Sunday, October 31, 2021

Every Day Is Halloween

      It's the most wonderful time of the year. Happy Halloween everybody. Yes, Halloween is my favorite holiday, all the rest can just shove off. Normally, well as of the last few years or so (once I stopped drinking) Halloween meant a week long binge of spooky, scary, and slasher shows and movies. This year has been some of that, but since my moms sleep schedule is currently off the tracks, that's just not possible for the most part, so it's been more family friendly spooky shows, like Just Beyond and The Secrets of Sulphur Springs on Disney+. Those have been fun, but its not the same as getting a good slasher film or two in there. I will be watching Fear The Walking Dead tonight, so that's something, and for the last two days I've had Minstry's song Every Day Is Halloween on loop, in all it's mixes. I know what you are thinking, "I know what this weeks FSOTW is.". Well, you would be wrong, and you're going to have to wait and see just how wrong you are. Honestly, until Friday evening that was the plan, but something popped up that removed it from it's top tier spot.

     Good news, no Pokemon content this week, instead I have something I've been wanting to talk about for a long time, but have simply forgotten to bring it up. I really had to make a mental note to do it this week, and even though I know you love the Pokemon content, this should make you feel very awkward. Since tomorrow is the first day of November which has become sort of a men's health type of month, like May is for women's health awareness, I have something to discuss in that matter. It is something I've experienced so I know that it is reversible and disproves a lot of the old myths. This is also going to come into connections within the body which does apply to every person, but maybe not in all the same ways. I'm going to focus on one specific issue and that is about ejaculation and how it connects with heart health. Trust me I'm going to even tie this in with my most recent fast as well.

     Let's start with the myth. It is a long standing believe that as a man gets older his ejaculation gets less potent. To an extent that is true, volume and expel does become less. When I say expel I mean the thrust with which it shoots out. I can remember a kid in high school making the claim that he could hit the ceiling, not sure he is still doing just that especially if he isn't heart healthy. Here is the thing, I listened to a doctor several years ago who mentioned the heart connection when it comes to ejaculation and he said that if your ejaculate is coming out like a toothpaste tube, then you should really get your heart checked. One of the easiest signs of heart disease is your ejaculate. Now there are other things that could cause that, like infection and STDs, but once those are out of the equation heart disease is the most likely culprit. Now for my own experience with this. As you may remember, a few years ago I mentioned that I was having some heart issues. One of the most telling symptoms for me was my over elevated heart rate. My resting pulse was anywhere form the mid to upper 90's and that is not good. That's part of the reason why I began trying to lose weight. Of course it wasn't until keto that I had any success in that. The thing about losing weight is that you have to get healthy to lose weight, it's not the other way around. Most people thing that you have to lose weight to get healthy.

      During those years when I was at my highest weight, I started noticing my ejaculate going down in both volume and expel. I chalked this up to that age old myth, but always had that doctors words in the back of my head, so one of the things I always paid attention to was how it expelled, did it ever get to that toothpaste tube analogy? It came really close, and there was a lag effect from my health turning around and the weight loss, but once everything was back in order, my ejaculate was back with just as much volume and expel as it ever had. This goes for men an their partners, pay attention to the ejaculation and if it is just drooling out ( yeah I know how gross that sounds ), at the very least start making some life changes better yet, go see a doctor about what could potentially be wrong and get your heart checked. I'm proof that it can change and go back to the way it was, you just have to put in the work. And just cause you were asking, I will be participating in No Nut November. Once again, I know how gross that sounds but since I already have a beard, I can't to No Shave. Please really think about getting things checked so you can live a long and happy life with whoever you choose to.

      This brings me to pronouns. Yeah I know I said I was going to tie that all into the latest fast and I'm getting there, but this needs to come first. I've been seeing a bunch of posts lately talking about how people can't keep up with this whole new way of speaking when it comes to pronouns for someone. Here is a little story to explain just how simple it is to use pronouns that are the new norm. I recently got some very good news from a friend of mine that they had a major improvement in their health. I am really happy for them, but since I am who I am ( and becoming more of me than I'd like to admit ) I couldn't reach out to them to tell them how happy I was for them. I kept getting it into my head that I would be bothering them at an inappropriate time and that is the last thing I want to do considering all that they have been through lately. I want them to have their happy time with the people around them and since I'm so far away I'm really unnecessary to that. I know that they told me that I would be no bother to them, but in my head that is them just being kind and understanding of just how mental I am. Long story short, this is my way of telling them just how happy I am for their news.

       Now in that story above I gave you no inclination of who they were, what sex they were, or anything about them, just be using certain pronouns. One of the post I saw was specifically about they/them/their and how it is improper grammar to use them in the singular term. As you just saw, it can be done, and as history proves out, those terms were used in the singular long before the singular "you". That's right "you" was used in the plural for the first part of it's existence, it was the term used when one person was addressing a large crowd. Example: It's great to see you here today, I can't wait to get this assembly started. I mentioned a long time ago that language is an ever evolving thing. You could even argue that it is living.  Because of that it is always moving forward, and if you can't keep up and refuse to use terms especially those terms that properly address someone's sexuality, then you will be simply left behind. It is not hard to refer to someone right in front of you as they or them, it may seem strange at first, but give it a little timed it will feel just as normal as looking someone in the eye and saying "you".

     Ok, that's my pedestal hopping for the day, now to that whole body connection thing. I finished my fast this week at just a little over the 72 hour mark, and although I lost weight, which wasn't really why I was doing it, I felt better in general. The whole reason other than it was at the time of my quarterly fast, was that I started noticing some bad things happening with me. I started getting occasionally heartburn again and well you know my mental state lately. The gut ties to all those things. Your gut bacteria affects your brain and I desperately needed this reset. I've told you before that a 72 hour fast is like a full body reset. Your body goes through and gets back to or as near as it can to zero. Your younger cells feed off the old and dead cells having a recycling type effect that essentially turns back the clock at the cellular level. This also resets your gut biome. That is why for the first 3 days I was very careful what I ate. It was all natural food and things that would feed the good gut bacteria that would also in turn help my mental state. You know how I love my asparagus, but I couldn't have that for the first 2 days because I had to pump up the good stuff in my gut first, that meant fermented foods and vegetables that fed the good gut bacteria to grow. Asparagus is a probiotic vegetable, which means that it really supercharges gut bacteria., the only problem is that it doesn't distinguish between good or bad, so you have to get that good up first to get the best affects of asparagus. Once the good bacteria is up the asparagus lifts that one up. See it always takes the winner in the fight, so if the bad bacteria was stronger it would lift that up instead. Now this doesn't meant that I'm out of the woods mentally at all. I still need to watch what I eat, and grains and sugars are the real culprits for me. Yesterday and today I have eaten some sugars, for the simple fact that I have to get them out of the house, but this latest fast gave me back something that I had been missing for a while and that was self control. Today will be the last day for sugar for 28 days. I'm going back on my 28 days on 7 days off keto schedule. Those 7 days will be still pretty healthy just a little relaxed, and I can have a pint of ice cream for the week or something like that.

      I can't tell you just how much better I feel mentally and physically right now, and after going through the last few months as I was, I really don't want to go back there so I'm all eyes on the prize again.

     Now it's time for Favorite Song of the Week. I've featured Stevie T before. I love his sense of humor and his unbelievable talent on the guitar, and this video puts all of that together. He did a remake of Rockwell's one hit song from the late 80's and did his thing to it. I really hope you enjoy this video which dropped this past Friday. Here is Steve T f Anthony Vincent with their version of "Somebody's Watching Me".

      I must remind you that he does all the music, filming and editing in these videos. He had a video editor but I think he parted ways with them so this film was shot by him and his mom. I really hope you enjoyed that and have a Happy Halloween. Peace in and goodnight.

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