Sunday, May 23, 2021

I Failed Myself

      I feel like I've completely failed myself this week. I didn't reach goal this week and it's simply because I couldn't get out of bed. Friday I said it was much needed rest, Saturday I was trying to continue that justification, but it was pure laziness. This morning I overslept but still made it out to the lake for one lap. I was feeling pretty ragged, so 1 lap was all I could muster in the time I had. I also weighed in on Friday (only doing it once a week now) and was up to 165.2 lbs. I of course knew that is what would happen coming off of two weeks of eating moderate carbs. I also know that it's mostly water weight and fiber that's built up in my system, but being who I am, I see that number and it's a disappointment. I'm going to try my best to chalk this week up to just a small step backwards that will lead to many steps forward, but once again, I am who I am, and that's going to be the most difficult thing in the world for me to do right now.


     I did at least get this view one morning while walking, and I should have read the warning that it was, but I took a chance. The old saying is red sky at night fisherman's delight, red sky in the morning fisherman's warning. That saying is as true as true can be. What it means is that if you see a red sky in the morning you are in for a stormy or at the very least a rainy day. The later was the case. I was 1 mile in to my second lap which puts me at the furthest point away from anything when the rain began, and it didn't let up until I was walking out the gate to leave the trail. I didn't mind getting soaked so much, but since I didn't wear a hat, I was getting raindrops in my eyes, which sucked. This just adds to my failure of a week.

     Ok, the week wasn't all bad, they seldom ever are. Twenty One Pilots released their new album and did a live stream concert that since it's the pandemic wasn't exactly a concert. It was unique and really fun. The performed mostly songs from the new album, but they did it in a giant arena with stage sets all over the place. They moved from set to set telling the story behind their last few albums. For those that don't know, starting with Blurryface, they started a back story for their music, about a cabal that is trying to take away their creativity and capture them for their own gain, and to assimilate them into the world of Dema. Where this album takes place is right after Tyler (the singer) is captured by the Bishops and is being forced to write musical propaganda for Dema. It's a real fun concept and you can get little messages in each song about what is happening and what is coming. If you get the chance go listen to Blurryface, then Trench, and now Scaled and Icy. It tells a story within a story.

     We will get back to TØP in a second but first one more picture. I'm doing my best to end this week of with a good note, so I dyed the beard again, and I think I've improved my hair dying skills. I went back to purple again, but by not waiting for all the red to fade out, it's creating a pretty cool effect. Once again I'm digging.

     Now that's purple. One of theses days soon, I'll be able to show off the color to everyone, but for the time being, even though I'm fully vaccinated, I'll be wearing a mask when I go out.

     Back to TØP, Of course I'm choosing one of the new songs from the album for Favorite Song of the Week. You had to see that coming. The song I chose is the last song on the album. I have my own interpretation of the song, but I'll save that for me, and let you come up with your own. It's easier if you've listened to the other albums, but you can get meaning from it without all the other music. I chose this song also because it's my favorite song on the album. It sounds like nothing they've ever done before, but it is still very much them. I know that probably doesn't make sense, but if you know them, you know. I present to you Twenty One Pilots with the last song on Scaled and Icy, "Redecorate"

     I've pretty much been listening to the new album non stop since Friday, and I don't plan on stopping any time soon. I started out liking it before even hearing it, because it's TØP, but with each listen I like it more and more. I also pick up new things every time I hear it. It's a sonic rollercoaster with little hidden sounds that are in the background. Listen with headphones if you want the full effect.

     I'm going to make this week better than last, that's all I can hope for. I'm going to put my anxiety to the side and move forward. Peace in and goodnight.

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