Sunday, January 30, 2022

We Are The Goon Squad

      Ok, another late start today, but that was to match last weeks start for my week off social media. I have to say it did it's intended job. Although I'm way behind on current events (which I don't really mind), I have a peace and tranquility over me that only comes from avoiding social media for a certain length of time. Oh, I must tell you what happens when you take a break from social media, because it is rather fun in a disturbing way. Since I don't have Facebook on my phone, they can't send push notifications, so the company that stopped sending emails updates, sent email updates, in a clingy overly needy date sort of way. I get "hey this person posted this" or, "so and so would make a great new friend", it's rather pitiful if you ask me. That's Facebook though, and since Instagram is a Facebook owned property and I do have it on my phone, I get dozens of push notifications other than the ones I have chosen to get. Twitter isn't much different even to the effect of sending me notifications of people I have no idea who they are. Anyway, I went on Twitter and Instagram this morning so the majority of those notifications will stop. I'll hit Facebook after I post this to see if it was successfully shared on there, to end that trainwreck.

     This week was, well, I can't really give it an adjective cause I'm sort of numb. This is something that has come with caring for my mom. My family member that was coming to visit made it, and thankfully they didn't have Covid, only a nasty cold. They of course had a mental moment when they got her and realized that it wasn't quite what they thought it would be like. I haven't had that moment since I can't afford to. I'm saving my emotions for when this is all over, and because of that I have become pretty numb to the whole thing and possibly to those around me. It has really felt like a strange dynamic for me personally. That all being said, I am very appreciative for the brief help I had, this week it was needed since it was kind of a transition week. My mom can no longer stand on her own or even really with the aid of someone else. She is very much bedridden at this point and her decline has accelerated. The end is coming quick, but not as quick as maybe the nurse thought when she saw her on last Monday. That day was one of the worst for my mom, but she bounced back well when she went to the hospital bed full time. I was letting her go back to her bed at night. That was her sort of safe space, but it was causing issues with her breathing, so it had to stop. She is in good spirits today, but I haven't changed her yet, so that could change when the cold air hits her, which will be as soon as I'm done with this. By the way, it is 34 degrees in Florida today. Don't worry, the heater is cranking.

     Ok, I got a picture of that breaded chicken that is only slightly healthier than your run of the mill chicken tenders.

     I can't believe I couldn't remember Caulipower. I have my issues with Caulipower products, but this one is tasty. They use rice flour far more than the cauliflower which is why I can't eat this when I'm eating truly clean, they also have soluble corn fiber as well, don't get me started. With that being said, they are real tasty and the spice level is decent. The packaging says they use paprika as the only pepper, but there has to be something else, cause paprika isn't that hot, not saying that these are very hot, but like I said a solid jalapeño heat level for these.

      I have one other picture to share with you. As you know I wake up super early in the morning to go and spin my pokestops, and that usually Morty goes with me, with the exception of the rare day when Ri Ri is awake and she goes. Well this day was one of those rare days, and those goofballs decided that they both had to be in the front seat, which I'm pretty sure they both regretted as soon as they did it, but stuck with it for almost the whole ride. Morty was the one that finally gave in and hopped in the back with about 5 minutes to go on the ride.

     It was funny watching them jockey for positions of comfort. I think they learned their lesson, cause this morning was the first morning they were both on the ride since then and Ri Ri stayed in the back where she usually is. She likes having the run of the back seat to go back and forth and bark at cars, which is very annoying.

      I have a video to edit from last week and some pictures to add to the TPR blog, so things are coming together, I still have to find time some how to film two more episodes as well as a little mid season special (which will be the easy part). The mid season special can be filmed at the house. We also have a season finale special to film, but I think I'm going to have to leave that to Guy to do. That will be our usual interviewing of a few owners. Which reminds me, I need to write up a list of questions, because Guy wants to talk cost and increases in cost and stuff like that is not only boring but can open up political discussions and I don't want that on the channel. We are about pizza not politics, so I will do everything I can to keep us apolitical.

     One of the things I got to do while my family member was here, was make a visit to the record store, and it was apparently David Bowie day, cause I found some Bowie records that I didn't have but wanted and I grabbed a couple of them up, so Favorite Song of the Week is coming from Bowie, and since I'm currently spinning Scary Monsters on the record player, I'm choosing a song from that album. Yes it will be the big hit from the album, but it's still a banger. So I give you David Bowie with his song "Fashion".

    I hope you all danced to that one. I wanted to, but I was writing and couldn't so I'm living vicariously though you right now as long as you are dancing, if you aren't then fooey on you. I guess I'll tell you the other album I picked up. It was The Man Whole Sold the World. With those two out of the way, and they are reissues, I just want playable copies at this point, I'm going to focus on Heroes and Ziggy Stardust and the Spiders from Mars. I think when I have those two I'll be happy and any other vinyl will just be icing. I mean of course I want Station to Station and Blackstar, but those just aren't essential to me right now, plus I have digital copies so I can listen whenever I want.

     Oh, since I took my social media break, there was no Friday Night Vinyl this week, so expect something pretty cool for this coming Friday. I have a lot of records to chose from and some epic looking vinyl that I haven't shared yet. There are a few I've been saving so a return to posting might be a good time for one of them to make an appearance. Until then peace in and goodnight.

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