Sunday, October 11, 2020

The Heat Is Intense

      If you didn't get a chance to watch our first video, I'm going to post it just below this paragraph. We did really well on this challenge. We were worried going into it. We made sure we ate a good meal, and then we debated drinking some heavy cream to line our stomachs, so that we wouldn't get the capsaicin cramps. Those cramps are the real challenge. They will tie your stomach into knots and it is painful. There were not worries this time though. The chip was hot, and a normal person the doesn't chase heat would have been floored by it for sure, but it was a little underwhelming to us. Here is the video and you can see for yourself how we took it.

     We have two more challenges ahead of us that we are getting prepared for. I have no idea when we will get them filmed though, but these next to really worry me. The first is the Death Nut Challenge. It is 5 levels of different spicy coated nuts, with the final set of 3 nuts being the actual Death Nuts. They are intense. I know this because they are also the Tube of Terror nuts, and I got extra tubes so we could raise our tolerance and get used to them. There is no getting used to these nuts. I tried the first one earlier this week, and I took it well, so I decided to eat two more. The difference in heat level between one nut by itself and two nuts, is insane. I also did realize that my stomach was empty. Those two extra nuts hit me hard, and the cramps from them ended up making me throw up. I have since been eating the nuts after a full meal and no more cramps, but the idea of eating three nuts at one time after having 4 other levels of spicy nuts, and then doing a whole tube, which is approximately 30 nuts. I have some real concern for worry. If we beat these two challenges, we will earn our wings for eating spicy things. The Tube of Terror will actually get us in the League of Fire, where we will be ranked among the spiciest competitors in the world. That's pretty exciting, and I really want to succeed at that challenge so I can be a part of the LoF. We got some serious training to do. I've been doing a minimum of one nut a day, but my buddy doesn't have his tube yet, so he's going to be a little behind. He has no idea how hot those nuts are. I've explained it, but it really is something you have to experience for yourself.

     My buddy was gracious enough to give me an incredible print by an artist named Mumford. It is of The Crow, and lights up under black light. I finally went out and got a frame for that, as well as some small frames for my Llewellyn prints (I still need more of the smaller ones) and hung it last night. I still have to figure out the proper layout for the smaller ones before I hang them, but here is that Mumford print.

     That is under a little handheld black light. I'm going to have to get some bulbs for a real display, but it looks really cool in the dark. The other prints are going to go around my Emek of David Bowie. If you remember one of the prints is of David Bowie. I have three other small ones to go around it, with possibly two more. I just have to find where I put them. I think I'm going to hang them at each corner of the large print and leave space in the middle for two more. If I don't have them, then no worries, it will still look good, but if I find them, they will look real good with three on either side of the print.

     That is of course the wall and Emek print. Just image three small prints on either side of it. It will look fantastic.

     I do have some larger prints, but I will have to find frames for them, and a different place to display them. The ones going around the Emek are all the same size 5x7. The other ones are some odd sizes, that I haven't measured out yet, but I have a feeling finding frames for them is going to be difficult. I'll jump that hurdle when I get to it though.

     I don't have much more to say this week, other than early voting and mail in voting has begun, so do your part, raise your voice, and be counted. Go Vote. Peace in and goodnight.

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