Sunday, November 7, 2021

It's Unofficially Official

      It seems that Monday's have become my unofficial fasting day. I did the 72 hour fast a couple of weeks ago, and last week I did a 42 hour. I may as well keep the trend going and starting this afternoon I'll begin a 48 hour fast. The fasting has been working for me even better than expected from an overall health and mental state. I threw in an extra 24 hours about mid week. I simply forgot how much I loved that empty feeling. Now don't get empty confused with starving. There is a huge difference, and with eating strict this last week and for the next 21 days, that empty feeling is a constant right now. What I mean by empty is a non bloated feeling or sense that my stomach has contents in it. That full feeling comes when I eat grains and sugars. Even though I was "off the rails" (that's really an overexaggeration) I still ate much fewer grains and sugar that most people. It was mostly starchy carbs, which don't seem teo give me that bloated feeling on their own, it's always the grains and sugars that do me in. I haven't weighed myself so I have no idea about weight loss, but I feel that I look leaner. That could also be from that empty feeling. No bloating, no bulging belly. I'll keep you up to date on all of this as it continues.

     I wanted to share my Friday Night Vinyl pics out of sheer pettiness. A very good friend of mine has been negligent in returning text messages. Now I know they are busy and I'm not a big part of their life, but I always enjoyed our conversations even if they were short, so these pics are for you.

     This is a mini album by They Might Be Giants. This is another epic record store find and bonus that it's colored vinyl. On my Instagram post I added a short video with a little clip of one of the songs. I also add that clip to my story so that people can see it there as well. Yep, it's petty and a plee to get them to maybe shoot me a text, but I'm ok with them having a busy life. I'm actually happy for them that they have that.

     Ok, quick garden update. Fall has fallen and a few plants are thinning or dying out. The meteor shower has already complete died, and the turmeric is well on its way (I'm sure it will be back next year, it has become the zombie plant that won't die, but also won't produce a flower). This year the turmeric was bigger than ever, so maybe next season I'll finally get a bloom. Anyway, here is where the garden currently stands.

     It still looks really strong and green. The rose bush is producing some buds for what I'm assuming is it's finally bloom of the year. From my experience, the tibuchina which is the deep purple flower in the back, will be back, as for the rest, I have no idea. All of them are new to me so it's a big wait and see what will be there in the spring and what won't. I'll just enjoy it for what it is as long as I can for now.
     I haven't dyed my beard in a quite a while, but this morning a threw some dye in. It's a new dye that I'm hoping will make for some fun pictures. I shot a quick picture right after putting in the dye (which is currently in the setting process while I write this). This dye is UV reactive, so it will glow under a black light. I have such a light, but for my pictures I'm going to build a black ring light which should be fun. Here is the picture right after putting the dye on.

     Please excuse the scraggly look of the beard, and the one-sided glow. I'm using a direct light from a flashlight so I couldn't get the whole beard in the light, but I am happy that it glowed. Once I rinse the excess out it might be a different story though. I may have to dye it a few days in a row to really get an overall coverage for the glow. What ever the case is, I will be taking a few headshots this week with the ring light and some interesting contact lenses in for an added effect.

     It's time for Favorite Thing of the Week. That's right no song this week, but it does have to musicians in it. Uber Eats has been putting out some really fun commercials. It began with Mark Hamill and Sir Patrick Stewart, but these new ones with Sir Elton John and Lil Nas X are even better. At least to me they are. Every time one of the commercials with them in it comes on, I get a chuckle. I almost want a buddy movie with them as stars, maybe a make of Dirty Rotten Scoundrels with them as the leads. Could be epic. Anyway, this is my favorite of the 3 that I know are out. I hope you get as much of a chuckle as I do.

     One last thing before I call it a week. I'm still unable to write, but I did get an urge this week. I told you about the story that was inspired by the new Halsey album and her short film. I thought I was losing the imagery in my head which meant the story would just simply slip away, but I put her album on again this week and it all flooded back into my head. This is a good sign, for me at least. I'm still struggling with the whole getting started. Being creative has eluded me due to laziness or lack of desire, but I'm going to sit myself down this week for sure, put the album on and see where it takes me in writing. If it works out, I'm going to delay releasing anything until I've completed it, and if things go the way I hope I should have some drawing to go with it. That is the plan anyway. Until then peace in and goodnight.

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