Sunday, May 9, 2021

The Gods Are Watching

      I managed to hit goal early this week, thanks to a few early morning extra laps of the lake, so I was able to take this morning off. I still woke up at 4:30, but I just sat back and enjoyed the silence of very early morning. As much as the walking is for my body, that golden silence is good for my brain. I can't adequately describe how truly wonderful it was. I'm going to try to make goal early every week, so that I can do that.

     One of my favorite Youtubers had their account hacked this week. Whoever did it, took all his videos down and put up some bitcoin thing up. Fortunately he was on top of it and had YouTube shut the channel down to end the hack, but while he is waiting for recovery, there is a chance that all his videos were erased. This is his way of making a living and they may have deleted all of his potential income earning power from those old videos. I'm pretty sure I posted on of his older videos on here. He is a guitarist of exceptional skill, and he does his videos with that skill and a lot of comedy. He puts a lot of work into each video with editing of not only the videos, but of the songs that he creates for the videos. If you want to check him out, well, you're going to have to wait a little while until he gets the channel back up and running, but his name is Stevie T. I'll let you know when he is back so you can check him out.

     I dyed the beard again this week, and gave it the new color treatment. I chose this color because I thought it would look odd, but it ended up looking pretty good. This is a new brand (new for me) called Manic Panic, and the color is called Vampire Red.

     This was right after rinsing it out, so it's the brightest it's going to be. Right now it's a bit duller in color and some of the gray is coming through which gives it this weird natural look despite it being completely unnatural. I like it, but now that I have multiple colors, it's time to mix it up and try doing some patterns or something. I'll of course get pictures of whatever I do.

     Just wanted to share this picture of The Schnuggie. That's my pretty girl right there.

     On my walks this week I started listening to a new book called City of the Plaque God. This is a Rick Riordan Presents book. Rick Riordan is the author of the successful Percy Jackson series as well as other series that are fictional takes on the old gods. Percy Jackson covers the Greek Gods, then he goes for the Romans, Egyptian and Norse gods as well. This book is written by an author I never heard of named Sarwat Chadda. This book is in the same vain as Percy Jackson ( present day, a bit humorous, retelling of the gods as they might be today) but it is about the Mesopotamian gods. I've always had a passion for the old gods, especially Greek and Egyptian, not so much Roman since they really just co-opted the Greek gods and gave them new names and personality quirks. Anyway, it's very refreshing to hear tales of gods I didn't know about. I of course have heard the names Istar and Gilgamesh, but had no idea of the legends behind them. I'm sorry I've missed out on them, and I will be looking up more information on these long distant gods. 

     All of these books follow a similar concept that Neil Gaiman uses which is that gods are powerful as long as they have believers. He goes into this with American Gods. This brought me to a bit of an epiphany last night. Stay with me on this, I know how pretentious it sounds. I'll start by saying that as you may know, I don't believe in a god or gods, I also don't deny anyone their belief. I'm of the mind that you should feel and find your faith as you chose, and I'm not here to try and talk you out of it, unless you take a shot at me and then I'm going to take a swipe back at you. Anyway, if I were to believe, it would more than likely be in the Greek or Egyptian gods, more likely the Greek. I just feel that if gods existed, they of course would be using humankind as chess pieces for their folly. As you know that all deity stories begin with the beginning, with the Greeks, it's the Titans. They were the forbearers of the heaven and earth, which were born from Gaia and Uranos, or as we know it, Earth and the Sky. In essence, they are the Greeks big bang theory. The Titans held power for centuries until they gave birth to the Olympians. The Olympians gained popularity due to their exploits with humankind. They crossed over with the Roman Olympians, cause the Romans had to have their own thing. Now the Olympians began to lose their popularity when christianity came into existence. Christianity of course spread throughout the world and took down the Olympians, the Egyptians, the Mesopotamians, the Norse and then the Aztec and Native American gods. Yes, there are Native American gods, and they are still somewhat worshipped to this very day. I don't believe they hold the same value and it's more of a paying respect to ancestral past, but they are still there.

     Here is my epiphany. If the beginning was Gaia and Uranos, and they are the earth and the sky, and since all religion is basically built off other religions (Christmas being the winter solstice and what not), then maybe the mythos is true and Gaia and Uranos are still the only gods that have remained through all this time, since they are ever present, and they created christianity to rid the world of their ungrateful children.  Listen this the stuff I think about, because I have no life and spend a lot, and I mean a lot of time alone.

     I've always toyed with the idea of writing a story about the old gods, but I haven't since I think Rick Riordan has done such a wonderful job with them, and now Sarwat Chadda is taking over the mantel with the Mesopotamians. 

      Before I get to Favorite Song of the Week, I must mention that I attempted to go high carb for the week. I say attempted because I ended up stopping after 4 days. On day 2 I began feeling pain in my body. Old pain that had gone away, but seemed to return as soon as I spent a few days on high carb. I couldn't take it, so by Thursday I was back to eating a slightly higher carb version of Keto. I wanted to come down from the carbs slowly so as not to shock my system. The idea about this was to get the benefits from carb cycling and creating a level of insulin resistance, so that when I went back to keto I would get even more of a benefit from ketones. Lesson learned, high carbs are not my friend anymore and probably never were, so when I carb cycle I will not go so high. It will be more moderate carbs and low fat as opposed to high carb low fat. I'll just add in some potatoes and sweet potatoes, which is basically what I did this time, but I also had a few more high glycemic carbs like corn and carrots as well. I'll leave those two out from now on.

      Favorite Song of the Week is from one of my all time favorite bands, so I'm sure you know by know who it is, or at least have an idea. Twenty One Pilots have a new album on the way, and they released their second song from the album two weeks ago. Yeah, this was supposed to be up last week, but was postponed due to another song. Anyway, here is Twenty One Pilots with their new song "Choker"

     If you are a fan, their are a lot of clues to what's to come in that video. I'm a big fan, but I'm terrible with the clues, so don't look for answers from me. Two small things about the video that I do know. That little shop is real, and is open to the public. The golden retriever is Jim Dunn, and belongs to Josh, the drummer. Did I ever mention that I met his mom and little sister at a concert in Orlando? Of course I did. Anyway, that's all I have for this week. Peace in and goodnight.

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