Sunday, September 19, 2021

Oh, We Are Going Back

      Yet another early post. I honestly was thinking about writing this a few hours ago, but thought that might be a bit of overkill with the early riser post. It's been another hard week, but I've made things work as best I could. I did make it to the record store, but I had to take my mom with me, which is a double edged sword. On the one hand it's good for her to get out, on the other hand, I have to be wary of her time tolerance. I almost made it. The good thing about the record store, if you didn't read last weeks post, you missed the link for the store. Go back and check it out. Anyway, with their new set up, they have that little listening room off to the side now that has a couch and comfy chair to just chill and hangout. That's were mom got to hang, right up until the time I was checking out. She began wandering for the door as we were finishing up, so I just missed the time limit. 

      Now for the epic score that I got this week. I was really excited about this record when I saw that they had it on their Discogs. It had one particular song that I was dying for, even since I was a little kid and they used to play it on the radio. I tried forever to get a pristine recording of it, but the DJ always talked over the intro and what not, but now I have a copy.

     It's that first track on side 2 that I'm talking about. The disco version of the theme to Star Wars. It wasn't until after playing throughs the album that other songs hit me as familiar from the radio in those misspent days of my youth. Superman and 2001 were also played on the radio back in the day. I can't remember the exact price, but this was a $6 or $7 dollar find, and it's a great copy with no skips or jumps in it.

     Since this week it seems that I'm going down memory lane with music, I'm just going to lay out a Paul Stanley appreciation post here. Paul Stanley is the lead singer and rhythm guitarist for the band KISS. I'm not a big fan of KISS, but I appreciate them. I mean as a kid I had the lamest of KISS albums, that being the Peter Criss solo album. I was a super fan of the Cat Man, which was Criss' character. That should show you how much of a fan of KISS I am. Anyway, I've always admired what they did, even though I was real excited about the music itself, and I follow Paul Stanley and Gene Simmons on Twitter. Paul recently caught Covid and had to cancel a few shows. The good thing is that he was fully vaccinated so the symptoms were mild, but even being that as it may Paul said that it was really rough and he still is experiencing some lingering effects, like getting winded easier when on stage. Here comes the appreciation part. I appreciate his effort to speak on how important the vaccine is, but more importantly how amazing he looks at the age of 69.

    That's him about a week or so ago just before he was going to hit the stage. The finger is for the 1 hour mark. That's him in the iconic Starman makeup. Are you ready for the non makeup picture? 

     That picture was taken 2 days ago. The dude looks incredible for his age. He's really healthy with his eating and frequently posts pictures of himself in his bike helmet when he goes out for his daily bike rides. I mean come on, may we all look half that good at his age. Much respect Paul.

     Ok, got a few more pictures before we hit the Favorite Song of the Week. Yeah, I'm just calling it now so you don't have to guess one song or thing. This first one is the halo effect that this weeks launch had. This is basically the rocket hitting a level in the atmosphere where it super heats the humidity in the sky and creates this super cool halo.

     If you don't live in Florida it's a good chance you never get to experience this in the sky. These are the types of launches that I love. They aren't typical. Usually the sky lights up and you see the red/orange glare of the thrusters and it slowly dims out, but this was pretty epic. That V shaped light is the light coming from the engines and it lit up the sky longer that usual because of the humidity and the just past dusk launch time. It's not often I can watch a launch and say the is unique and this one truly was.

     Next picture is of course a Morty appreciation post. Had to get a shot of the bestest boy in the whole world. Here is my buddy boy.

     Now, I know Morty's age, which is 9, but it never really crossed my mind that he was old. That was until Ri Ri came along. She is of course a spry 4 year old, with terrier energy to spare. Morty was always the energetic one, and he still has that high energy, but with The Schnuggie around, who had 2 speeds (slow, and slower), Morty seemed really spry. I can see his age now, and that is a little sad. Ri Ri tires him out pretty quick, and I notice the gray hairs more. You can't see it in the picture but he's getting a little more salt in his pepper. All of this just reminds me that my time with him is running lower. The average lifespan of a pit bull is anywhere from 13-15 years of age. If I had my wish He would live forever, but wishes are for fools, and I know that isn't a possibility. I'm hoping for the 15 years, so I get another 6 years with the best dog ever, that would give me a solid 10 years with him. Here's to being a fool and wishing for those 6 more years.

    Ok, time to travel back for Favorite Song of the Week. I'm going to let you experience the greatest side 2 opening song of all time. This is a song that just rips you out of your seat and makes you want to move, and it's the opening track on a side 2. That should already tell you who the artist is, but I'm gong to stay vague a little while longer. This was considered a follow album for this artist largest success. They had just come off the success of their last two albums, and this was a long anticipated record that was supposed to overcome everything that had come before, but critics took all the shots at it. The true fans saw the evolution of the artist and loved this album, and it is one of the great albums out there. This is a play from the beginning to the end record (tape, cd, download). Like the two previous albums from this artist, there are no bad songs. Yeah there are some better than others, but when you break it down, every song on this album could have been a hit single. The critics decide that the artist went too far from their sound, which wasn't at all true, but since things changed and moved forwards, critics couldn't handle it, and this was the so called beginning of the downfall. It wasn't. Any guesses as to who it is yet? Ok I won't leave you guessing any longer, it's none other than Prince & the Revolution, and this is the side 2 opening track from Around the World in a Day. I gleefully present to you Prince & the Revolution with  "America".  

     I mean come on. I may be biased, but in my opinion I think every band should open side 2 of the record with that track. Not a cover, or an interpretation, but that very track. I really hope you watched the whole video, because this showcases exactly everything Prince, and just how incredible a performer and musician he truly was. This video is everything Prince.

     There is so much more I could talk about, remind me next week to talk about the Movie Everybody's talking about Jamie. Spoiler, it's fantastic. Oh, I'm getting closer to getting my mind around the David Bowie bench. It won't be like the photo I shared with you, but it will be a Bowie bench. I'm just working out in my head how to assemble and then paint it. Ok, i'm outta here, Peace in and goodnight.

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