Sunday, February 14, 2021

My New Crush

     It's been a rough week. Although I've stayed strict with what I've eaten, I haven't stayed strict with quantities this week. It's been a lot of stress eating and as a result, my weight stayed pretty much the same. I have been holding much more water this week and I think it's because of something I got for my mom. I picked up some Atkins bars so that she might eat something calorie dense when she is having one of those days where she won't eat anything other than ice cream sandwiches. Turns out, she didn't like them at all, so since they are technically keto (very dirty keto) I took it upon myself to finish off the box. Not all at once, and there are still 3 bars currently left, but they did have a bad effect on me. Instant bloat hit me and I can tell my my physique that I'm holding a lot of water. The reason it's so noticeable is because my weight is up and down by about a pound but the definition is almost non existent at this point. I'm not saying that you couldn't have success with these bars, but they are definitely not good for me. I will have to struggle through those last three bars, but after that, I'll never have them again. I am happy to say that I've finished the 6 week mark and have 2 weeks of strict keto to go. I really didn't have a set goal, but I did have an idea of hitting 155. I'm 10 pounds from that mark right now, so that doesn't look like it's going to happen. I'm not upset by that but I am a little disappointed in myself. It just means I haven't worked hard enough. I have a new plan to go to an exercise trail a few times a week. I'll find a way to carve out an hour to get that done. I do think this will not only help me get closer to my goal, but I do think it will help my state of mind.

     I know you think that that last line is going to lead into this paragraph, but I'm just going to skip over all the reasons I was stress eating this past week. I'm sure you can figure out most of it. Instead I'm going to share a picture with you of my breakfast from one day this week. I have added minimal dairy back into my diet this week. That was planned, and this breakfast was my first time with some cheese in a few weeks, and it was good. I decided to just make a good old fashioned scramble. It was eggs of course, with some spicy smoked sausage, prosciutto, spinach, cherry tomatoes, and I went with mozzarella instead of the habanero cheddar so that I could see if the spicy smoked sausage brought the heat ( it didn't). Yes, it was as good as it looks.

     I didn't track that macros for it nor the calories, but I'd guess it was somewhere around 600 calories with really good macros. The tomatoes and spinach were only about 4-5 carbs, with it totally loaded with protein. I was probably low on the fat, since I didn't add much oil to it at all, so it was low carb and low fat, and damn tasty.

     I know you saw the title up there. This is one of those rare times when I write the title first and it is all because I have a new crush. I spent a lot of time this week watching the impeachment trial, and a lot of people stood out, but none more to me than Representative Stacey Plaskett. I was taken by her passion and demeanor on a stage in front of the entire world. I of course noticed how smartly dressed she was with blue dress and matching cape. There were a lot of memes with her having the Superman logo on her chest in that outfit, and it fit. So yeah, US Virgin Island Representative Stacey Plaskett is my new crush. No, I don't expect her to ever know, nor do I have an illusions that I would ever meet her.

     That is one smart and stoic woman right there, so I'm proud to call her my new crush.

     Time for Favorite Song of the Week is from a Swedish guy that does nothing but cover songs. He has a twist of course, they are all metal covers. It doesn't matter the song, they all become a metal version, with the exception of actual metal songs. He will give those a hilarious polka twist, well maybe it's a metal polka twist Anyway, this is Leo Morachioli otherwise known as Frogleap Studios with his metal version of Elton John's classic hit "Crocodile Rock".

     Come on, that's just fun. He plays all the instruments on the track and films and edits everything himself. The tiny drum kit is something he does from time to time, he isn't actually playing it. He has a rather impressive drum kit in his home studio which you get a small glimpse of in the beginning and end of the video. He also loves to wear costumes and will sometimes have is young daughter featured in the videos. I've yet to reach the bottom of his videos and I've watched probably a couple hours of them at this point, so if you want to go down a deep dive of creativity, music and fun, give his videos a try. Peace in and goodnight.

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