It's been a very strange week. I started out this week with an insane amount of luck in Pokemon GO. I've told you that I do the raids, well when I get a raid invite and I see it, I feel compelled to join that raid because I'm helping that person out. The benefit to me is I get a chance at catching a legendary or slightly rare Pokemon. Well this day really paid out for me. The first raid I did was, well all of them were this legendary known as Kyurem. It looks like a strange dragon with plugs for wings, I'll show you pictures in just a bit. Well the first raid I did was only a 2 star. I knew right away because of the CP when it appeared on the catch screen. As soon as I was done catching that one a new raid invite came in, this one was a good one, but with hindsight it wasn't even the best one. The catch screen opened up and there it was, a shiny.
Ok this next picture was just a really cool shot that I got from the fire pit this week. This one log did something really unusual where it burned from the bottom but then bored out a hole to the end of the remains of a branch, it was super cool. I risked melting my phone and burning my hand to get this shot. I had to get in real close even with zooming in, but here it is.
I mean, come on, how cool is that? That shot in particular reminded me of something I always wanted to do. It's a weird thing, I've always said that I wanted to write like fire. What I mean by that is to start a story with no perceived notion, and just write with chaos and reckless abandon. Let the words fall where they may and see if it somehow makes sense in the end. I've never actually set out to try and do that, but then I got to thinking that this blog is kind of like that. Most times I have no idea where to start and where it's going to go each time. There is also no set ideal for how it's laid out. I have often times started something and then resisted it later on in the post, so I guess I unwittingly achieved that goal of writing like fire, just not in the way I had hoped to.
Now for the very odd thing that is happening right now as I write this. When I wake up in the morning, after I've done all the Pokemon stuff, I catch up on some social media that happened over night. I follow some adult entertainers, and see what they post and on this day one posted a picture of themselves on the beach. It wasn't some glamours shot or anything like that, it was just a simple selfie with the shoreline in the background, so I hit the like on it. Shorty after doing that, I received a message from them. It was just a simple "hello" so I saw no harm in responding. Here is the thing, the way I look at social media, is a way to enjoy someone else's achievements, either through their posts, or seeing how they live. It is by no means a way for me to make connections, so I see celebrities and normal people I follow as a simple person on a screen that I enjoy seeing their posts. I would never reach out to them, because that isn't what I'm there to do. With that being said, the thought did go through my mind to not respond at all, but I did with a simply hello back. I expected nothing to come from that, but alas we are not having a very odd conversation, which I'm not at all positive that it isn't some hacker that took over her account. I'm keeping things very vague about myself, because if it is, I'm not getting taken. It has gotten somewhat personal though with her telling me about how someone tried scamming her for her money by taking advantage of her willingness to fall in love. Still that doesn't mean that it's really her. I guess I could ask for proof, but that would be kind of gauche, wouldn't it? It is just a very surreal experience for me.
It's time for Favorite Song of the Week, and in honor of David Bowie's birthday which was yesterday I thought I would choose one of his songs. My all time favorite song of his is Golden Years, but I tend to gravitate to different songs from time to time, which is not difficult to do considering how many absolutely great songs that there are to choose from. This week I've been leaning towards one of the all time greats, but I wanted to choose a version of it that you may not have heard. This was the original US release, but was pulled shortly after it's first played to be replaced by the version we all know and love, but this version is simply amazing, so I give to you Mr. David Bowie with his all time classic "Rebel Revel" the US version.
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