Sunday, May 15, 2022

I Can't Believe What I Saw

     Where to begin today. I guess I'll just start with the rug. So, the house has hardwood floors and when my mom passed I got rid of the ramp that I made going from the living room to the TV room. The ramp left a small blemish in the floor where  screw must have scraped along the floor, so I needed a way to hide that. An optical illusion rug seemed like the proper and possibly humorous choice. Well, joke was on me cause the black and white rug is now gray and white thanks to my two dirty dogs, but this is what it looked like when I put it down.

      By the way, both dogs really love it. Ri Ri is often laying on it, mostly because it is right at the foot of my chair and she has to be right next to me at most times. She downgraded from all times lately. She's a happy pup now, and not so anxious, although the me going to work has her in a slight tizzy, but she is getting better with each day that I'm gone.

     Ok, next photo is from work, well kind of. I have to do frequent and mostly random patrols of the interior and exterior of my building, and on Friday I walked out and found a bald eagle taking a bath or maybe just getting a drink from the puddle that forms in this small area of grass. This was the second cool thing I saw that day, but this was the only picture of events that I have. I'll get back to that other cool thing in just a bit.

     Pretty freaking cool right. I'm sure that has to be some kind of good omen or something. Ok, now for that other cool thing. The final push to my work is a 3-5 mile road that leads to the area where the VAB is, as I was driving down that road and nearing the last quarter mile there was something going on. I saw a lot of lights flashing and a very large transport vehicle, as I got closer I could make out a large cylindrical object laying on the top of the transport. It was mostly black so it kind of threw me as to what exactly it was. I knew it was a rocket of some sort, but it wasn't until I was driving passed it that I saw that it was the Falcon 9 first stage that can return and land. I had no idea that it would be mostly back, but it made sense once I thought about it. That final burn when it land is pretty intense and basically scorches the entire outside of it. That was only my first day back to work after my first 2 days off. Then Saturday happened.

     Ok, before we get to Saturday at work, I have to mention that I finally scattered my mom's ashes. It wasn't the experience I thought it would be. I expected it to be more emotional, but it was much more a sense of completion. I spread about 2/3rds of her ashes in the garden and backyard as she wished. I still need to spread some in the front yard around a particular bush that she really loved, then the rest I will hold onto, so that I can take them with me when I travel to anywhere I think or know that she would have wanted to visit. This will be my way of letting her visit those places she never got to go to.

     Ok, now for the rest of Saturday, and I really hope this video loads up. I've had trouble with loading videos directly to this blog in the past, so here goes. Saturday was the first time I got to watch a launch from work. Space X was putting another Starlink satellite launch up and I was going to be there. Now this video really doesn't do it justice. With the naked eye the visual is much better. I actually had to zoom in the camera to get half the clarity that I saw. I'm not kidding when I tell you that I could practically read the words on the side of the Falcon 9 rocket. Despite the wind noise in the phone, it did capture the audio experience for the most part. 

    Ok, as I'm typing this it says that it's processing the video, so I hope it works this time. Anyway, if you don't see it here, and you have a chance before it expires on my Instagram story, you can see it there. When I post this you will have about 9 hours left to see it there or on Facebook since it shares it there as well. Still no happy about that whole Facebook share thing but it is what it is, and it gives people more of a chance to see my stores. Well well, it looks like the video worked. Now lets see if it makes it through the email process for my subscribers.

    Next week is when the Starliner launches which is the capsule I showed you pictures of 2 weeks ago. It's going to be quite crazy and although I wasn't on the schedule to work the day of the launch I talked my way into working that day, so if the launch goes off as scheduled I will be right there for it, and the launch site for the Starliner on top of the Atlas V is quite a bit closer than Space X's launch pad. I'm hoping for a better video for you next week. I can actually see the pad from the building where as Space X'x pad is hidden by a few small buildings and trees, it is also about a mile further away from where I am. 

     I also found out that I will be posted at the other building on Space Center property. That building is where all the action is going to be next week, and I have a few shifts on the overnight. The first night I'll be there is when Starlink is supposed to dock with the International Space Station (ISS). That will be a big night if all goes as planned. That is also when All the important people will be there. I can't say more than that for a couple of reasons. The first being that I'm not allowed, and the second being that I really don't know much more about what is going to happen there. I just have feeling that it's going to be epic.

    Oh, I should mention that I finally finished all the classes a processes I needed to get all of my clearances. Once again I can't really tell you what that mean, and this time it's because I simply can't tell you, just understand that it's a really cool thing.

     Ok, going to wrap this up with Favorite Song of the Week. This is from a band I'm pretty sure that I've shared before. They may be one of the most technical bands alive, and once you watch the video and hear the song you will see why. Oh, and even though it's a video the song is actually playable as it sounds with the exception of any keyboards that are in it. Those are pre-recorded and added in, but the drums, bass an especially guitar are all as they are with now doubling or anything like that. You are about to see why it is important for you to know that. I present to you Polyphia with their new song, "Playing God".

      Do you see what I mean now. Normally Polyphia are known for being electric, but it was a nice touch with them going acoustic for this one, and it really highlights their skills where as sometimes effects peddles can sometimes cover up some of that.

     That's all for this week. I really hope to have some great video for you next week. Until then, peace in and goodnight.

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