Sunday, February 21, 2021

A New Story Is Coming, Maybe

      One more week to go. I have one week left on my 8 week challenge of clean eating. I would like to report that the results have been astronomical, but they definitely have not. I've been stuck at the same weight for the last 3 weeks now, and despite doing a lot of different things to break it up, none have really worked. I must also say that I'm not concerned about that at all though. I'm feeling good. I would like to look better, but genetics hit me with a stick a long time ago, so shedding the body fat is all I have left.

     I did start hitting the exercise trail this week. The funny thing about the trail is that it has calisthenic stations, but I'm the only one I see doing the stations. Most people just walk or jog the trail. It's relatively simple but it is still beating me up pretty good. I went 5 days this week starting on Tuesday with a break on Wednesday. On Tuesday, Thursday and Friday I did the stations, and on Saturday and this morning I ran and walked it. That is my plan from now on. Every other day I will do the run/walk and hit the stations on primary days. I'm starting out with the beginner course, which is really easy, but like I said, I'm sore. I'm going to go a few weeks doing that and then I'll hit the advanced course. Once I've mastered that, I'll just increase reps and difficulty. Beside this being good overall exercise for me, it's helping me escape my mind for a little while each day. I will be taking Monday's off and going Tuesday-Sunday. I may eventually figure out a way to slip Monday in, but when I've been hitting the course is when I also do the Monday grocery shopping. I'll figure it out.

     I got an idea for a story this week and even wrote the first paragraph. The only problem is that I have no direction yet. My normal process has always been that the ending comes to me first, then I figure out the beginning and the rest rides the trail to the end. This time I have an idea for a character, or three and a premise. I wrote that first paragraph as a beginning, but I'm not sold on it yet, cause it sounds a bit cliché. I'm going to sit down with the laptop this week and spend some time free writing to see if it all works out, or at least takes a direction. I can tell you that it's going to be a bit of a scary tale, but leaning towards kids or teens. If I can get it all figured out, I may have a first chapter for you to read on Saturday. That's me putting a deadline on myself in order to put a little healthy pressure on my brain.

     For Favorite Thing of the Week, I have a simple photo of Saki. I finally got to have a little ride time on Monday. It was short, but sweet. It's been hard to maintain my tires since I no longer have a compressor (still working on that) so when I went out, the first half of my ride was well, squishy. When you take corners on a motorcycle, the tires should stick and you smoothly go around, but when your tires are soft, you kind of slide a little around the corners. That's not really the best way of describing it, but it's close enough. I ended up stopping at a gas station and using their machine, which only takes a credit card and costs like $2 just to fill up your tires. I really hate doing that, but that's all I have right now. There was a massive difference in how the ride felt. I took my second corner which was a little sandy, so I lost the tire for a millisecond, but the it caught traction and just took off. It was so amazing. I do love losing the tire. That's when the tire slips a little, which isn't the same as having a squishy tire. Much different feeling and that is definitely one you can't describe, you can only experience it. It's that subtle feeling that everything is about to go wrong but having faith in the machine to do what it does. The first time is an real eye opener, after that you get comfortable with it and in my case, enjoy it. I'll tend to look for the sandy spots in turns just to get that little slip. Anyway, here is Saki sitting in the sun enjoying our ride together.

     I can't say it was all sunshine and rainbow. Well it was rainbows. That second half of the ride a rain cloud followed me the whole way home. The fact that I went in a rectangle makes it even stranger.

     So, if everything goes as planned, there will be a Saturday evening post that will be the first chapter of a new story. I have a working title right now, which will probably stick, but I want to leave it as a surprise, so you will just have to wait to see what it is. Peace in and goodnight.


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