Sunday, February 6, 2022

Where Have All The Butterflies Gone

      I had a moment of creative thought this week, and I can't seem to get it out of my mind. I'm hoping this might be some sort of rebirth in my creativity, since it seems to have left me. Right now it's just an image in my head and I'm not exactly sure what to do with it, but it might come to me. If it doesn't, I don't think I'll be too upset since like I said, all creativity has sort of left me at this point.

     I have a quick Ri Ri picture for you. This is her sleeping on a pillow instead of Morty's bed. I thought this was a bit odd until I noticed after taking the picture that she threw up in his bed. She's a bit of a butthead, but I still love her.

     Ok, short Pokemon update. AS of lately I've had this pretty hot streak of catching hundos. It sort of all started with that one legendary I showed you from that really incredible day of 2 shinies and then that hundo from raids. Well last month with that one included I caught 7 hundos, which is really not the norm for me. I'm lucky if I get 1 a month,. Well I've already started this month off with 2, both were from research tasks, and both were almost exactly the same. They were this little one right here. both had the 611cp, but their sizes were slightly different. This was the first one which I caught on Feb 1st, the second was on the 5th. 

    As you can see, I also made this one a buddy, so that I can get those XL candies up to 296. That's the number of candies you need to get that to it's max level of 50. Back to the hot streak, since December I've caught 11 hundos, which is crazy to me, but I'll take it. Ok, that's all the Pokemon news I have for you.

     I have 2 videos to put together for the TPR, well, I can only really finish 1 of them. The second one is our midseason special which we are filming separately for a few reasons, 1 we don't need to be together for this one, and well, I just can't get myself free to film anything else right now. I really don't see us filming tougher until maybe some time in March at the earliest, but that's ok. The videos we will have including this special should take us into April and maybe even May, so we have ourselves covered for a while anyway.

     It seems the steady decline of my mother has taken a slight turn. Some of her strength and character are back. Not enough to say she has bounced back per say, but enough to lead me to believe she will be around a little longer than expected. I have no real idea how long that is, but for a while I didn't expect her to make it to today, so when I say longer, that could be 2 weeks or 2 months, I really have no idea. She is complete bedridden now, and in order to keep her a part of everything, I will carry her out to the TV room so she can somewhat participate. She has her bed in the old living room now, since they brought her a hospital bed, that kind of in a way keeps her involved, she can see the TV and hear the music, plus the dogs are always around her. The bed has kept me from accountability photos, since it's in the way of the shot I usually get, so those are put on hold for the time being. I'll get back to them soon enough. I guess this all comes down to, apparently I'm doing something right when it comes for taking care of my mom, what that is, I don't know that either. There is a lot I don't know about this whole process, so I feel that I'm getting lucky at a lot of turns here.

     Ok, it's time for Favorite Song of the Week, and we are going deep on this one. This will also be sort of  a preview for this up and coming Friday Night Vinyl. This one comes from my favorite member of the ground breaking Hip Hop group Wu Tang Clan, non other then ODB, Ol' Dirty Bastard, aka Dirty Dog, aka Big Baby Jesus. He was one of the true greats of Hip Hop and I miss what he could have done if he had lived. I give you ODB with his song "Shimmy Shimmy Ya".

     Ok, I'm leaving this one short today since I can hear my mom being rather vocal which means she probably needs to be changed, Let me tell you the joy of that, or I won't and just leave it to your imagination. Peace in and goodnight.

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