 

     Oh, because of the injection, I did miss two days of walking, so I'm probably not going to make goal this week. I could theoretically run out and walk the extra 5km to hit 50, but there really isn't any point in doing it tonight. I'm ok with 45km in just 4 days worth of walking. Every once in a while you need a break from the norm, so that is how I'm looking at it. I was out there today, which is where I made an Instastory post about the second dose of the vaccine, if you want to go check it out, you have to do it today, cause it will be gone my 6:30 in the morning on May 3rd. Here is the link to my Insta if you want to click on my avatar and check it out  It's a summarized version of what I wrote up at the top, but you will get to see that most of the blue is out of my beard. I do have another color I want to try out, which I was planning on doing today, but since there is still a very light shade of blue, I'm going to wait a little longer. 

     Back to walking. I did reach one milestone this week in Pokemon GO, and that was hitting 1000km traveled

     That's a pretty cool achievement, and one I'm actually proud of. The last 400 kilometers were done mostly on that lake trail, so I'm getting the work done when I'm out there. 

     Thought I'd give you a mom update, since I haven't done one in a long time. This week has been tough. She is going through her not wanting to eat phase. I know this usually lasts a few days and then she will eat everything I give her, but it's still incredibly frustrating. It is very hard to watch someone wither a way to their death right in front of you very slowly. You want to do everything for them, but there really isn't much you can do, this is the nature of dementia. You just try your best to convince them to eat anything on days like that. If I can get one peanut butter and jelly sandwich and a shake in her, I'm happy, because I know she isn't going to eat much more on those days. I always leave snacks for her so that she can nosh whenever she wants to, but she rarely goes for those when she is in this state. The dogs are happy when she is like this though, cause they get a lot of peanut butter toast and berries. She normally skips out on breakfast on these days, and that is the normal menu item, since it's usually the only thing she will eat. I keep trying other things, hoping that I'll find that one extra item that can make it into her diet plan, but 99% of the time it's for naught.

     Time for Favorite Song of the Week. I had one all picked out but then I saw that it was James Brown appreciation day, so why not go with my all time favorite funky groove from Mr. Brown. Here is the Godfather of Soul with his song "Give It Up Or Turnit A Loose".

     Now that's what I call funky. Remember, get vaccinated if you haven't. If you have any question about the effects feel free to reach out to me. I'm here to help you out and do what I can to get things back to a normal state. That being said, I'm wearing a mask from now one when flu season is in full effect or anything like that is going on. It's going to be part of my wardrobe even when this is all over, and I'm hearing quite a few people saying the same thing. Up until Friday I've had no illness since having to start wearing masks, and I rather enjoy that. Peace in and goodnight.

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