Sunday, February 20, 2022

I Can't Believe I Soloed It

      I'll just say that it's been a unique week. I got an email early this week from Medium telling me that if I don't have 100 followers on there by a certain time they are removing me from the partner program. That program was the one that if I chose, I could put my writing behind a paywall. I of course lifted all the paywalls from my stories since they never did the one thing they said they would which was promote my work. I have mixed feeling about this whole thing. On one hand I don't really care, which is more than likely that numb feeling I have towards everything, and on the other hand, I'm furious that they have no put a benchmark on things to be able to sell your work. They were supposed to be all for the small independent writer, but it looks like they only want the bottomline, which means some larger company more than likely bought them out. I still plan on finishing The Violet Dahlia, and I will post the final chapter there as well as here, but then I'm not going to post anything on there again. Seems like as good a time as any to leave that platform.

     My mom began complaining about some pain in her back so I had to start administering morphine to her. This is apparently the next big step in how things will be going. I still don't know how many steps there are, I just no that this is a defining moment in her decline. Have I mentioned that I don't wish this on anyone? Other than that, things are going somewhat normal, which is good, but I am finding myself getting tired once again. I'll just have to work through it, because at this point I don't really see her going to that Hospice House again. I just remembered I have to call the social worker. They left a message this week but I was busy with something else and it slipped my mind until now. I'll call tomorrow, since it's Sunday.

    Ok, you knew you were getting some Pokemon news, so strap in, cause this one is kind of fun. I've told you about the raids, so you have an understanding on those. I got an invite to a raid
I think it was in, well I can actually look it up cause I still have the mythical pokemon from the raid. Just did and it was the Phillipines. One of things I may not have mentioned is, that when you go in the lobby of a gym, you have a set amount of time before the actual raid starts so you can invite people from your friends list. When I got in the lobby from the invite, there were 3 other people besides myself, and this particular mythical (legendary) is quite easy to defeat with 4 people. The time counted down and with 4 seconds to go one of the people left. Usually I would bail as soon as it got down to 3 but like I said, this one is rather easy, so I let the time runout and entered the gym for the battle. The two remaining people with me went in, but quick ducked out, which left me there to fight alone. If you remember what I said about legendary raids, you generally need a minimum of 4 people, which is true for the most part, but I was watching the damage I was doing and since I was going to waist a remote raid pass anyway, I was committed to seeing this through. I made a decision early on since I was alone, I was going to use only my best pokemon for that battle, so when all my pokemon feinted, I quickly revived them with a full revive, which I have amassed quite a few of and went back in with that battle group. I had to do that twice and with 19 seconds left I beat the pokemon which gave me the best one I had gotten from the raids which was a 98% IV.

     I did what I thought was impossible for me at this point in the game, I soloed a legendary raid. I figured it was the flukest of flukes and there was no way I could do it again. Well, I got a chance to leave the house yesterday and hunt down a raid in person. I didn't want to waste a remote pass for something that I might not win again, the other time I was all in since I had already entered the gym, I was going to lose the pass regardless, not need to do that on purpose. Well I found a raid and invited some people just to see if they would show up, but only one person did, and when the battle started that person bailed so I was alone again. This time I messed up and it cost me time so I lost, but since I was on location my in person raid pass was still good, so I revived all my pokemon and went back in. Ok for transparency the thing that messed me up was that I took a screen shot while I was fighting for proof that I was alone, but that came up for the edit screen on the photo and I freaked out and it took me a few seconds to get it off the screen which cost me valuable time. I didn't make that mistake the second time. I had to see if I could solo this legendary and it wasn't a fluke. Well it wasn't fluke and with 30 seconds left the legendary went down.

     For those of you that don't play, right under that orange circle with the number 30 in it is where it tells you how many people are in the gym with you, as you can see there is no number there, which means I'm there alone. For further proof there is an achievements screen right after that, that gives random awards for things that people did. If there is more than one person in the gym multiple people will show up on that screen, here is the one right after that raid.

     Final Strike is the default award when you are the only one in the gym. I actually soloed it again. I couldn't believe it. Usually the only people that can do that are trainers that are level 50 and have all the best pokemon leveled up as high as they can go which is also level 50. None of mine are level 50 and I myself am only level 44. The pokemon I start off with isn't even level 40, but is a shadow so it's hits harder than a normal pokemon. I'll get into shadow pokemon at another time. Anyways, I should never have been able to solo a legendary pokemon at all. I'm just a chump that takes the time to look up which pokemon are the strongest fighters against these legendaries, and change their fast and charged moves to the strongest against that type. I'd say I got lucky, which I still feel I did, but there has to be something more to it since I did it twice. Also I should say that you are stronger when you are fighting in person, hence the 19 seconds versus the 30 seconds. Also in the first one, for the brief amount of time that those other two people were in the gym they could have done some damage which would have helped me out, but that second time was all me. For anyone out there that plays and wants this new legendary while it's in the gyms, well, I use the same battle group for each version of this Pokemon, that one is the attack form, there is also defense, normal, and speed form. They are all weak to the very same pokemon, but they do fight differently, anyway back to my point. If you are worried about beating this pokemon but really want it, give me a heads up so I can Mega my Gengar and then send me that invite. I will give you the win, I just can't promise you will catch it. This one likes to run if you don't get excellent throws on each throw, but even then if it is a low enough cp, it will run. The hundo CPs are 1474 for normal and 1842 for weather boosted.

      This is that second one, I changed the name to reflect that solo victory. It does happen to be a 3 star, not a great one, but I was going to keep this one regardless because of how impressed I am with that solo victory. Ok last pokemon related news. I did manage to catch the shiny version of that pokemon this morning. Once again, not very good IV wise, but since it's a shiny, I'm keeping it anyway.

     Oh, I lied there is one more bit of Pokemon news. My hundo streak has ended, no hundos this week.

     Ok, on to other stuff. I keep forgetting to mention this, but I found a keto friendly coffee drink. Most of the ones out on the market all full of sugar, but this one uses monk fruit and it's rather fantastic. I've had the caramel which is pictured, the vanilla, and the mocha. I have to say that the vanilla and mocha have a synthetic flavor to them, so I'll just stick to the caramel. I can't use this during a fast, but it will be good for a coffee treat with a morning meal from time to time.

     Just thought you might want to give it a try. It's good even if you aren't doing keto.

     Like I said last week, i'm beginning to feel that creative spark. Yesterday I went to a craft store and picked up a few things, canvases included, I have plan for something that I hope will be pretty epic, but I'm going to hold off telling you what it is for now. If things go well I'll be laying the groundwork for it this week and maybe I'll have something to show you in a couple of weeks.

    Ok, time for Favorite Song of the Week and this time we are going back in the day. The first time I heard this song it blew my mind. This was one of those hits that defined a generation and changed things in the music industry. It also helps that these are the grandfathers of hip hop. No this wasn't their first hit, but this will always be my favorite song by them, so I am so pleased to give you RUN DMC and let's not forget Jam Master Jay with their hit "It's Tricky"

     Come on, that is such a great song. Whenever I hear that I always miss Jam Master Jay. RUN DMC would not be who they were without him on the turntables.

     That's all I have for this week, I won't have pictures for you, but I hope for an update on that art project next week so you can look forward to that. Peace in and goodnight.

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