Sunday, September 12, 2021

Let The Groove Begin

      What? Another early post? Yep, and I have to say that I'm loving getting this done early in the day. It's not like this takes up a ton of time to do, but when I do it early, I no longer have to worry about doing it at the last minute, which was mostly the case. This week was rather uneventful, but I did have a worthy moment early in the week. The record store I've been going to had been closed for the last two weeks, as they renovated and expanded. This is a true indie record store. It's proudly female owned and operated and is just a rad place. They originally had two bays of a strip mall, with one bay mostly being a display window and a storage area for records that they hadn't gone through to clean and where they kept orders for their online store. Yeah, they have an online store so if you want to check that out, you can go right here Savvy-Vinyl That is part of discogs which is an online source for record sales, new, used, rare, you get the picture. Anyway, back to the store. That old storage area is now a small quaint little lounge area with couches and chairs and it also houses all the 45s. The second bay was the showroom as to say. It was full of all their records for sale. They mostly had used vinyl, that they would go through and check then rate. They do a great job on their rating, and pretty much under rate each record, so when you get one that is considered Very Fine by them, you are getting one that is VF+ or even near mint. They had a very small area in the front for new vinyl and then a small magazine rack with a few more new items. Well, with the expansion they opened up a third bay, that the front is all new vinyl and box sets, and even a few music related knick knacks (t-shirts, Funkos, little Matchbox cars, all music and band related). 

     I got to make it down there on the first day of their re-open, but their grand re-opening was on Friday, which was a few days later. I managed to pick up a pristine copy of Billy Joel's Glass Houses, for $7. I love that record, I had the 8 track when I was a kid, so when I played it a whole bunch of memories came back to me. If you are into vinyl, and in the area, check them out in Melbourne, Savvy-Vinyl Records. If you are lucky you will get to meet the owners little dog, that is so awesome. I always give her all the pets when I walk in and she is there. If you aren't in the area, check out that link above and get you some great new(used or actually new) vinyl.

     Ok, this a little brag, my beard has been looking exceptional lately, and I had to get a picture this morning, this was soon after waking up, so no brushing or washing, just wake and wear. It's a little crunched from sleeping, but still has a great look to it.

     You may have noticed that it is undyed. I haven't dyed the beard in about two months, to get all the color out of it. I'm going to dye it again, but I'm not sure what color. I'm going to ask for your help on this one. Here are the colors I have; aquamarine, dark blue, purple (of course), vampire red, and pink. This might be the best time for pink since there is no color in there to throw it off, but don't let that lead you on your decision. Just leave a comment below (this blog, not Facebook) and whatever one is chosen the most will be the next color I do. By the way, the comments section on here is fixed and I am able to reply once again. I really don't know what happened with all that, but comments are much appreciated here.

     I'm behind on all my Netflix and streaming shows, since for some reason, my PS4 will not connect to the internet. It just stopped working about 2 weeks ago, and no matter what I've tried I can't get it to connect. I've watched a few shows on the ol' laptop here, but it's not the same, but I can recommend one show for you if you have HBO. It's a documentary about surfing, and it's really good. It's called 100 Foot Wave, and it basically follows surfer Garrett McNamara in his search for the 100 foot wave. He found a spot in Portugal called Nazaré. This place seems primed for the first ever recorded 100 foot waves. The last few record waves were recorded there and I believe the last one was 74 feet. Yeah, just looked it up and it is at 73.5 feet, and a woman owns that record. She is also in the documentary. It's compelling watching these people do whatever it takes to achieve that one massive wave, and as a surfer, I can tell you that water hurts, and 100 feet of water is a true killer if you don't know what you are doing. The largest wave I ever surfed was 12-15 feet, and when I made that drop it was like falling off a house, so image looking down 75 feet of water. That was the largest wave I surfed, but the largest wave I was ever on was 18-20 feet, and I don't say surf, because I never really made it up. When I was getting ready to stand up, the board squirted out from under me, an I went sliding down the wave on my stomach. All of a sudden I saw my board sailing right over my head. The first thought was, "whoa, that's really odd and cool" then the realization that my foot was attached to my lease struck me, right about the same time that it began pulling my leg up and over my head, which sent me over the falls. Basically when that happened, the wave sucked me up and slammed me into the ocean. I ended up being tossed around in the washer for about a minute before I finally stopped spinning. That's when I had to remember everything that I was taught. I was so far from shore that even with a 6 foot leash, I couldn't' reach the bottom, this is important because they way you find which way to go is you look for the light or the dark. Since it was rainy and overcast, there was no light, so I headed for the dark when I couldn't reach the ocean floor to kick off and make it back to the surface I was complete lost. Then the last possible way I could find the surface hit me, I reached down to my ankle and pulled on my leash. Your leash will always tell you the way as long as it's attached to your board. I followed it up to the surface, got back on my board and bodysurfed the next wave in. I was done. All in all, I was probably under water for a minute and a half, but it seemed like forever. Lesson to this, is surfing is a very dangerous sport in any condition, but what there surfers are doing is truly awe inspiring, and you should give that documentary a watch if you can.

     One last picture before Favorite Thing of the Week (it's a song), This is a picture of my Moringa tree that I thought was done for. If you remember, I had this tree in a pot and the main root had grown through the bottom and found it's way into the ground. A storm came up one day with really strong winds and blew the whole thing over, breaking the root in half. I took a shot and transplanted it in the front yard and it has thrived. I really didn't think it would make it, but it has. The thing about the Moringa is that every part of it is edible and is a complete source of protein, pretty awesome right. Well a new thing has begun with it, it has finally produced it's seed pod, or beans if you will. I know you can cook these up, but I'm not really sure how just now, but I'm waiting until it fully forms so I can harvest seeds from it. The seeds are huge by the way, there are the size of a jumbo gumball. These aren't there yet, but the first one that has grown is enormous, I measured it about a week ago and it was at the 2 foot mark, it has grown since then, but I haven't taken a new measurement. It's a pretty exciting thing to watch (I know, my idea of excitement is way different than yours). 

     If you look right in center you can see the pod and how long it is. I learned through this that they come from the flower stems, but I don't think, like peppers or other fruiting plants, that the flower is what results in the pod. I'm watching the other flower stems to confirm this. There are currently three pods on it right now with 4 more flower stems, you can see a few of them in the picture. They are the tiny white flowers. Oh, the flowers taste a little like cotton candy, and the leaves have a lemony taste to them. Yes, I have eaten them, I haven't tried the pod, or a stem yet (you are supposed to be able to eat the stem itself). I'll let you know what it tastes like if I ever do though.

    Ok, time for Favorite Song of the Week. I'm taking a small break from Halsey, (I've still listened to all r parts of that album each day though) and going with a legend. This is a new song released earlier this year, but I just came across it. It is none other than punk icon Iggy Pop. This is oddly enough a jazz collaboration with Dr. Lonnie Smith, which harkens back to memories of Dr. John (If you don't know who that is, you better be looking them up and listening.). Ha, just looking up the video for this song and I realized I was wrong, this song just came out, so I didn't really miss it at all (this is when I think I'm awesome). Here is Dr. Lonnie Smith with Iggy Pop on their new song, "Move Your Hand"

     Come on, Iggy can do no wrong. That is a great jam right there, and if you like that, please go back and look up Dr. John.

     Just finished a 38 hour fast this morning, and I'm feeling pretty good about it. I'm not sure if I'm going to stick with that break fast meal, or have something else a little later, but I broke it pretty big; 3 eggs, with spinach, kalamata olives, and cheese. I also had 6 strip of bacon and a cup and a half of blueberries, strawberries, and blackberries, with a quest bar on the side. I'm not sure of the exact calories, but I'd put it in the 1200 range. I know, you are thinking it's more, but it really isn't the bacon and eggs are around 650, the cheese spinach and olives are around 200, the berries around a hundred, and the bar is 180, so in reality it's probably more like a 1000 calories. I could punch it all in and find out for sure. Ok, I guess I'll do it. Ok, tabbed it all in and it came to 1102 calories. I was forgetting to add the Olive Oil I made the eggs in. Every little bit counts. Now that I'm looking at it, I may have some macadamia nuts later. That will be an additional 200 calories to that total, so 1302 for the day. Yes, that will be a lower calorie intake day, but it's not unusual for me to eat that low of a calorie total. When you eat right you actually need less. Just to let you know, I'm grooving to this Dr. Lonnie Smith album now and it's freaking great, really give that song above a listen, look up this album and of course Dr. John, really that guy is amazing. 

     Ok, I think I've tired your eyes enough for this week. Peace in and goodnight. 

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