Sunday, November 28, 2021

I'm Up Way Too Early

      So at this point I've been up for 5 hours already and it's only 7:30. There's a reason for that and I'll get to it in just a second. Twice this week I felt ill. The first time was right in the middle of my fast. On Monday soon after hitting the 24 hour mark I got a massive headache and started feeling nauseous. The nausea got so bad that I kept feeling like I was going to throw up, so I broke my normal protocol and decided to drink a zero sugar cherry Dr. Pepper. Technically nothing in it will break a fast, but there is the possibility of a sympathetic response to the taste of sweet that will spike insulin and thus shutting down autophagy which is the main reason I do the longer fasts. Well, that worked to an extent in the fact that when I finally threw up I had something in my stomach to come out. I had only drank half at that point but it did the trick in making sure it wasn't a bunch of bile. It was real violent too. I have no idea why I got so sick. After I laid on the bathroom floor for a while I got up and took an ibuprofen which also technically won't stop a fast, but does do some nasty things to your gut biome.  Basically I got the most out of my fast that I could, but it wasn't everything I wanted. The ibuprofen took care of the headache and I began feeling better the rest of the day. The second time was yesterday. I got my Moderna booster shot on Friday and on Saturday it just made me feel meh. I had some slight chills, body aches and a small area of pain at the injection site. All of this together wiped me out and I was in bed at 7 PM. That is the reason I was up at 2:30 in the morning. I did make the most of it, but I was thwarted at the same time. I decided to drive out to the area where I spin all my Pokestops in the morning, that when I got a raid invite from Australia and got this little gem.

     That is a shiny legendary Registeel. I was a little surprised to get that on my first Registeel raid this time around. Just so you know why that is shiny here is what the normal one looks like.

     I got that invite on my way to the area I spin the stops so I pulled over in a parking lot and battled it out. This is where the thwarting starts. After that I took off and began my normal drive only to see road cones blocking the road. I forgot that today is the day they have the marathon and parade, so they had my area blocked off. I had to drive all over the place hitting enough Pokestops to fill up my items bag with stuff I need for the day. I know, first world problems and all. That was my morning so far though.

    Ok, I took the accountability photos this week. I think it was Wednesday, but I really can't remember for sure. I really didn't put much effort into them. It was very early in the morning so the lighting was bad and instead of putting my light up I used the flash which created overexposure and some blurriness. I admit that I did alter these only in the contrast and shadow points, to get it closer to what mu actual skin tone looks like, so these aren't untouched photos, but I didn't do anything to make myself look better at all. I'm not at all happy with my appearance, but I feel that I'm going back in the right direction, so here they are.


     Next time I'll get better photos, and hopefully I'll be in a state of appearance that makes me happy. This is the week that I have down, and will have some more carbs. Like I said before this just means I will add in some popcorn, maybe some potatoes, and a pint of ice cream. Also I will have a bag of jelly babies if I can find them. My grocery store hasn't had them for weeks, which has been good for not veering off the path, but has me bummed that they might not have them for this week. I will still be eating within calorie limits and of course my eating will be timed to small windows or just OMAD. That way the carbs that I add in should have little impact on my body other than what they do internally with inflammation and what not. 

     I can say that Black Friday Record Store Day was a success. I didn't get everything I wanted, mostly because those releases where pushed back, but I did get the most important ones to me. Those were At Home With The Munsters, and Weird Al Yankovik, Beat On The Brat. I did find some other cool stuff but if you want to see those you will have to follow my Instagram where they will all eventually show up on Friday Night Vinyl.

     I guess that brings us to Favorite Song of the Week. This one comes from the Foo Fighters because, well they are awesome and this past week was the week they were officially inducted in the Rock N Roll Hall of Fame. This is there latest single and the video is in true Foo fashion. A lot of tongue and cheek humor with some great music. See if you get the small movie reference in the video. Here is the Foo Fighters with "Love Dies Young"

     Did you get the reference and to what movie? If so leave a comment below with your answer. First correct answer wins the privilege of knowing that you got the correct answer.  

     That's really all I have this week. Oh, just so you know for the booster. CDC is recommending that if you are 6 months from your 2nd shot of either Pfizer or Moderna, and the single shot of J&J you are eligible for the booster. This was knocked down form an original 8 month time frame. The shot is simple, yes it could have some minor effects but it's safe. I am a little bit upset that I still don't have superpowers or magnetic skin. I mean I could have got the horns. How cool would that be to have horns. Fun aside, if you can get the booster go out and get it, it is just another layer of protection for you and the people around you. Peace in and goodnight.

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