Sunday, November 14, 2021

The Reviews Are In

      I'm currently trying to make two decisions. The first is when I should eat today. I'm hungry, but I can do w ithout for a while longer for sure. The second is if I should fast through Monday again. I only made it just under 43 hours this last week, and inadvertently through in a 20 hour fast later in the week. This is all my body adapting to not eating as much and as often, which is a good and a bad thing. Good that I'm back in the swing of things, bad in that my body is adapting so fast. That means I should probably not fast this week, just to throw a wrench in the works. When I so no fast, that means nothing over 20 hours. Even when I was at my worst lately, I still pretty much did a 16-8 schedule. That is more than likely why I didn't really pack on the weight. Speaking of weight I did weigh myself this week and I am down 5 pounds from where I started, not that that really matters. Yes, my goal is to be back in the mid to low 150's but it's more about how I feel this time, and I'm feeling really good right now. I also feel that I look pretty good too. I'll try and get some accountability photos this week.

      Photos, I promised some this week, but I ran into a bit of a problem. For one thing the dye is having trouble sticking this time. I think it may be the lighter color and I believe that my beard has gotten less grey. I know that sounds impossible but it really seems true. The other one is the light. I did assemble the blacklight ring light, but it's not as bright as I hoped so I need to make a reflective background for it. I've decided to make it out of wood so that it's durable, and then wrap it in tinfoil and attack the tube with the light to it, but it's been raining this week so I haven't been able to cut the ring out of wood yet. That means those glow in the dark pictures will be delayed. I have a plan for the light and the dye so I'm hoping it will all work out. I've also had another little project I've been working on that I haven't mentioned. My TV sits at a bit of an angle because the space for it is so big and I have the cable box under the TV on one side. It's just high enough to pitch the TV up on one side, so I built a little stand to put under the TV to lift it off the cable box. I've put several weeks into this to get it right, but I've only gotten it close enough, and I'm at that point where I feel if I do any more I'll only ruin it and have to start all over again, so close enough will have to do. The goal was to make it look like it was made out of any other material other than wood. I primed it and painted it black then put polyurethane on it, and that is where the problem has arisen. The sides have drips that I haven't been able to sand down properly and it looks a little odd, and not smooth and flat like I wanted. I've already sanded the sides down a few times and it's getting close to getting into the paint, which would mean that I would have to repaint the entire thing for only a half inch of area along the side, so I'm calling it a day on that and waiting for help to get it under my TV. I might be able to do it on my own, but it's risky at best, so I'm just going to wait. No I don't have a picture, but the top surface looks like black glass. I'm proud of that part.


     Quick garden update. I do believe these are the last roses of the season, so I had to get a shot of them. I'm hoping to save that bush and get it to thrive next spring, but only time will tell with that.

     A few quick reviews for you now. The first is the new ABBA album. It's good, but it lacks that signature song. It's a nice album but has no bang to it. The second to last song "No Doubt About It" comes so close, but it's just missing something, which is how I feel about the whole album. It won't go down as a favorite for me, but others may like it. I'll listen from time to time, but I'll stick with the old stuff for the most part.

     This weekend started Disney + day which is the anniversary of when they began the service, and they dropped a ton of new movies and shows. I of course watched Shang Chi, which was fantastic. Great story with a surprising amount of comedy. Really good comedy too. The other movie I watched was Jungle Cruise, which is a movie based on the ride at Disney, and I really enjoyed it. Once again really funny and went in a surprising direction that I didn't expect. Honestly I can't tell you what I expected for the story, but this wasn't it, and it was a pleasant surprise.

     Last quick review, is Taylor Swifts version of her Red album. If you didn't know she is redoing all her old albums how she would have done it without pressure from the label and producers, and this one is really good. I have to say I like it better than Fearless which was the previous album that the remade. She also made a short film to go with her song "All Too Well" which I recommend checking out. It's on YouTube and it's 15 minutes long. I thought about making it FSOTW, but I doubt you will sit and watch a 15 minute video so I'm going with an old song, but one that is a sonic masterpiece.

      Time for FSOTW. Like I said a sonic masterpiece and it is one that you really should wear headphones for when you watch the video to get the full affect. You should be listening to this band anyway, cause frankly they are cooler than you and me. I give you Incubus with "Megalomaniac". 

     I really and truly hope you enjoy your week and I'll see you back her next Sunday. Peace in and goodnight.

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