Sunday, January 10, 2021

I'm Not Going To Talk About

      I'm going to avoid the elephant in the room which was the insurrection that occurred this week. I'm not going to talk about how certain politicians are calling for unity after trying to divide the country by voting against certifying a free and fair election. I'm not going to talk about how now 6 people have died as a result of that insurrection, where one was a definite hero that deserves praise and his name Officer Brian Sicknick should be remembered, and the others not only lost their lives in comically stupid ways, but were members of a mob that attempted to overthrow the government. Oh, an I won't mention that the officer that took his life, could be a result of this insurrection and that there are rumors that they have ties to being a part of it themselves. I'm not going to talk about how a gallon was erected outside of the Capitol building with the intent to hang the line of succession. I'm not going to talk about how rightwing media posts are calling for more attempts at insurrection to happen, and that they are planning on unrest on and around the inauguration of Biden/Harris. I'm not going to talk about how only a small fraction of arrests have been made of what should actually be. I'm not going to talk about how that entire day was an advertisement (and yes you better pronounce Ad-ver-tisment) for white privilege. I'm not going to talk about all this because it should all be evident at this time, and if you don't see it all, I can't help you in understanding it.

     After all of the above, it is impossible to segue into something else. So I'm not even going to attempt a segue and just jump right in. I implore you to not let your guard down and stop wearing a mask, washing your hands, and being exceptionally careful about your surroundings. My governor has complete failed in his task to protect the people of his state, and the vaccine rollout is a joke. My local health department is in charge of distribution of the vaccine, and they had a registration list you can get on to get a vaccine if you meet the requirements. My mom meets those requirements, but the list was closed within minutes of goin live. Dates for vaccine stop at January 28 and there is no information on when it will open back up. They have no idea when more vaccine is coming. I've already resigned to the fact that I won't get vaccinated until probably June at the earliest. I will continue to wear a mask and to all of my above pleas above until after I've gotten the full vaccine, and maybe even after I've received it. As far as I know there is no information on just how long the vaccine is affective and I don't want to either get the virus or unknowingly spread it.  I would rather die than know that I was responsible for people getting sick because of me. I honestly don't see an end to all of this until two years from now when the virus has completely run its course. We as a country are too selfish and stupid to do the simplest of things which are the right things to do. I really just want to win the lottery and move to New Zealand. Even if I don't I full heartedly see myself being en ExPat in the future.

     Ok, Favorite Thing of the Week time. You may recognize this little girl from her epic drum battle with Dave Grohl from Foo Fighters. She is the incomparable Nandi Bushnell, and I'm picking this because, not only did she release it today, but she's a rad little kid. Here is Nandi Bushnell with Led Zeppelin's "Immigrant Song".

     Peace in and goodnight.

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