Sunday, October 24, 2021

The Tipping Point

     My plan to get no readers last week didn't work, nearly worked, but I still got some. Ok for real, the whole concept behind that was to be punk rock. I think it worked to a degree so I'm happy with it. 

     I don't really have much to write about this week. It was a rather uneventful week with the exception of a lot of great music dropping this past Friday. I won't get into all of it, because what is great to me probably isn't to you so I won't bore you with it all, except the song of the week.

     One of the albums that dropped on Friday was the new Duran Duran album, no they aren't Favorite Song of the Week, but they are the reason I found FSOTW. Believe me I could choose a song from the Future Past album and it would fit in, but while watching their latest video I got a recommendation for a band that I didn't even know was making music, much less new music. I quickly clicked on the thumbnail and thoroughly enjoyed myself by seeing the future of what is to come from this band and remembering the past. The band is none other than Tears for Fears, and if you don't remember them, you clearly hit your head really really hard. They had one of the biggest albums of the 80's with a number of hits from it. Last I heard they had broken up and went on to solo careers. It wasn't an anger thing, it was just wanting to go in different directions, or at least that's how I remember it. After watching the video that I'm going to share with you I went and found out that their album is in pre-order right now and if you add it to your library you will get this song which is available now. Still not exactly sure when the whole album drops but I'm as excited about this as I was the new Duran Duran, did I mention that album is great? Really it goes back to when Duran Duran was doing the title track to the Bond film. View to a Kill is still my favorite Bond song by the way, and there is a song that seems to take a little from that song on the album, greatness I tell you, but I digress, we were talking about Tears for Fears. Oh, quick interlude of digression again. If you have been following my Friday Night Vinyl, Songs from the Big Chair will be featured soon. You didn't really think I didn't have that album did you? Ok, back to the new song. This is the title track from the new album and it is pure unadulterated Tears for Fears. Yes, they look a lot older Roland Orzabel looks a bit Gandalfy, and Curt Smith just looks like a much older version of himself, but they still have the same vocal range and sound. It's always lovely when something new is also something familiar. I happily give to you the new single from Tears for Fears, "The Tipping Point".

     Ok, I did a little investigating and the album drops on February 25th. You got some time people. By the way, not for nothing, but check out the new Duran Duran album, it really is great.

    A little plant life update for you. I hadn't taken a picture of the Desert Rose lately, but I visited a friend last week and they have two of them that look a little meager, so I had to snap a shot of mine to share with them to show them how it's done. Actually I hadn't really taken much of a look at it lately since it is such an easy plant to manage. Since I've replanted it in it's bigger pot I've watered it maybe twice. It doesn't need much attention at all. Anyway, here it is, try to remember how it originally looked.

     There are some buds forming on it again, so it should bloom soon. I'll get another shot of it then to share with you.

     A little pokemon news today, so you can probably skip until just after the photo to avoid this part. Remember when I said I figured out a little hack to get kms without actually walking? I wasn't lying about that. My mom's sleep schedule has changed a little and I can't get out for those walks in the morning right now. She is starting to revert to her old pattern, so maybe soon. That being said, I'm getting more kms in the game now then I ever did by just walking. Here are my weekly totals to prove it.

     Yes, that says 200.6 kms with over 200,000 steps. Each week on Monday after 9am you get this reward prompt. If you hit certain levels you get certain things. For 25 and 50 km marks you get action synch eggs. These are of the 5 and 10km type. What that means is that you need to walk those distances in order to hatch those eggs, and action synch eggs have very specific pokemon that can be hatched from them. They choose more sought after pokémon for those eggs, so it's kind of a big deal to get them. I've heard rumors that there are some unseen rewards that you receive when you hit 100km. I have no idea what they are, but it's possible that you attract better pokemon to you. I can't verify this at all, but I have noticed over the past few weeks where I've broken the 100km plateau that I have seen an increase in 3 star pokemon. I still won't say what my secret is for getting my distance requirements in on here, but if you message me I will gladly share the information with you. You can literally do this while sitting and watching tv of if you are riding in a car as a passenger.

      Ok for those of you that skipped to under the picture, you found out that I tricked you into reading some pokemon news. My bad, I really didn't mean to do that, it just sort of worked out that way, and I didn't feel like going back and editing the sentence to give you a more definitive spot to pick this back up. On a slightly good note I guess. I have noticed that my body is appearing to me much better than usual which is more than likely a trick of my eyes. I'm currently sitting at 170lbs, so I don't understand it at all. I'm not going to take photos, out of fear that it will just trigger reality and depression will be deep, so I'm going to start my quarterly 3 day fast later today and see how it all goes and how I look in the mirror after all that. I still feel like I need to be in the 150's, really the mid to low 150's but we will see how it all goes. I'm really lost right now in all of this and getting into my head, so I need to do this fast, which is planned (really planned for last week, but something came up) and get my head straight. These 3 day fasts always get me thinking clearer, so I'm really looking forward to it. My last meal today will be cheeseburger patties with asparagus, and I'm thinking brussel sprouts with some cottage cheese on the side. That should set me up nicely for the first 24 hours, then it's Liquid Death and salt water for the next 3 days. Oh yeah, I have certain minerals I'll take as well to help with mostly sleep since my energy levels will be through the roof. I'll let you know how it all goes next Sunday. Peace in and goodnight. I'm really not sure why I still say goodnight even though I'm now writing this very early in the morning now, but it is what it is. Peace in and goodnight.

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