Sunday, October 18, 2020

It's Going To Be Dark

      So, I'm considering dying my beard black so that I can do some halloween spooky photos. It's going to look really weird, and I'm pretty sure if I do it, it's going to shock me by my appearance, but what the hell, I need a creative outlet, and right now this is all that is coming into my head. I guess that means I'll be getting some dye tomorrow when I hit the store. After that I will have to figure out the face paint. I have some ideas, but not sure which way to go. Should I go somewhat gory, or dark. I'm leaning towards dark, but I might be able to pull of a combination of the two, but subtle on the gore. Either way it should be fun.

     Remember last week when I told you I was going to hang some art, well there it is. I left space in the middle for two more of them. I have two picked out, that are slightly larger than those four, and I think they will look good there, I just have to find frames for them. Of course I have to measure them out to see what size frame, and hope that they aren't such odd sized that I won't be able to find pre-made frames for them.

     I do have to tell you, that I tried the Dunkin Donuts Ghost Pepper Donut. I got two of them on Friday night. I know, I really know how to party. Anyway, they had really good flavor. Tasted to me, like Frakenberry Cereal. Full of strawberry goodness. As for the ghost pepper. I could taste it in there, but I didn't get any heat from it. The second donut had a tiny kick, but I think it built off the first one. I think that if someone couldn't stand any kind of heat what so ever, these donuts would give them a kick, but for me, it was just a good tasting donut with a pepper flavor. Oh, I guess I should tell you that the pepper is in the icing. It's a strawberry icing infused with cayenne and ghost pepper powder. Dunkin is advertising them as a way to trick your friends. I am not for that at all, but these are so mild, you might not hurt someone. Here's the thing about tricking people into eating spicy things. If someone is not used to the heat, and they have an adverse reaction, the could go into anaphylactic shock. The whole reason that your mouth burns is a defense mechanism by your body. Receptors in your tongue read capsaicin as a severe source of heat, and it begins a process to protect itself by blistering. For people that are used to heat and capsaicin, this is very mild, but for someone who isn't, this can lead to your throat potentially closing and death. So don't trick people into eating extremely hot things. You can get the same reaction from them if you tell them what it is and let them decide to eat it on their own. Ok, that's my TED talk thank you for coming.

     It's time for Favorite Song of the Week. I actually had a few to pick from, but this one came in hot late in the week, so the others may show up in coming weeks. Several years ago, I had the privilege to go to New Mexico, while there I witnessed a sundown dance by the Navajo nation, and it was moving. I got incredibly emotional and thanked the leader for allowing me to witness such an event. You have to understand that these are things that are usually protected and only meant for the tribe, so when they are performed in public, it is an amazing event. I'll try to put a picture up that I took at the end of this post. This song is from Portugal the Man and they are brining awareness to the disproportionate amount of tribal women who go missing, raped, and killed with no effort by local law enforcement to find the perpetrators. This has been going on for years, and it needs to stop, and they need justice. These are the indigenous people of this land, and deserve far more than they have gotten. Their lands and lives were stolen from them, we need to do better, so here is Portugal the Man featuring Weird Al with "Who's Going to Stop Me".

     You thought it was going to be something hokey since Weird Al was in it didn't you? Yeah, he went serious for this one, and it was good. If you would like more information on this problem and the effort to bring justice for these women, please go here. Help out in anyway you can, even by just spreading the word. Every little bit helps.


     This is one photo from that tribal dance that I got to see. The culture is beautiful and needs to be protected, so please check out that website and help out. Peace in and goodnight.

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