Sunday, September 5, 2021

I Had To Write Something

      Well, it's been another horrible trainwreck of a week, but I'm just going to leave it at that. I kept my eating moderate and didn't go crazy despite what's been going on in my life. I consider that a victory. I did weigh in once this week, I really don't remember which day at this point, but I do remember the weight. I clocked in at 166.6lbs, so I'm maintaining just fine.

     I owe this weeks mental strength to Morty, Ri Ri, and the new Halsey album.. I've been listening to it just about non-stop, and I found out that the guitar part on the song I shared last week was none other than Lindsey Buckingham. If you don't know who that is, first off, what is wrong with you? Second he was a founding member of Fleetwood Mac. There is one other guest musician on the album that stood out to me and that is the one and only Dave Grohl. He plays drums on the track Honey. I'd share that one with you, but I have another one in mind for today, and that will be coming up soon.

     I've been drying reaper peppers for weeks now. Every time I get a bunch of them I would dry them and let them sit. This week I finally ground them up and made powder.


     I'm not really sure how many that is, but I believe it is in the range of 40 or so. When I was putting in that little container, I had dust on my gloves, so I gave it the old tongue test. That tiny amount had a burn that lasted about a half hour. It wasn't intense the whole time, and the height of heat wasn't too bad at all. I'm sure that was because it was only a dab, so I'll see some time this week what a good pinch will do to me. My tolerance is very low compared to what it was, but I'd say it's still pretty high compared to most people.

     If you haven't figured it out, this is another early post. I have been waking up around 2:30 AM. I usually just lay there and doze in and out of conscientiousness until around 5 AM, when I usually get out of bed. Today I got up early to let the dogs out and then head out to spin pokestops so I would have pokeballs for the day. It's kind of nice driving around at 5:30 in the morning with the dogs in tow. These little jaunts have made Morty much better in the car. He no longer gets anxious, now it's mostly excitement and Ri Ri is just as come as can be. She is definitely a car dog, until a truck of any kind enters the scene, then it's very loud barking. I was warned of her aversion to trucks, but it is funny to me every time. That girl does not like trucks. 

     I'm going to get a little political here, because frankly I've had nothing to write about today, well nothing that I'm willing to share, and I've been just giving you as much as I can. If you didn't notice the big events that happened in Texas this week, then you are clearly living under a rock. This is going to be my 2 cents. It is not my place as a man to dictate what a woman can and can't do with her body. This new law is draconian at the very least and dangerous at the most.. It's offering up bounties for people to turn against one another, and it is enabling other states to do the same. Florida ha already announced that they are writing up a similar bill, and I'm going to say this loud and clear right now.. If you or anyone you know needs an abortion and needs transportation and and escort, I will do it. Let them come for me. I will use the law against them and file a countersuit of invasion of privacy. There are sites out there that are allowing you to spam the Texas tattletale site. I don't have links but I do implore you to look them up. A lot of people have been putting in very obvious fictitious information, for example: Shrek drove Fiona to get an abortion. Although this clogs up the site, I've seen people that say you should make it look as credible as possible so that it results in them having to use actual resources to investigate false claims. This is a net loss for them and actually does hurt them doing what they want to do. GoDaddy has given them a week to find a new host domain for them, so they will probably go offline for a short while, but they will be back and when they do spam them like you've never spammed anything. That's my 2 cents.

     I almost forgot, I have puppy pictures for you. Ri Ri was being adorable in multiple ways this week. First she climbed up on the outside table like she was a billygoat.

     Then she sat down in the chair next to me, like it was the thing to do. She is usually very much having to be right next to me, and when I move she moves, so the fact that she stayed in the chair so I could get this shot is outstanding.


     Now how can you look at that and not laugh and say aww at the same time. She is freaking adorable, and a little bit of a weirdo, but that's why I love her. Sorry no pictures of The Mort this week. He was just his plain ol' awesome self. Oh, he has been very much more clingy lately, I think it's because Ri Ri is a bit forceful in her affection for me, and Morty has met his match in the "I need attention" department. Ri Ri hasn't figure out how to get on the bed yet, so nighttime is Morty time. He has come in and slept with me each and every night since she came home with me. He has also been more of a snuggler too, which is very unusual for him. Usually if I try to snuggle with him, he thinks that means he is supposed to get the pets, but now he just lays there and lets me snuggle up with him. I'm liking this new Morty, not that I didn't like him before. After all, he is the greatest dog of all time.

     It's time for Favorite Song of the Week. As you already know, it's going to be a song of the new Halsey Album. Have you listened to it yet? Why not. didn't you see my special Tuesday post? I watched an interview with her, Trent, and Atticus this week and this song, which may or may not be my favorite track on the album (it's really hard to pick just one, this is an ever evolving thing) and she mentioned in the interview, that this was the fist song that she wrote and sent to them. Once again I'm happy to present to you Halsey with "Lilth".

     It's the little things in this song, so listen to it with headphones on, or with some really good speakers. For instance the way they distort her voice when she says "I'm corrupted". It gets more distorted with each time she says it, showing that the corruption is ongoing. I love that small but impactful detail, and this album is full of those, so really what are you waiting for, go listen to this album. I'm just now beginning the deep dive into her earlier work and its good. It's more poppy, but I like that stuff sometimes. It can't all be funk, punk, industrial, or etc. etc... 

      I'm going to just call this a post, cause I didn't have anything to write to begin with, and I've probably gone on too long at this point anyway. Peace in and goodnight.

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