Sunday, May 8, 2022

My Job Might Be Cooler Than Yours

      It has been a very long week, but in the best way possible. I've completed most of my training, I still have one more class to take to finalize my credentials, but I've already been sent out on my own. I have to say, that I absolutely love this job. The people are great, the atmosphere is fantastic, and I'm in a location that I wouldn't have believed I would ever be in my wildest dreams. I can't say much about my job and you will see why when I share the photos. I was given permission to share these so I've chosen to do so here rather than on social media. Not much for sharing things on the whole social media sites.

    So as I mentioned previously, I'm working at two different sites. One is very laid back and does have the secrecy or restrictions of the other site, but does have some Top Secret level stuff going on. That's going to be my weekend post when my schedule finally kicks in. More on the schedule in a bit. The other site is on very restricted property and has some very big stuff going on. My first day of training there, which was my only day of training there was a huge day for the company. Oh, I should mention that I work for a security company which contracts employees to business for security, and my contract is with Boeing, yeah that Boeing. Anyway, my first day was a huge day for the company and the next picture will show you exactly why. 

     That is the Starliner Space Capsule poking its head around the corner as it leaves the building heading for it's pairing with and Atlas V rocket. When I was a kid I got to go to the Space Center and they would give these bus tours that would drive us right up close to the Vehicle Assembly Building. The day we were there they had a rocket in the bay and we couldn't see inside, Top Secret stuff when they are assembling the rockets. So with that little story you can see that I've always loved the space program and the potential it holds, but never thought in my life would I ever be that close to an actual space vehicle, and here I was watching one go by on it's transport like it was driving down the street in a parade. 

I have a few more pictures I can share as well, and for me, these are mind blowing that I'm this close to these iconic things. The first two are the VAB, or Vehicle Assembly Building. This is just to show you exactly how close I am to it.


     How crazy is that? I mean ever day that I'm out on this site, the little kid in me is going bonkerz. Yeah I spelled that with a z because that is how bonkerz I'm going. The final picture is the one that really gets me excited, and I very soon I will get to see this one in action. This is the crawler that transports the rockets to the launch sites. Turns out that there are 3 of these crawlers and they are so impressive to see this close. 

     Yeah, that's right on the other side of the fence from where my site is. I get to see all of this stuff each and every day that I'm out there. How could I not love this job? 

    Ok, now for the schedule. I was hired as a part time employee, which I was a bit bummed about, but the plus side was I knew these were the locations I was going to be at, so it was incredibly hard to turn this down, which is why I didn't. With being part time, that means I get 32 hours a week, which really won't cut it, but it turns out the Space Center site has some issues with lack of officers to be at the post so I"m going to get hours. I've also been asked my availability at the other site as well. Since last Sunday, I have worked every day this week with a 9hr and a 12hr shift already. I'm scheduled to work 3 more days this week which will give me 10 straight days of working hours, which means I hit some over time in there. When I was at the office I did here a conversation with the CEO asking about an employee that was part time but putting in a bunch of hours and he told them to just shift him to full time status. I'm hoping I will be the next one to get that. Full time means benefits which is really what I'm wanting. Gotta get that health insurance.

    The only problems with all these hours is that it keeps me away from the pooches, and I've had to cancel my appointment to apply for my "G" License. I have rescheduled for this week in the morning of a day that I'll work. I'm on a later shift so I'll be able to get it in. The dogs though are dealing pretty good. Morty had a few years with me where I worked so he is just really happy to see me when I get home, but Ri Ri has always had me here all day as long as she has known me, so she is taking some time to adjust. I have a few bags of clothing items that I still need to take for drop off and she has torn into one of them and has been eating clothes hangers. It makes me laugh a bit, but I know that is her being stressed out, so I give her lots of extra attention when I'm home.

    I learned a few other things about my job this week which I can't go into, but I can tell you that there is some exciting stuff in the future that could take this career to some insane heights. Right now I'm being pulled toward the Space Center site with lots of hours, but I want to maintain an appearance at the other site as well. That is supposed to be my weekend gig and I want to keep that. Right now my schedule should be Thursday-Sunday with Monday-Wednesday off. I've told both supervisors that if they need me those days to just let me know. I think The Space Center site will take the most advantage of that, so there is a good chance I'm looking at a minimum of 48hrs a week, but I have a feeling it will be more. After 3 years of doing nothing, I'm ready to work. I know that some will say that caring for my mother was nothing, but that honestly didn't feel like work to me, that was just something I was going to do without hesitation, so that's why I say I wasn't working.

    Oh, before we get into Favorite Song of the Week I have to tell you about this very odd situation I have experienced while in uniform. If you have seen any security officer you know that there uniform slightly resembles law enforcement. Although recently law enforcement has gone more toward a tactical look the traditional uniform is still the norm. Ok, so when I'm in uniform I get this very, well very strange to me, level of respect, especially from law enforcement. Everyone knows about the brotherhood/sisterhood that officers have, but apparently that extends a bit towards security officers as well. I guess it is more like a little brother/sister for them though, but still a level of respect I didn't get when I was in civilian clothes. There has also been a moment when I was at a convenient store and the clerk gave me the LEO discount when I bought a couple of sodas. It's a bit weird to me to be even seen in that same light as a law enforcement officer. I know with the costumer that here is respect because we are there to protect them and prevent harm to them, the customer in my case being the Boeing employees. We are the first line of defense in harm to them in any way from violence, where we are there as a deterrent. We are seen as an authority so with just our presence it makes people think twice. We are also a line of defense against fire. Our purview is to seek out potential fire hazards and eliminate them. Since at my post were are also CPR certified, we are there to in worst case scenarios, to help aid in saving their lives, so I get the respect we get from them but from your average person and law enforcement seems really weird to me. I guess it's just something I'm going to have to get used to.

    Ok, time for FSOTW. I gave you a little preview last week of this so you should know it's another Harry Styles song. I promise this will be the last one for a while, but this is his latest song, and it is so good. Not only that, but the video is artistically stunning. So I give to you Harry Styles with his latest song,"As It Was"

     Are you starting to see why I compare him to David Bowie now? Ok, one last thing before I go. I missed Friday Night Vinyl this week because I was working, and if my schedule kicks in then I will be at work each Friday when I'm supposed to do that, so I'm going to have to get all the pictures for the post in advance and then post it on Friday night, so just know that I won't actually be listening to the album when I post it from now on. I just wanted that transparency with you so that you would know the truth of the matter. Ok everyone have a great week, I know I will. Peace in and goodnight.

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