Sunday, February 13, 2022

What's Going On

     Ok, just to get this out of the way early, my hundo streak is still going. I caught 3 more this week and one of which was a surprise. Yes, I know they are all surprises, but I have this small device that I can connect to the game that can spin pokestops and catch pokemon when I'm not playing the game. I generally use it in the morning when I'm on my drive so that I can focus on spinning the stops while it catches pokemon. Once I get to a location where I can stop and spend some time, I go through all the pokemon that it caught and check to see what they are, usually I get the surprise shiny, but this was my first hundo and it just so happens to be one that I really like and really really wanted. 

      That is a female Heracross, you can tell because of the heartshaped horn on it's head, the male has a two pronged pointy horn. Beside it having a slight difference in the sex of it, it is also special because it is a regional. That means you can only catch it in a certain region of the world and where I live happens to be one of the very few areas in the US you can catch it. It is part of the southern region which covers all of South America and the bottom half of Florida, Texas, and I believe a sliver of California. Heracross is also a pretty versatile pokemon as far as fighting goes so I use them quite often in raids and battling other players, Oh, I should point out that it can appear in the rest of the world as a raid boss which it did recently when the shiny was introduced. That created a whole stir because the removed it from the region when it was in raids so that you couldn't catch it in the wild. That's going into a real deep dive and I'm pretty sure I've hit the limit of your sticking with this, so on to other things.

     Things are going rather smooth with my mom, I guess I've gotten into a groove, which will more than likely change soon. These smooth going never last very long, but this one is going longer than most.

      Tried a couple of firsts this week. Since I extended my not so great eating one more week I was able to get a few more coffee drinks. I tried a cold brew first which was exactly like I thought it would be, which was wonderful. I didn't need to add my usually double shot of espresso to it to get that strong coffee bitterness to it. I also gave a ice caramel macchiato a try, and I liked it as well. To be honest though I don't know if I could tell the difference between that and a latte, but it gives me another option from time to time. I didn't add my double shot of espresso to that either so maybe that's the difference, just a stronger flavor. Oh on the home front I tried my normal morning shake differently. I would usually just use water with my Sunwarrior Warrior Blend and Collagen combo, but I tried it with 10oz of coffee and 10oz of almond mild and it was delicious. I did find that if I let the coffee cool down it was a bit better, since I put a few ice cubes in my shake. The melted ice with the hot coffee caused it to get a bit watered down, so I just planned ahead the second time I gave it a try and made my coffee about a half hour before I made the shake. I use the Dunkin Donuts Keurig French Vanilla cup for my just plain coffee. I can drink that even when I'm eating super healthy cause it won't spike my insulin in any way or have any calories. It's even good when fasting, which reminds me I need to get a new box tomorrow when I go shopping.

     Ok, I've been thinking about a video that we could do for The Pepperoni Report and I'd like your input. We usually do a video with owners or a owner at the end of each season, where we just sit down with them and talk about how things are going, but I've been thinking that maybe this year we take questions and just sit down and answered those. Maybe give people a chance to get to know us a little better. So what I need to know from you, is this a good idea, or opening us up to a whole lot of things that we probably don't want? I haven't had a chance to discuss it with my partner yet, cause he was in a car accident recently and is still a bit mentally shook up, so he is taking some time to rest up and heal. We have plenty of time for this since the first video doesn't launch until March 14th. This would more than likely be our season finale video so it wouldn't go out until some time in June, I don't have the exact date yet, but I think that is when it would go out. Please leave a comment below (they work again, finally) and not on Facebook, since there are a lot of days I don't actually go on there at all.

    Time for Favorite Song of the Week. This comes from an artist that at the time had to fight in order to put this album out, because it was contrary to every thing they did in the past. Marvin Gaye was known as the crooner love song singer with Motown, and when he wanted to make a protest album, they didn't want him to do it, because it might damage his image, but he fought and fought until they gave in, and it wasn't just the right decision for him, but it changed the way some record companies viewed the role in helping artist change society. Marvin not only wrote all the songs but produced the album as well, and in doing that did some things that were rather unusual. Doubling ones voice wasn't unusual, but basically singing a duet with yourself was, and that is in essence what Marvin did on this song. It has so many layers of his vocals with singing two parts at the same time as well as backing vocals as well, not to mention the fact that he used the Detroit Lions in the part where you here the crowd talking. That was the Detroit Lions back in 1970, maybe 69, not sure when he actually recorded the song. I am happy to present to you, Marvin Gaye with his indelible hit "What's Going On".

     If you were wondering, no I don't have that album on vinyl. Yes, it is a goal of mine to find a copy of it. I will, just give me time.

     Alright then, that is all I have this week. I have no real plans for this week, but I have found myself wanting to write again which is unusual for me lately, so maybe that will happen. The goal in mind would be to finish the Violet Dahlia, but we will see what happens. I hope you have a great week, peace in and goodnight.

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