Sunday, January 16, 2022

It Often Goes Sideways

      Writing a little late today because I fell back to sleep around 6 in the morning. I'm patiently waiting around for Community Day which is a Pokemon GO thing where a certain Pokemon is abundantly available for a certain number of hours. The shiny rates go up as well, so you get a much better chance of getting one. It's almost 9 now, so I have 2 hours to go. I haven't caught a wild Pokemon since around 4 this morning.

     I promised you some fun pictures and I have them. The first one is of Ri Ri who when I come home from grocery shopping, mugs me at the door and has to put her head in each and every bag. That kind of backfired this time and while I was unloading the bags I noticed that she had snuck her head through the handle of one of the bags. Right after taking this picture she decided it was time to wander off, and dragged the bag full of it's contents between her legs making her walk funny. Sadly, I did not get a picture of that. Notice the guilty looking face.

     The next couple are of Morty, the first is how he hangs out in the car. This was when I stopped to battle a Grunt in Pokemon and he was patiently waiting looking for a random neighborhood cat.

     This next one is his sexy pose on the couch. Please excuse the disaster that is the couch. The dogs have long since taken it over and I can not for the life of me get it clean again. I would throw it out, but I don't want to change things to drastically for fear of confusing my mom with new surroundings, so it is what it is.

     He has a few other poses that he gets into, but I didn't catch him this week. I'll keep on the ready and try to bring you more pictures when the opportunity arises.

    Last two from me are of Saki. It felt so good to get out and ride again, and I simply forgot just how rocket fast that bike is. I kept within a moderate range and didn't try to push any limits, but when I first got out on the road, I just grabbed a handful of throttle and was going 80 before I knew what hit me. I really did miss that much more than I thought I did. I haven't plugged it back into the trickle charger yet, cause I'm hoping to get more ride time soon, but we will see. In the meantime, here is Saki in all it's glory.

     The one thing I did do was run all the fuel as low as I could before filling up, to get that stale fuel out of the lines. I was shocked that year old fuel still ran pretty good, but when it got that fresh gas in there, it let me know by giving me a bit of a power boost. I could feel it when I throttle up.

     I didn't get that date I was hoping for, in essence she has ghosted me, but I did get to film two episodes of The Pepperoni Report. I still have to edit the videos but the will be ready to go when we finally start our third season, which is now in year 5 of it's existence. We took a understandable hiatus. I have figured out a safe way of doing it in the middle of a pandemic. It's going to look quite a bit different, but it will still involve eating pizza and talking about it. I'm thinking I'm going to set a launch date for season 3 some time in March. We are hoping for 6 episodes of reviews with 2 (what we hope will be fun) specials, a mid season and season finale special. We know what the specials will be but the finale needs some planning so it will be the last thing we film.

     I know what you are wondering, how was my mom's stay at the Hospice House. The short answer is that it went well. There wasn't really much of a change in her from staying there for 5 days. Her mobility seems to be the only thing that took a hit, and she just wants to stay in bed at all times. I can still get her to walk from her bed to the bathroom and back, but any more than that doesn't seem possible. The fact that there was only that small bit of change opened my eyes a bit. Since I have no idea what I'm doing, I always thing I'm doing everything wrong, and with this visit and nothing changing, especially the fact that she didn't eat any more than what she was eating with me, lets me know that I'm doing ok. I was really hoping that they could get her eating more, but with dementia one of the things that goes and is very frustrating for me, is the appetite. She eats and drinks very little. I don't push it anymore cause that can cause her stress, so I give her what she will take and when she signals that she is done, that's it. I stop for an hour or so and then try a little more. I feel very luck if I can get 2 small shakes a few berries and a few glasses of water in her each day. I understand that the body can survive on very little food, but that is even less than what I think of as very little. The nurses have told me that it will keep decreasing as the dementia takes more and more hold on her. I have added gatorade and some punch for electrolytes and just simple calories. It has been working a little better than when I was trying to get solid foods in her. I can't always get her to eat berries. There are just days when all she will do is drink and even those days are a struggle cause she will just stop dead in the water and refuse to drink anything.

     It's time for Favorite Song of the Week, and I'm going back to Halsey. I told you I loved that new album and I'm going to bring you a song that wasn't on the original version of the album, but she has just released and extended version. I did get this track as a download from the Target exclusive album, so I heard it long before she did this extended version. She has also released a Love and Power EP, so I highly suggest listening to all of those. The EP includes some older songs of hers reimagined. Anyway, her is Halsey with that previously exclusive extra track "People Disappear".

     Like all of the songs on If I Can't Have Love, I Want Power, you can hear the Nine Inch Nails influence. I'm telling you this is a great album and really it should be an essential album in your collection. What are you waiting for go download this album already.

     I was supposed to get a bit of a break again when a family member comes in about a week or so, but they have now fallen ill. It could be a cold or it could be Covid. We won't be sure until they get tested later this week. If it's Covid the trip is out. Even though this was a little break for me, it's more of an opportunity for them to say their goodbyes. This will more than likely be the last time they see my mom alive, and that could all be in jeopardy simply because people refuse to do the simples of things to end this pandemic. I'm not getting on a soapbox to get you to get the vaccine, I've already done that. What this is is, if you haven't gotten the vaccine, stay away from people. I really wanted to swear there, but since I didn't put a disclaimer up above, I'm going to keep it clean, but you truly need to understand my rage about this. I've been trying to get this person here for over a year now and this was finally the time they could come and it might not happen now, because someone couldn't give up there chance to go out and get everyone they came in contact sick because people only seem to care about themselves now. Now my family member is boosted so I'm not worrying about anything really bad happening to them, but there's still the fact that it didn't have to happen. I'm going to end this here before I start ranting, because trust me I want to. Peace in and goodnight.

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