Sunday, October 10, 2021

I'm looking California, But Feeling Minnesota

      Well, I'm going to start off on a low note, but I promise it won't be all doom and gloom. I actually do have some fun stuff in store for you. It seems like the switch inside me that controls desire is perpetually off at this point. I wasn't able to write this week at all. I want to write that new story, but I just can't get it together to actually have the desire to do it. Following your passion should be a good thing, but right now it seems exhausting an overwhelming. I don't know why I'm broken like this, but I'm hoping to figure it out. I'm going to sit down and force myself to write this week. Didn't I say something like that last week? I also took some pictures. The concept was good and fun, but I haven't even bothered to look at them, because in my head, they are all garbage. This is another thing I'm going to have to force myself to do this week. I'll get there. 

     Now for the fun stuff. Ok this is the part where you can choose to opt out of the next paragraph or two. I haven't figured out in my head how long this Pokemon part will be, so I'm going to come back and edit this and in the next sentence I will tell you just how much you can skip if you want. You can skip the next 4 paragraphs if you want to skip the Pokemon discussion, but you really don't know what you are missing out on.

     Ok, I said last week that I wanted to explain the buddy levels and hearts better, so here goes.


     This is what your buddy page looks like when you open it up. The top left tells the level of your buddy, In this case the buddy is a great buddy with two full hearts. Now each one of those hearts takes all those empty hearts to fill up, and each progressive heart takes more and more. For instance, the first heart takes only for you to give your buddy 3 berries to get them to show up on the map. That is equal to one heart in the list. The list is what you need in order to get 12 hearts, but you can get more. There are a couple ways to do that. The first is to feed your buddy a poffin. This is a special fruit that automatically doubles your heart output. Now, if you feed your buddy one of those to start, you will still only have to walk 6km in order to fill up the hearts. Even though the hearts are doubled you get double hearts for each activity. Battles can be anything from putting your buddy into a raid lineup (I'll explain the best way to do this next week), battle a Team Rocket grunt, boss, or Jessie and James (if you know you know), Go Battle League battle (this depends on your buddies CP and qualification for the current league), or lastly in the training battles (this the easiest and best way to get those battle hearts). I'll let you figure out the rest, now for the, how to get double hearts without a poffin.

      I have kind of figured this method out. I haven't mastered it yet though. From what I've figured, you need to get a certain amount of hearts in a certain amount of time, when you do that you will get your buddy excited and the hearts double. I can do this on any given day, I just don't know exactly how many hearts and in what length of time is really necessary for this. The difference form a poffin excitement and a true excitement is the color of the hearts. When you use a poffin, the hearts will be an orangish color, but when you get that true excitement, the hearts will be red.

    You can see from this image (wow I sound so formal) that I visited a new place before I got the double hearts and wasn't able to hit a new one. The other thing that happens when you get it excited is that walking distance for candy is cut in half. Candy is a whole other thing that I'll go over at a later time. Basically what I've found out is that if you get your buddy not the map with the first 3 berries, then get all your distance hearts, and battle hearts right around the same time, you can play with your buddy and take a snapshot right after and that will usually give you the bonus, oh there are bonus hearts as well, but those only happen once you are great buddies. I should quickly explain buddy levels, there is Buddy, Great Buddy, Ultra Buddy, and Best Buddy. Best Buddy gets you all the perks of gifts and a CP bonus when your buddy is actually your active buddy. You all so get a sweet Best Buddy badge like my Snorlax in the image above. It's the little red and yellow badge on his chest. Gifts that you receive depend on level, Great Buddies give you things you can use, like potions, berries, revives (I'll explain those later as well). When you become Ultra Buddies, your buddy will bring you the most useless things. It's funny really, you will get thins like a torn ticket, springs, marbles, as well as other things. I really don't think I've seen all of them yet, those are just the most odd ball of them that I've gotten. For each gift you receive in a day, you will get a bonus heart. I've only ever gotten 2 and they can't be doubled, but there is space for a third on, so I don't think I've reached that level, or it doesn't exist. I'm sure I could look it all up, but I'd rather just discover that on my own. I'm at a point where I can fill hearts (with the exception of visit a new place) for 2 and sometimes 3 buddies a day. For example it's 8:24 in the morning as I write this and I only need to give my current buddy 3 berries for it's last heart. This buddy which is a Gengar, gave me a extra boost that I didn't know about. The game has certain Pokemon that can Mega evolve, but in order to do this, you need special candy called Mega Candy so that you can evolve them. You eat them up fast when you start doing the mega evolve, an I've been trying to find out how to get more, and I stumbled upon this when I accidentally made Gengar my buddy. They have a distance requirement for your buddy to find candy. Megas get mega candy as well. This is a game changer for me. For every 3km I travel, I get 1 Gengar candy (they can also find XL candy, once again I'll explain candy a different day) and 15 mega candy. That is a big deal for me. Megas a great in raid battles especially in Legendary or Mega raids. Yes, a raid discussion will come up down the line as well. I ran out of parentheses for that one. I'm hoping this explains the buddy hearts and how to get them, now we can pick everyone else back up.

     Time for a Prince appreciation post. I came across the picture this week and just wanted to share. It's pretty fantastic, and reminds me how much I miss him. I still have the music and the estate is putting out previously unreleased music and doing it in a very nice and respectful way. Remember it was said that Prince had enough music archived that they could release an album a year for the next 50 years and still not reveal it all (actually I think it was 500 years, but I'm not 100% sure on that). Anyway, enjoy this picture.

     Ok, I want to recommend a few shows to watch. The first one you've probably heard about, since it is really big in the news and social media right now, and that is Squid Game. This is a Netflix show from I think Korea (they have been putting out impressive shows) and it's a little like the Saw movies, with a very unique twist. I don't want to give anything away, but if you don't mind a little gore and some suspense, give this show a try, you will not regret it.

     The Next one is a Disney + show and it's based on an old show from, I want to say the 90's, but it may be late 80's. The show is Doogie Kamealoha M.D. and it is of course based on Doogie Howzer M.D. It's a really fun and funny show, they even reference the original show in the first episode, which is how she gets the nickname. It follows a young prodigy doctor in Hawai'i. One of the really fun things for me was seeing Jason Scott Lee as the father doing a comedic role. He's fantastic. They release episodes every Wednesday and I think they are on episode 6 at this point. Ok, another quick Disney + show you should check out is Turner & Hooch. This one is based on the well known movie starring Tom Hanks. This one is kind of a continuation of the movie except you are following along with his son who is a US Marshall and his adventures with the son or maybe it's the grandson of the original Hooch. This is another fun show and they just finished the whole season so you can do a binge in a weekend and watch the whole first season.

     Ok the last show on the list is a fun movie that was just released on Disney + for halloween. It's the Muppets Haunted Mansion. Its a fun little movie with the muppets based on the famed Disney ride, The Haunted Mansion. It has a ton of stars and cameos. My favorite is Danny Trejo. that dude is just awesome. That is a fun one for the kids although both the other Disney ones are as well. I would hold off on letting them watch Squid Game though. Ok, that's all my TV recommendations for you.


     What is that a picture of you ask? Well those are beans or seed pods from the Moringa tree. I'm not sure if they were ready to be picked but they were so big that they were weighing the tree down and making it bend over too far. I had another one that I picked earlier because I saw it drying out at the tip. I ripped it open and tried the meat inside and it was similar tasting to a raw potato, but it had the texture of celery. It's really weird. I'm going to harvest the seeds from these two, or at least try to, and see if I can plant them to get a few more trees going.

     It's time for Favorite Song of the Week. This is from a band that I consider one of the three big bands that erupted form the Seattle grunge scene. Those bands were Nirvana, Pearl Jam, and Soundgarden. You can argue Alice and Chains, STP, Sonic Youth, Smashing Pumpkins, but in my opinion they were secondary to those first three. Soundgarden was formed in the mid 80's but didn't have any big success until the 90's, They erupted huge with their 4th album Superunknown that had the ever popular hit Black Hole Sun. I'm not choosing a song from that album though. I'm going back to their 3rd album for this one, and this was the song I first heard from them. I should also point out that when Johnny Cash released his album American II: Unchained, he covered this song. He could have easily chose Black Hole Sun, or even Spoonman which were wildly well known at the time he made that album, but he went back to the 3rd album as well, for this very song. I give to you Soundgarden with I would argue, their best song "Rusty Cage".

     For me, this is the epitome of what Chris Cornell's vocals are. He was truly one of the best voices in rock n roll, and he is another one that I miss. I'll be honest with you, I was thinking about picking Spoonman, for the very reason of how divisive that song is. People hate that song for some reason, and I think I know why. Hear me out on this. The song itself is psychopathic. Matt Cameron's drums do the perfect job of mimicking the chaotic rage of someone playing the spoons, and lets face it, anyone that plays spoons is a sociopath. I truly believe that spoon players are closeted serial killers and that is exactly what that song portrays. It may not be in the lyrics, but it is the whole of that song, and for that reason, I believe people hear that in it and instantly hate it.
    Ok, I know that was a lot, but that is all I have for you today. Peace in and goodnight.

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