Sunday, January 2, 2022

Year End Review

     Decided to write this a little later than I have been doing. New Year, new things am I right. I say later but it's only 9:30 in the morning, so still very early comparatively speaking in terms of when the majority of these posts have been actually written. Remember the days of me writing when I got home from drinking. I do, and although some would argue that that was when this blog was at it's best, I hated it. Anyway, it was quite a week, so I have a lot to share with you. The first will be my final accountability photos of 2021, which will also serve as my starting point for 2022. Here they are, in all their disgusting glory.

     Ok several things and where to begin. You can see that I've clearly fallen from when I was at my leanest, but I still see signs of heading back in the right direction. You can also see some dye left in the beard from my most recent venture in hair coloring. That was actually black, but it is very much a very dark shade of blue. I currently have the dye back in the beard and waiting for it to set while I'm writing this. Right now, it looks as black as my pants, but I know when I rinse it out, it will fade to kind of a denim blue. Really weird but I like it. I may just go back to that aquamarine again soon. That really stood out. Last but not least are my Crocs. I clearly have worn these to the bone. The color is fading considerably and although they are holding together quite nicely, it may be time for a new pair. I do have an all black lined pair, but those only see use when it's cold, and yes, these are basically my house shoes, so they don't actually see a lot of outside time. I think I'll hold out another month or so. I would really like to get a purple pair, but it seems that they are always sold out of the grape type color, and I don't need another pair of lined Crocs, so a month may be optimistic if I want to hold out for the purple ones.

     Tuesday I woke up at 3 like I normally do, got dressed and got Morty to come along with me (Ri Ri was fast asleep and I didn't want to wake her). As we walked out into the utility room on our way through the garage, I heard a dripping coming from the hot water heater. I broke out the light on my phone and looked around. It was definitely the hot water heater, but I could not for the life of my find where it was coming from, so I ran outside and turned the main for the water off to the house. The dripping had stopped, so crisis temporarily averted. Morty and I went out to spin some Pokestops. I came back and looked more for the leak but since the water wasn't on I couldn't find it at all. I did have to turn the water back on briefly for my mom, and that's when I saw it. The leak was in the pressure safety tank, which is a small tank that sits above and separate from the water heater for overflow when pressure is too high. I did some looking and I could have simply replaced it myself, but since the water heater is a rental, I had to call and have it taken care of. The originally gave me an appointment for Wednesday in the afternoon, so I had to devise a plan of action. I could keep the water off, but the nurse was coming to help bath my mom, so I would have to figure out a way to have the water on, and not create a disaster area. I ran out to Lowe's and bought a shop vac. I went for the 12 gallon one since I could turn the water on, then the vac and not worry at all about having it on for an hour. Hindsight being what it is, I could have gotten away with the smaller 5 gallon one, because they rescheduled the appointment for later that day, and the nurse showed up late right when the new water heater was being installed. Oh yeah, since the water heater was over 6 years old, they had to replace the whole thing. Disaster managed, and I now have a really sweet 12 gallon shop vac. If anyone has some water disasters, I got your back.

     Ok, this is the part of the blog you may want to skip, cause I'm going to be talking about Pokemon. Ok, for the players of the game this is some interesting stuff. You know about shinies, and you know about hundos, but there are a few others that you may not have heard of like; shundos (shiny hundos), Shluckies (lucky shinies, only can be gotten in lucky trades), and shlundos (lucky shiny hundos, I still don't have one of those). The last one and there are even a few more terms, but this is the funnest one for me, is the nundo. A nundo is a pokemon with absolutely no bars or stars. For instance, this is what a hundo looks like when you pull up the appraisal.

     That is my best buddy hundo Snorlax, which I named Fourlax. As you can see all the bars and stars are full and the insignia with the stars is red. Here is my nundo Smeargle to show you the difference between a 4 and a 3 star. 

     As you can see, that there are no bars, no stars and the insignia is orange. Now hundos and shinies are rare in the game but even more rare are the nundos, so I save every one that I get and give them fun related names. Here are all my nundos to date. 

    I have since this photo changed the name or my smearlge to Snungle. Jack Zero was a recommendation from a friend for the Spearow. It's a play on Jack Sparrow. You can see that I have 8 of those, in comparison I have over 200 shinies, and 41 hundos.  Collection odd ball Pokemon like nundos are part of the fun of the game, so make sure you save those nundos. Ok, that's my Pokemon talk for the day.

     Ok, finally pic of the day, because Ri Ri can't be too far away from me at any point in time. Her she is laying at the foot of my chair.

    She is such a sweet girl, I still have no idea why she is so violent towards new people. It bothers me, but until I can figure it all out, I keep her outside when the nurses come. Morty on the other hand is everyones best friend, so he gets to stay inside from time to time.

    Last I'm just going to do a best of the year round up. I don't think I've ever done this before, so instead of Favorite Song of the Week, these are my Favorite Things of the Year. First off is my album of the year which goes to Halsey with her album If I Can't Have Love, I Want Power.  I absolutely love this album, Produced and engineered by Trent Reznor and Atticus Ross, it's like Nine Inch Nails was fronted by Halsey and it's everything you ever wanted to hear.

     My movie of the year is going to have to go to Encanto. I really don't remember all the movies I watched this year, and that one is definitely stuck in my head right now. It's a fun animated film set somewhere in South America. It's colorful, heartwarming and delightful, make sure you check it out.

     Favorite show of the year is a tough one. Once again, I don't remember what shows I've watched. There were several Korean shows on Netflix that I thoroughly enjoyed so let's just make Squid Game the favorite show. I'm sure everyone has seen, or at the very least heard of it. If you haven't seen it, definitely do, and if you have seen it, a second season is coming. I just don't know when. 

    Ok, that's me year end review. I've already done a 24 hour fast this year, and plan one for tomorrow, leading to me free week. I am a bit concerned though, because they told me they would confirm that my mom was going to be admitted to that hospice house for a few days, but I haven't heard from anyone, and I'm not really sure who to call. The social worker is supposed to be the one for this, but the guy that is assigned to my mom was on vacation or still is and the one that made the appointment was a temp in his place till he was back. I'm going to wait until Tuesday and then call to see what is happening with that. It's starting to look like I may not get those days to myself in which case my car appointment is doomed. I'll of course let you know how everything goes on Sunday. Oh, once last thing. Friday which is the day I'm supposed to take my mom to the hospice house is also the five year anniversary of my last drink. If I get to drop my mom off, I'm going to celebrate by getting a latte and going to the record store. I know, not really adventurous but that's who I am now. Peace in and goodnight.

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