Sunday, January 17, 2021

It Will Get Better

       The days seem to last forever right now. I haven't decided if that is a good or bad thing yet. I weighed in on Friday and was up a lbs. which wasn't a surprise at all. It just means my body is adapting to what I'm doing and I need to change things up a little bit, which is what I did this weekend. I've alternated from high carb, which for me right now is around 20 grams, to very low carb, which is below 10 grams. I'm also sure that the added pound was water weight as well. The mirror doesn't lie and I've noticed the change in my body from when I start this 8 week plan 3 weeks ago. I keep forgetting to take accountability photos, but I'll get on that this week. I have increased my workouts and have been consistent as well, which was something that was severely lacking for a while. I'm still lackadaisical with my cardio though, but that will change.

     I did however get a quick photo of the beard. I've tried out the hennalabs product, and I think I might like it better than Arctic Fox. That was the brand name of the colored dyes that I got. I forgot to mention that before.

     I will say this though. The Arctic Fox smells much better. Both are derived from plants and are vegan. The Arctic Fox smells like berries, while the Hennalabs smells like overcooked greens. The good news is that that rather pungent fragrance only is apparent when you apply the dye and when you take a hot shower. I'm guessing the heat activates it again. It's the same with the Arctic Fox. I don't have a picture of the Hennalabs, but you can look them up if you like. I tried out the indigo, and I'm loving the color of the beard. It goes between hues of black, purple and blue. It all depends on the color of the hair that it coats. The surprising part is that you get those colors when the powder which you turn into a paste is a deep olive green, almost Army green. It's rather fascinating. Anyway, here is the new beard.     

     You can't really see the depth of color in there, so I'll try to get a photo out in the sunlight either tomorrow or some other day this week. I got two colors of the HennaLabs, this indigo and black. I'm going to hold out on the black for a while, since I do like this one so much. This is also a learning process for me. Dying your hair is kind of an art form that takes practice to get it right. You of course can slap it on and enjoy the results, but in order to get it right, it takes some time and effort. This is a fun learning experience for me. Its given me a lot to think about. There is a barber school near my house that not only teaches you how to cut and color hair, but they also have classes for make up artists as well. It might be something worth looking into. It is definitely something I enjoy doing. Not to mention that when I had hair, I used to cut it myself from my freshman year in high school. Yes I had long hair for much of the time in high school, but my senior year I changed my hairstyle every week for the entire year. It went from long to short to long again. I didn't know what I was doing it all, but I made it work, and my hair looked pretty good with no overly crazy bad looks. If I got some training, I think I could be pretty darn good at it. That's for something at another time though, since I can't really leave the house.

     Oh, just wanted to throw this out there. I enjoy playing Pokémon GO, and I have a research task where I have to make a new friend in order to pass the task. Since I'm rather antisocial, this is very much against everything that I am, so I'm going to take a shot and give you my trainer code, and if you play as well, please add me. I can promise that I will send gifts each day. I do it every morning and since that vast majority of my current friends lists never opens or doesn't send gifts back, I always have plenty to send, so if you play add this code.

     I guess that brings us to Favorite Song of the Week. This week is another one from Foo Fighters. This song was very relatable to me based on the story behind it. I'm going to go out of order here and give you the title before the story. It's called "Waiting on a War".  Basically since Dave Grohl grew up in D.C. the overlooking threat of war was all around. That is very much how I grew. Since I was on the Space Coast between Kennedy Space Center and Patrick Air Force Base, we would always have discussions about what would happen when I was a kid. We all came to the conclusion that it would be over rather quickly for us, since we were in First Strike zones. What that means is that if a nuclear attack was coming, we were going to get hit first. Major cities, and military installations were high priority targets and with the Space Center and the home of the Strategic Air Command being so close, we were as good as done for. We wouldn't even have time to get under our desks, which by the way was so they might have a slim chance of identifying the bodies since there was something that would block potential burning. Anyone in a 50 mile radius was going to die. Anyway, that is what this song is about. Him growing up in a place that was going to see action regardless of if it was nuclear or conventional, Washington D.C. was a First Strike target. Here is the Foo Fighters with "Waiting on a War"

     I hope you have a wonderful week. I know I will because Inaguration day is this week and Lady Gaga is singing the National Anthem. I will not miss it. Peace in and goodnight.

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