Sunday, July 11, 2021

I Just Want A Normal Week

      This week did not go anywhere near as I had hoped it would. If you saw the Monday post, which not at all planned, you saw that I lost my precious Schnuggie. That alone made it a rough week, but things got a little better when I got her remains back on Thursday. That was the final highlight of the week and I'm glad it's now coming to an end so I can begin again tomorrow. More on the misery later.

     I had the Schnuggie cremated, I just couldn't bear the thought of transporting her body back to the house for a backyard burial. I'm still shattered over losing her, but I'm getting better. Part of the cremation process was getting a lock of her hair and a paw print. That paw print gave me an idea, since I'm revamping the garden. I'm going to dedicate the garden to The Schnug, and place the paw print in a location of prominence. I'm going to have to put some epoxy on it to protect it from the weather first, but I think it will make a nice addition to Gauge's Garden.

     The Schnugg always liked laying near the garden, mostly because there was shade at one end of it, but I think it's fitting for it to be her garden from now on.

     This is the current state of Gauge's Garden. I was a little short on my mulch so I do need to get another bag to finish it all off, but it looks pretty good. So far, the string lights do not work, but I might have done something wrong, so I'll go back and check things out and see if it was a complete worthless purchase or not. It's a disappointing, but not unexpected since it was Wish purchase. Pay a couple bucks for lights they may just not work. I may just end up going back to the Harbor Freight rope lights.. The ones I got from Wish were multicolored LEDs so they were going to look real neat, but you can't always get what you want.

     As you can see the Desert Rose is doing great, despite still being in it's nursery pot. Yes, I still haven't found the right pot for it. I'll find it, it's just going to take me much much longer than I thought it would. That photo was taken this morning. Thought I would share, because it's one of the few good things about this week.

     When I woke up yesterday it was very quiet in my mom's room, so I decided to just let her sleep a little while longer than normal. When I finally walked in, I found her laying on her side with her head under the bed. I think I actually woke her up when I got near her. I asked what she was doing on the floor, to which she replied, "I'm not on the floor."  I asked her if she was hurt and she said no, so I tried to slide her out from under the bed. That was met with cries of pain, so I immediately stopped, and asked her if she could roll over on her back. She wasn't able to do that at all, so I had to call an ambulance. EMTs showed up and after much crying out, were able to get her up and into a chair. They checked her out, and although she was holding her left shoulder very weird, they believed she was ok, but I wanted to be safe and asked them to transport her to the hospital, but since I'm not medical power of attorney, I can't really make that call and they have to go by her wishes. She wanted nothing to do with riding in the ambulance, so they offered to help get her into my car and I could take her to the ER. I ended up taking her to a different hospital since the EMTs told me that the usual one I would take her to, had been very busy that morning. The new hospital is exactly that, a new hospital. It was very nice, and rather reassuring that despite this state being incredibly backwards when it comes to Covid, everyone was wearing a mask without complaint. I do believe we got into a room sooner than we would at the usual hospital, but the wait was still insanely long. After a few hours the doctor came in, then it took another hour before X-rays and CT scan, and then another 2 hours after that before the doctor and discharge came through. My anxiety was at an intense level, but there is an added reason to that, which I will get to in a second. The X-rays and CT scan showed the my mom was ok. There is the possibility of a bone break in her shoulder but there is literally nothing they can do about it anyway. If it is anything it's a chip at the tip of her shoulder. They couldn't find any bone fragments so they don't know if it is a fresh break or a deformity of the bone or what have you. My mom isn't feeling any pain, but that could be in large part to the dementia itself.

     This visit to the ER has made my exponential harder to deal with. She has been very argumentative since coming home, including something as silly as arguing that her shoe isn't her shoe. There's other things, but they are too graphic to go over in this post. I'll just deal like I always do, but I would really appreciate it if someone else in this family would finally step up and do a little more. I'm not going to go off on a rant because it's just a waste of time and I'll be told it's all my fault anyway, but when I was told by someone at the beginning of this that we all need to come together to help out my mom, it seems like all that meant was I need to do everything and everyone else can tell me how I made that decision to do that. There I'm done with that.

     So my morning plan yesterday was let her sleep in a bit so I could put some of that Arctic Fox (more on arctic foxes later) let it sit a bit, wake her up, get her in the shower and giver her breakfast and by the time all that was done it would be time to rinse out the dye. Well, that didn't happen. I put the dye in let it sit and then went in to get her and all hell broke loose. I had to leave the dye in the entire time I was at the ER, which was around 5 hours. There are some negatives and positives to all of this. The negatives are the addition to my already walking into a hospital anxiety with the new anxiety of what this dye was doing to me being on for way way too long. This also caused a slight itch to my beard which was very annoying under my mask, which also added to my anxiety. The singular plus is the incredible hold of color I have from leaving it in that long. The itch lasted through the night but seems to be gone now, but I'm expecting the worst with that. If nothing more happens, then it's a plus plus, but like I said, I'm expecting the worst. No I don't have a picture, maybe I'll get one tomorrow and save it for next week.

     Before I get into Favorite Thing of the Week, I really should have put this above when I was talking about the Schnuggie. Even though I didn't get the time I had expected to get with her, knowing full well the my time would be short considering that she was an older dog at 7 when I adopted her, I wouldn't change a thing. To answer your next question, yes, I will eventually adopt another dog, and yes it will be an older dog. I feel that older dogs appreciate being adopted much more than younger dogs, plus there is the fact that people overlook those older dogs and miss out on what they truly have to offer. I'm also going to get on my high horse and recommend that you at the very least adopt if you are looking for a pet. I would hope that you would give an older animal a chance, but if you can't just do your best to adopt. If you can't adopt a pet right now, but still want to do something to help out and look stylish while doing it, I'm going to recommend a sunglasses purchase. My favorite sunglass company Goodr is teaming up with Wags & Walks which is an organization that works to place dogs in homes to get them out of kill shelters. Goodr is putting 100% of proceeds from these awesome sunglasses towards Wags & Walks, so you can help out an look incredible awesome at the same time. Just follow this link Cool Sunglasses and give them a peep. I must mention that Goodr makes some quality sunglasses at a real affordable price. Most of the pictures you see me in wearing sunglasses are my Goodr sunglasses. They have multiple styles, but I personally prefer the wayfarer style that the make. They call them OGs.

     Ok, it's on to Favorite Thing of the Week. I'm bringing back some music, but I really need a boost this week, so this is going to be Favorite Things of the Week. I have two songs for you and one picture. This is where that arctic fox comes in. Just check this out.

     That is an arctic fox shedding it's fur for summer. How freaking cute, yet badass is that? I do believe I've found my new spirit animal, and it's a shedding arctic fox.

     Ok, First song this week for Favorite Songs of the Week belongs to none other than Twenty One Pilots. They just released a new video for their song "Saturday" and I'm going to share it with you right now. I would just like to point out that they always have a hidden message in their videos and songs, but there is one rather obvious one, which is Trash the dragon. Trash represents creativity, so when you see him and what he does, it's a pretty obvious statement, anyway, please enjoy TØP with their new song "Saturday".

     The second Favorite Song of the Week is one that I didn't necessarily promised you, but I had really hoped to share with you at some point, and that is the official version of the Foo Fighters as the Dee Gee's doing their version of the Bee Gee's hit song "You Should Be Dancing".

     I know the old Christopher Walken bit is calling for more cowbell, but Taylor puts exactly the right amount of cowbell in that song. Now that's the way to end a week. Watching this video truly had me the happiest I have been all week. I'm really looking forward to the whole album. Just a reminder this is part of Record Store day on July 17th. This is a 5 song EP titled Hail Satin by the Dee Gee's, which is the official Foo Fighters Bee Gee's cover band name. I know that seems like a lot, but aren't all things that are epic, just a little too much. Peace in and goodnight.

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