Sunday, June 27, 2021

I Got An Air Fryer

     Added some more to the garden this week. I know, it still looks pretty trashy right now. I need at least one more plant and then I'm going to redo the fencing around it. I also got some new lights to string through the fencing. Once I get all of that done, then I'll finally lay down the mulch which will make a huge difference in it's appearance. Once again, those pots are there as labels for the time being. I still haven't decided if I want to label each plant or leave them nameless and just enjoy the garden for it's beauty as opposed to knowing what everything is. I still haven't found the right pot for the desert rose either, but it's doing great in it's little nursery pot. Oh, if you look at the bottom of the photo you can see that caramel reaper on the left side and the berry cream on the right. That caramel has exploded this past week because of the rain we've been getting, and the berry cream has easily doubled in size since transplanting it from it's tiny soda can. The caramel reaper has it's first bud as well, which I'm excited about because I really liked that pepper.

     Although I've eaten some pretty sketchy things this week, I haven't gone of the rails again. I wanted to try a few things, still eating with certain parameters so that it doesn't really effect me over all. I tried Burger King's Ch'King sandwich. That is there new entry into the chicken sandwich wars, and Popeye's is still the hands down winner. The Ch'King was rather bland with very little seasoning. It was a breaded chicken breast with a couple of pickles on it, other than that, nothing really to talk about. They do have a deluxe that is dressed and a spicy one, but it seems they just forgot about the flavor.

     Mountain Dew also put out two new flavors that are kind of part of their Baja Blast. They added Baja  Flash and Baja Punch to the limited lineup. The Flash is basically piná colada, which I wasn't a fan of because of the overbearing coconut flavor in it. The Punch was much better in my opinion. It's a tropical punch that is heavy on pine apple, which I really liked. The best is still the lime centric Baja Blast though. It also helps that they began making that in Zero Sugar last year.

     I guess I should discuss my eating parameters. Basically, I've been eating some sketchy carbs, but doing it in a way that minimizes their effects. I've been very low fat on those days, and kept my carbs mostly separate from anything else, maybe a little protein thrown in, to benefit form the way carbs can help absorption of protein. I've maintained my weight but I often feel bloated from the carbs, which really isn't enjoyable. It also makes me look back on all that time that I felt this way constantly, and thought that was just the way it was. In the end this just fortifies my desire to not feel that way and get back to my normal eating habits as soon as possible.

     I still have yet to join that gym near my house. Every time I think about it, my anxiety just rises, and I have to pass on it. It's mostly the whole idea of going to a new place that I don't know, and also the lack of mask wearing from people when I was there. I do know when there low volume hours are, so I can avoid most people, and I would be wearing my own mask, but it still gets the better of me. I either have to just push through it or forget about it all together. I'll let you know how it all ends up.

     I wanted to fill you in on a show I've been watching on Netflix. It's called Word of Honor, and it's a series from China. It's a good old kung fu drama. It is highly fantasy driven, so the martial arts is fantastic and full of wire acrobatics, but it's really good and interesting. It follows to martial artists, that are soul mates, and the unique thing about that, is that they are both men. This is very unusual for something coming out of China. They have kept them more like brothers than lovers, but there are hints there that they want their relationship to be more. One is the former leader of a kung fu sect that has ended the sect and inflicted a curse on himself with 7 nails that are killing him slowly. The other is secretly the head of a malicious organization that is bent on destroying the world, but when he finds his soul mate he begins to see the world in a new way. The best part of this series, is that it right now I'm on episode 36. That is the first season. I don't think there will be another season, but it's so refreshing to have a series on Netflix that is more than 8 freaking episodes. I really don't like this whole new format of Netflix where they will only accept 8-10 episode seasons. I'm sure this is some cost cutting measure by them, but when you consider that each year their rate per year goes up, the least they could do is give you maybe a 16 episode season. Maybe I'm just used to the network standard of 22 episodes a year for a season, but that also allows you to really tell a story and not rush everything. A lot of the new series rush the story because Netflix is cancelling series after a first season and not giving them a real chance to develop a story. I do think this will eventually end Netflix's reign as the premier streaming service to go to. 

    Alright it's time for Favorite Thing of the Week. This past week I took advantage of Prime Days and finally got an air fryer. I've been wanting one for a long time, but in order to get a decent sized one, you had to pay an arm and a leg for it, otherwise you got one that was only good for maybe toast and a few fries. I was able to get my hands on the size that I wanted for 50% off of the normal price which put it in the price range of those really small ones. I've tried a few things in it so far. Veggie fries of course, which was a no brainer, but I also tried a pork tenderloin that came out perfect. Today I tried doing some steak tips in it, and they came out really good, but since I'm figuring this all out, I ended up with them being well done. That's not a big deal and as I said, they came out really good, but I like my steak medium or medium rare. I set it at 350 for 20 minutes, so next time I'll try cutting the time in half and see if I can end up with them more medium. That all being said, this thing is great and makes cooking even more simple then it already is. If you have one and have any particular things that you think I might enjoy trying out, please let me know.  I have yet to venture into cooking vegetables in it yet, cause I'm really worried about over doing them, but I will eventually give it a try. This particular one has a dehydrator setting on it as well, so I will be drying out some peppers soon. I'm pretty excited about my future eating with this.

     That's all I have this week peace in and goodnight.

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