Sunday, December 26, 2021

Future Days

      I survived another Christmas. Did I mention that this is my least favorite holiday. I never feel more alone than this time of the year, and it down right sucks, but enough of that. I have a few television recommendations for you. The first two are on Disney +, so I'm hoping you have that so that you can see these two animated movies. The first one is Ron's Gone Wrong. Without giving anything away it's about a boy and his robot, but it's more than that of course. It's real fun and heartwarming which is exactly what I needed to get through this week.

    The second is more of that fun and heartwarming feeling, but has a cultural aspect that I really enjoyed. I like seeing the world through a different lens. It kind of took me back to when I visited New Mexico for the first time and was able to look around and see that no one looked like me. It was refreshing and so is this movie. What's the movie? Well it's Encanto and it's really fun with great animation. I did make the mistake of reading comments on a Disney post about the film and it was exactly what I expected. Please don't be like those people and look at cultural diversity with an open mind and heart. We can only learn from each other, and that is a gift.

     Last film recommendation comes from Netflix and it's a new movie that stars Leonardo DiCaprio and Jennifer Lawrence, although it's really an all star cast. They just happen to be the leads. It's called Don't Look Up, and yes it is an analogy for the climate crisis but you can also correlate it to something else that just happens to be going on right now. It's a dark comedy, but is pretty poignant and quite terrifying in it's accuracy of the current human mentality. Once again without giving anything away this kind of falls in my belief that if there was a god and he had a son, and he sent him back for the second coming, there is a certain faction of people that would absolutely dismiss him as lunacy based on their fundamentally misguided beliefs. This isn't me saying religion is wrong, this is me saying that certain people within religion would simply denounce their own savior because they simply believe they are right and can't be wrong. Anyway, watch all three of those movies if you can. You will enjoy them.

     There really isn't a whole lot for me to talk about this week, hence the starting out with some recommendations. I have decided on a couple of things to do when my mom goes for her visit to that hospice house. I of course am having work done on my car, it's just maintenance stuff, but important, so I can get that out of the way. I'm also planning a long and perusing visit to the record store. I've always been constrained to someone else's time so I don't really get the chance to truly appreciate what is there. Although I broke my eating yesterday with a few sweet treats, I'm extending the 4 weeks until the 7th of January, so I can enjoy that time to myself. This coming week would be week 4 and I would be on my off week on Jan.3rd, so I'm just extending the clean eating for 4 more days. I plan on having another latte, Yeah I know I'm going crazy.

     The 7th is also a pretty big day for me in general. That will be the fifth year anniversary of my last drink. I've had several thoughts on this, all from maybe I should break the streak and have a drink, just to see what it would do to me, or to actually celebrate the fact that I've successfully gone 5 years without a drink. The having a drink thing would be more of a science experiment to me, but I don't think it's a necessary one. I've never tested the drinking on keto thing. Keto supposedly drastically weakens your tolerance, which was something I had a plethora of before I quit. I doubt I could drink now what I did then regardless. What this brings me to, is that I'm not going to do that test and simply do something a rarely do and acknowledge a pretty lofty accomplishment and that is 5 years of sobriety. 

     Ok, Favorite Song of the Week comes from a pretty iconic band that I recently became more enamored with thanks to my buddy, and this song oddly enough I first heard as a sort of cover in a video game. The band is none other than Pearl Jam and the song which I heard first on the video game The Last of Us 2, is "Future Days". It's beautiful yet haunting. I find it sad, but I'm sure most other people will get a different emotion from it. I'm just coming from a different place than most people. I'm hoping you will go search out Joel's version from the game, but I'm going to share with you the original PJ version, so here is Pearl Jam with "Future Days".

     My current goal is to learn that song on guitar. I've been lacking in anything creative and that includes picking up the guitar or ukulele. I miss it very much but whenever I try to get the urge to pick either of them up, something stops me. This has created a pretty dark existence for myself and I'm hoping this song and the gifts that my buddy gave me will spark something. I still want to write and draw and create, but I'm struggling with actually doing it right now. I've always liked a challenge, so my new challenge is to break this dark cycle. I'll let you know how that goes. Peace in and goodnight.

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