Monday, January 25, 2021

Social Lockdown

      I didn't write this yesterday because I put myself on a self imposed social media lockdown. Frankly I was just tired of seeing the Bernie memes, so to avoid the remainder of the lifecycle of a popular meme, I just shut down for 48 hours. It worked for the most part. I did by chance see one today, but that was it so far.

      I failed to get the accountability photos yet, but I did get one photo of the beard with the indigo dye in it so that you can hopefully make out that it is degrees of purple and blue, which is kind of fantastic.

      It has faded quite bit, but it is still holding the color longer than the Arctic Fox, which I do like, but I will probably use that when I want a quick 1 or 2 days worth of bright fun color. I did weigh in this morning and was down another pound, putting me in the 165 club again. I have increased my cardio and have switched up my fasting times to keep my body confused. It's working out really well. I've also had a few low calorie intake days as a form of feeding fasting. I'm really just making that name up, because I don't know if it's a thing. It's not true fasting because I'm taking in more calories than what some forms of fasting allow, and it is an insulin spike which stops fat burning, but for me, it's just another way to mix things up. I am 3 weeks into my 8 week commitment and all is going well and as planned, but I have had some strange cravings recently which could be a result of stress. It's been a very long time since I've actually wanted a real burger, bun and all, but recently that has been in my head. It will pass eventually.

     I have a few show recommendations for you. I've been on a Korean kick on Netflix lately and found some really good ones. The first is The Uncanny Counters, which is about a group of people that are teamed up after being connected to a spiritual being so that they can fight and retrieve evil spirits. The bond with the spirit beings gives them superpowers so that they can catch those evils spirits. The twist is on the fact that the evil spirits can level up with each kill. They start at level 1 when they are infected by the spirit and make their first kill. After their second they can reach level 2. 3 or more gets them to level 3 but it's not guaranteed that they will level up. Then the final level is Fully Complete, and that is when the evil spirit and person become whole. I watch it with the subtitles because I can't stand when the voice doesn't match up with the mouth movement, but if you want, you can go into settings and play the dubbed version. They have weekly episode drops and so far they are on episode 15. At least that is as far as I've gotten. I'm really loving this show.

     The second show is Rugal. This is also a superhero themed type of show. In this one Rugal is a secret agency that takes real people and gives them upgrades, so to say. The main character was a cop that had his eyes gouged out when his wife was murdered and he was left for dead. Rugal put artificial eyes into him and a chip that regulates blood flow. These two together give him enhanced abilities to help Rugal take down ARGOS the crime syndicate that had him murdered, but there is a very big twist in this one that I can't divulge because it is a definite spoiler. The first season is up and from the finale it appears there will be a season 2. Once again this is a fun show that is really good. Korea is putting out some exceptional shows and you should give them a try if you like the whole crime drama/superhero vibe that they are giving off.

     There are dogs back in the White House and if you didn't know, one of them is a rescue. Champ and Major are the Biden's two german shepards and they moved into the White House yesterday. Also, if you want to follow along on their First Dog adventures you can at their very own Twitter Champ & Major Biden Give them a follow, you won't regret it. It's full of pictures and videos of two happy pups.

      In Reality, that is my favorite thing this week but I really want to share a song with you. Friday night was one of the rare occasions that I wanted to have a drink again. I've made it 4 years so far without a drop of alcohol and although I had that old desire, I didn't act on it. Part of the reason is the stress of dealing with caring for my mom, the other was just what I was doing at the time. I was sitting outside with a fire going in the pit while listening to Lady Day. I used to always have a fantasy of sitting back listening to her and having a drink in my hand. It was one of those life in the 60's dream penthouse fantasies. You know the one, where the business man comes home from a long day of work in his suit and walks through the door and goes straight to the small bar next to the foyer and pours a scotch with a couple of ice cubes, and just sits back and relaxes. That was the mood I was in sitting by the fire. I had Bille Holiday playing over the speaker with the fire going and the only thing that seemed to be missing as that drink in my hand. Anyway, while I was sitting there, Billie's version of "I'll Be Seeing You" came on, and it just sent me, so that is the song I'm sharing today. Please enjoy Lady Day, Billie Holiday with her version of "I'll Be Seeing You"

     I love me some Billie and will share her voice any time I can. I truly hope this week finds you well. Peace in and goodnight.

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