Sunday, January 31, 2021

Vaccines, Accountability, Cookies, And A Tribute

      I finally secured an appointment for my mom to get the Covid 19 vaccine. It was an ordeal, not just in the multiple failed attempts, but the actual success as well. The website is an absolute trainwreck. The state has supposedly made a new website to correct the problem, but that one is just as bad. Regardless, I now have the stress of getting an appointment for my mom off my shoulders. Now it's just getting her to the appointment tomorrow, and then once again in a month. After that is the full on stress of trying to find out when I'll be eligible for the vaccine. More than likely I will get stuck with the subpar Johnson & Johnson vaccine which is only 66% effective. If I had my way, I would not get that one, but beggars can't be choosers, and I'm begging for the vaccine, so I'll take what I can get.

      I have some pictures for you. They are a week late, but the accountability photos are here, and they ain't pretty.

     This is the current situation. I took these on Thursday I believe. If it wasn't that day, it's within a day either way. Remember I do not edit these other than cropping to get a closer up look rather than the distance shot I need to take to get my whole body in there. Here comes the ugly now.

     I look atrocious, mostly from lack of a tan, but also because there is a lot of fat there, that wasn't there b before. I'm back to that long way from where I want to be, but I'll get there. I also think I need to put in much more ab work this time, which will be starting soon. I'm 4 weeks in at this point, and at last weigh in on Friday I was at 165.6 which is exactly where I was on Monday. I'm not disappointment by that. It's all part of everything. I will weigh in again tomorrow and I'm hoping to be down at least a half a pound. That would have me right on track for where I'm supposed to be. I'm sticking with the 8 weeks and not breaking plan. This has been difficult this week, and you'll see why in the next paragraph.

     As you know, I'm a big fan of Lady Gaga. About a month ago, she posted on social media that she has collaborated with Oreo to create her own limited edition cookie. The Lady Gaga Chromatica Oreo. It's really just their golden cookie except the wafers are died pink and the creme is green. A few weeks ago, they finally released them in individual snack packs that you could find at convenience stores. I couldn't find them around here, and online the going price was ridiculous. I'm talking $9 for a 6 cookie pack. I'm a fan, but I'm not spending that much for a few cookies. On Wednesday of last week Oreo finally released the full packs. You know, the normal size Oreo packs you get in the grocery stores. A friend of mine was out and about and took it upon himself to try and find them, with no luck. I scoured the web with no luck. Even Oreo's own web store didn't have them. I figured I would never get my hands on them. the next day all of that changed. They showed up in my local grocery store, so I was able to get me some of those normal golden cookies just a different color.

     That's something to behold right there. As stated above, I'm still going strict for another 4 weeks, so I can't break into these cookies until after that. I know what they taste like, cause they are just the golden cookies, but it's the fun of having them in a different color that makes it all that much more desirable. I'll just have to wait.

     One more picture of food for you. It's my dinner from the other night. Since this time around I've limited greatly my dairy, I had a couple of burger patties without and cheese on them. Not cheese means it's hard to put peppers on them without them falling all over the place. The fix for that also came from my buddy. He dropped off a bottle of Tabasco's Scorpion sauce, which is their normal Tabasco, only it's made with Trinidad Moruga Scorpions. I tried it immediately, and it was hot, but I felt like it was a little light for what it should be. That changed after having it on these burgers. Just a reminder, morugas are right up there with reapers in heat, a little lower, but really close. I doused my burgers in the sauce and the first burger went pretty easy. It was on that second patty that the heat really kicked in and by the end, I was glad I was done. It had that throbbing heat that smoothly transitioned into actual pain in my lips. The heat was legit and that made me happy.

     I can't wait to have more of that sauce. I should have put it on my eggs this morning, but I forgot. Oh well, there is plenty more to put it on.

     Ok, time for Favorite Song of the Week and this one was sent to me just today from the dearest of dearest friends. It's a brand new cover of an old song by an old band, but when I say they nail it, they absolutely nail this song. It was sent to me in a Rolling Stone article, I'm not going to torture you with the atrocity that is the article where they say things like this band brings a new wave sound to this classic. Instead I'm going to just let you watch the video from the bands very own YouTube page. I happily give you Duran Duran with their brand new cover of the David Bowie classic "5 Years".

     I discussed with her, why this cover worked so well. 1. Simon has similar tonal qualities to Bowie. 2. They don't over do it. They do a simple version that is there own. 3. Even though it is a simple version that is their own, it sounds very much like they did it as if Bowie was doing it himself today. It's a beautiful arrangement that I fully believe that David Bowie would be very pleased and proud of. The back up singers, the all female quartet, the subtle nods to looks from Bowie's past in their outfits, and let's not overlook Nick Rhodes being absolutely on point. That look was everything and I love the frazzled tie. I can't not point out that the gentleman on piano is Bowie's very own pianist, so the tribute to David Bowie is everywhere in this video. Appreciate it for the pure joy that it is.

Peace in and goodnight.

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