Sunday, February 7, 2021

I Might Get Shot

      Let's just get into it. My weight plateaued this last week, which is not ideal, but ok. I also made this a rest week where I backed way off what I was doing. This clearly didn't work well for weight loss but it did work well for other things. I feel refreshed for one. On Friday I decided to hit the pull-up bar. It had been since last Saturday that I had done any, and in the months prior to that day, my pull-ups had suffered. I lost a lot from where I was. The rest did it's trick though and I busted out more consecutive and better pull-ups than I had ever done. When most people think of pull-ups, they think of chin-ups, where you just get your chin to touch over the top of the bar. That's not what I'm doing. When I pull-up, my head is entirely above the bar and I'm touching the top part of my chest to the bar. Well, not really, cause I have my body away from the bar, but the top part of my chest is even with the bar. My goal is to be touching the lower part of my chest to the bar, or parallel to it. This is a controlled movement as well. When I hit the top, I pause for just a fraction of a second to hold the peak. It's not just an up and down movement. I was shocked, but I'm not going to just do them once a week. The plan now is to bust them out for a couple of weeks, and then take a few days off and hit a max. All in all on Friday, I think I did somewhere around 50-60 pull-ups on Friday, with my most consecutive being 7. Early goal of course is to get 10 really good consecutive pull-ups, from there, I have no idea what the next step is, other than 15, then 20, and so on and so on.

      Quick facial skin update. My skin is fully back to normal, and might even feel better than it did. I'm thinking the combo of that moisturizer and the Just for Men dye is what did me in, with those gone, I have had no ill affects. I also think I've found the perfect combination to hold the purple color of that Arctic Fox dye better. I use the Henna Labs as a base and then a few days later go in with the purple. Take a look at it now. 

     I really love the color of it right now. I still need to try the other colors our a little more and see if I can really get that pink and aquamarine to pop as well. It's all a learning process, and a fun one at that.

    I have a few photos for you this week, but this one next is of the shirt I wore on Monday. The reason I need to share it with you, is because I was told that I was brave and might get shot for wearing it. I pronounced proudly, that if I'm shot you should politicize my death for all its worth. For someone to get shot for wearing a shirts ridiculous, but that is clearly the state we are living in right now. I plan on wearing this shirt a lot for the next 4 years, and hopefully I can change the wording a bit after the next 4 years to maybe subtract a word from it.

     I'm hoping you can figure out which word I would like to subtract from that statement. Kamala was my original choice to be the front runner so I was maybe not happy, but content when she was chosen as the running mate. Small steps right?

     Ok next picture is of the hot sauce I shared a picture of on my burgers last week. I forgot to get a picture of the bottle, so I got one today. Also, I fasted for a good 30 hours or so and decided to do something kind of dumb, just to see what would happen. I first took a mouthful of my ghost pepper salt, and all went well, so after that I took a good swig from this bottle to see how it would hit me on an empty stomach. Once again, it went well. I really expected to get hit with the cap cramps, but they never came. I did follow that up with some craklins about 20 minutes afterwards. I doubt they would suck up the capsaicin though. Anyway, here is the Tobasco Scorpion Sauce.

      If you're a chili head, this is a good one. It really brings the heat. It does have that classic vinegar taste of Tobasco, but you can kill that flavor with enough better flavor around it. Even as much as I put on my burgers, the vinegar flavor is dulled by the flavor of the spices I put on and the meat. My buddy gave me this bottle, but I think you have to go online to find it anyway, unless you have a specialty store near you that specializes in hot sauces.

      I don't have a Favorite anything of the week this week, so I'm just going to recommend a Netflix show. The second season of Blown Away came out and it's a fun watch. It's a glass blowing competition, and this year they get a few people from around the world to join Americans for a chance at a bunch of money ( I really don't remember how much) and a gallery at a prestigious glass blowing academy ( at least I think it's an acadamy). Look the prize isn't that important, it's watching the process and the art that is created that is important, so give it a chance. Peace in and goodnight.     

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