Sunday, April 4, 2021

The Trail Is Life

      I gotta say. I'm loving this aquamarine color way more than I thought I would. I'm thinking it's in part to actually learning ways to put the dye on properly. Even though this is the Arctic Fox product, I've watched a few videos from the brand manager of Manic Panic. He dyes his beard in rainbow colors, so he knows what he's talking about. I do think I need to give the pink another shot and do it with the new ways I've learned. It does make a huge difference when you do it right.

     I skipped Skateboard Saturday again and put more miles in. I've gone over 50km this week, which is quite a feat for me. I didn't try running until today, more on that in just a bit, because I got my appointment for my first dose of the Moderna vaccine and I didn't want to take any chances. Not by injuring myself or running myself down. I did my best to go in there at peak health so that nothing would go wrong. The shot was nothing, and the only side affect I experienced was some minor soreness right around the injection site for about a day and a half. It felt like someone frogged me in the shoulder really good. If you don't know what frogging is, it's when you stick the middle knuckle out of your middle finger and punch someone in a tender area. The result usually causes the muscle to jump in that spot, hence the term frogging. Frogging also leaves one hell of a bruise, which is really what the pain felt like, a deep tissue bruise. There was potentially some weakness but I'm not sure if it was the shot or lack of sleep or the fact that from Friday to Saturday I did a 24 hour fast. Today though I had an abundance of energy, so I'm chalking that up to simple tiredness from lack of sleep. I get my next and final dose on the 28th, which I am looking forward to. I've heard that injection is a bit worse for the wear. I'll let you know of course after I've had it.

     Ok back to that whole running thing. Walking the lake trail as I call it, has become sort of an addiction.


     This view sort of explains why. That is part of the reason why I skipped out on Skateboard Saturday, also I wanted to put the distance in. Pokemon GO has bonuses for certain km benchmarks, and 50 is the final one, so I'm proud to announce that I hit 50km for the first time in that game, and probably in life for a weeks worth of walking. Now for the running. Today I ran for the first time since my injury. I held off because of the shot which was on Thursday. I ran for only very short distances, maybe 300 yards tops at a time, but I felt great. The tips my runner friends gave me are complete game changers. I not only had softer footfalls, but the whole experience felt more efficient. I could have runner further, but I want to get used to this new way of running and not get tired and then fall out of proper technique. Baby steps. I don't have any soreness in my ankle from running which really surprised me, I truly expected some. In all actuality today was the perfect day to run for the first time. Tomorrow is Monday which is of course my rest day, so even if some pain pops up, it will have time to recover.

     I plan on taking photos this week for accountability. I didn't weigh in this morning cause the batteries in my scale ran out, so I have to get more then I'll get a new number for next week. I'm feeling great, and I think I'm looking pretty good at this point. Not where I want to be of course, but its along the path. I will hit that 10% body fat, it's just a matter of time.

     Ok, life hack moment here. I'm about to tell you something you won't believe, but you put your garbage bags in your trash cans wrong. I know, I didn't believe it when I heard that too, but I was wrong. This is going to save you so much time and potential frustration. If you are like I used to be, you open the bag up and shake it out to get it fully opened, then you drop the bulk of the bag into the can and struggle with the top trying to get it over the edge of the trash can. Now comes the fun part. Next time you go to put a new bag in your garbage can, don't shake it out. Instead, open up the top of the bag just enough to fit it over the edge of the trash can. Once you have it completely around the can, push the center of it down and the bag will simply open the rest of the way up filling the can. It really is magic. If you do this once, you will never do it any other way again. Turns out the bag was actually designed to go in that way. The seam is on the outside of the bag when you pull it out of the box, by putting it over the can and then pushing it all down, you just the seam on the inside where it really belongs. You are welcome, and no I didn't figure this out on my own, I saw some video on some random Twitter page about it.

     It's time for Favorite Song of the Week. This one is going back a few decades. Over the weekend I watched a live stream of an old Pearl Jam show, and it got me a bit nostalgic for some grunge. Now I wasn't a 90's music fan. I did like some bands from that era, but for me 90's music generally sucked. Pearl Jam, Nirvana, NIN, Soundgarden and Stone Temple Pilots exceeded the suckatude. There are others, but those will always stand out, and this weeks song is from STP. See while listening to some PJ on iTunes when the album finishes it always goes into similar songs, and this one popped up and reminded me about just how great STP were. I won't go into  the "I wonder what songs Scott could have written had he lived" bit, I'll just remember him for the incredible artist that he was and share just another great song from him and the rest of STP. Here is Stone Temple Pilots with their song "Unglued".

     One last thing. I'm going to make a brief appearance on Facebook, just to check in on messages and what not, but I truly feel like I will only go on maybe once a week from here on out. My time away from it has been wonderful and absolutely needed. Oh, I should tell you, if you haven't left social media for any length of time, they hound you with sudden emails and notifications that they don't send you when you are using the service. That only goes to prove that social media needs you far more than you need it. Just a thought to put out there if at some point people really want to bring this social media giants to their knees. Peace in and goodnight.

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