Sunday, January 23, 2022


      Getting a little bit of a late start today. I don't have any pictures for you today, since it's been a pretty uneventful week. I was thinking this week that I haven't done my yearly social media blackout in well over a year, so I might just do it starting this week. Since things are going kind of well for a change on that front, I might just limit it to a week, which means that after I log off of this, I'll shut everything down and make it back just in time to write next weeks post. I think that's what I'll do.

      Oh, I have a new favorite coffee drink. We have this place here, that is a chain, but I'm not sure how nationwide it is, but it's called Scooter's. It's a little drive up stand and they have coffee and other related drinks with a few eats to grub on. Their bacon burrito isn't all that great, but it satisfied my hunger for the time being, but anyway back to the coffee. Ok, I tried a few incarnations of this drink until I think I have it perfected for me. I get a large caramel latte with whole milk then add a double shot of espresso to it. I've only done it iced, which is a whole weird thing but I like it, and so far that is my jam. Out of the 3 big chains for coffee around here, Scooter's is my favorite with Dunkin close behind and Starbuck's taking a distant third. I forgot to mention that I've taken a little longer break from the clean eating, to satisfy getting some more videos done on The Pepperoni Report. I'm still eating relatively clean, but I'm doing a lot more intermittent fasting in place of staying in ketosis. It's been working out well, but I do prefer the way I feel when I'm eating fully clean. I'll get back to that soon. I have a few more videos to try and get in before we are done for this season. 

      Speaking of TPR, I have a premier date. Our first video of season 3 (5 years in the making) will be March 17th at noon New York time. I can tell you that they aren't quite the same, but they have the same feel. After editing the first two videos, I've seen a couple of things we need to fix, one of which is me taking to the camera and not the playback. I've noticed that when I point to the camera, I'm pointing to that. Just to let you know the set up. We have the camera mounted just below the review mirror, and right along side of that, I have my phone mounted that is providing a live playback of the video, and I'm looking at that to check quality. It's basically a photographer habit that I broke before, but fell right back in, on these first two videos, so when you see them check out the idiot looking somewhere that's not the camera. That would be me, the idiot. I also think we need to limit ourselves. This is also something that we broke before, but not doing this for 2 years, we have a little rust to knock off. That all being said, I think the videos will be enjoyable for what they are, and how they are quite a bit different from what we were doing.

     I'll have to get a picture for next week, but I found these, somewhat keto friendly chicken tenders. They use a rice flour/cauliflower blend, the rice flour is the issue, but not overly horrible. I got the spicy(ish) ones, and they were pretty good. I forgot to check what pepper they used, but I would put it at a mild jalapeño level of heat. You could taste the difference in the breading, but it was still pleasant to the pallet, and considering there really aren't many options out there for breading on keto, it is what it is. These will be more of a treat for me, and mostly when I'm not doing my clean eating program. The rice is a big no no for me when I'm eating clean, but for anyone that want's a somewhat healthier option than the standard chicken tenders, there it is. Sorry, I don't remember the brand or anything, just that they said they had standard and spicy(ish). Like I said, I'll get a picture for you next week, which will have all the info on it. I can tell you they were in an odd place of the frozen food section. My store has one area that is for the beyond meat and vegan choices of meat substitutes, but they also have keto and paleo items there as well. I know where to find that stuff there, but it's very confusing to mix all those different dietary styles together like that.

     I guess since I really can't think of anything else to write, it's time for Favorite Song of the Week. This is one that has popped up on my mix while in the car several times this week, and my opinion, is that it's one of the saddest songs ever written. I'm just going to dive into it. the song is "The Show Must Go On" by Queen. It seems like it has a positive spin to it, but when you remember that it was written by Brian May for Freddie and it was dealing with the fact that Freddie was dying, and that it was one of the last songs he ever recorded, and that it was when his health was so bad the they really didn't think he could actually sing it, it's freaking sad. Now the other part of the story. When they were getting ready to record it, Brian told Freddie he wasn't sure about it, because it's not an easy song, and Freddie, just said I'll do it, and downed some vodka. He used more colorful language, but you get the point. I proudly give to you Queen with "The Show Must Go On".

     I think I will delve into a whole bunch of Queen this week. Sadly I have none on vinyl, but digital will suffice. Peace in and goodnight.

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